The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-26, Page 23community news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 26, 1983 -Page 2 Riulev barszain shoe closed last week... strum page 4 Early last week Mrs. Beverley Vlllenue closed her Bargain Centre Shop just east of the main intersection. John Colling, who was a patient in Kincar- dine district Hospital, is now residing in the Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lueknow. Mrs. Annie MacKinnon who was a patient in Kincardine Hospital, 18 naw back home with her husband Hamilton in their apart- ment in Huron Villa in Ripley. John Gamble called last week to remind folks that it. is now the time to make the en- tries in Class 21 of the 1901 ttipley fall fait. You say that the fair is ovet. Well not quite. The committee in Charge of Class 21 is John and Barb Gamble, Cecil and Wilma Sutton, and entries Can be left with them. They will be viewed and judged on the evening of Lucknowmixed Ladies high single, Betty Stanley 25.1. Ladies high triple, Hefty Stanley 629. Ladies ovet 200: Hefty Stanley .25J, 218; Cream Agnew 240, Nannie McDattald 22J, 221; Oetty McCann 21.1, Men's high single, Steve Catvefl 227. Men's high ttiple, Oetald Hhody 542. Paints and standings: ()ciphers S, 2J; Katngaroo§ id, 18; ggtttttels 11, 20; Chipmunks g, 18; Cats 14, 21; Tigers 11, 24, November 14 - next meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Sotiety. George McLean is cutting down the Chinese eltn trees along the south side of the Knox Church Shed. Assistingg ,him are Morley Ktistan and Hrenda McLean. The trees which wete planted over yeats.ago have now dead limbs which Could fall and do damage. The first foot Care Clinic wits held last Thursday morning in the Ripley Legion Hall with the Victorian Order Nurse Mrs. Bonnie Paulusse of Kincardine in charge. Mrs. Ethel White at Huron Villa is taking appoint- ments for the second one *filth will be held in the same place on the third Thursday in the month Nov. 17. Her phone number is 195- 5394. Miss Debbie Gamble, daughter of John and flatbata Gamble, left tot Lake Louise, Ladies league Trudy Potan bowled the high single with a 254. peat Martyonald bowled the high ttiple with a610. Oarmes of 200 and *vet: peat MacDonald 20q, 212; tttrth Jardine 20J, Sandy U{Aotrst 218, Joan Livingston 210. 216; 5hitley Haw- thotne 2'01, Bemire Kemp 221, tttidy t~otan. 254. team paints and standings: Mexico 5, 21; Holland 5, 21; U.S'i:A. 2, 20; China 7, 14; 5cotiand 2, 16; Canada 0, S. Joe Leuthard Real Este Ltd REALTOR 111111btf1 1 W1 I - 98 metes vacant Wadi ystetitafca t e ewe , no a , a ings. HURON CWP. - 22410 metes, 190 workahle, larttow to finish set up, 2 stater house and drive shed,ood rash etop trend: HURON `t W P, - 120 metes, 115 wadable, new sow batty, new house widet construc- tion, FCC' mottgagee art good tette available, K1NLd55 CWP. - 200 aetes, 187 watkable, nice family fattm, with beef and hog set up incl. 2 stater brick house, PCC art good tate atvatilatble. K1NL055 CWP. - 3+00 goes, 175 cares watltattle, balance patty goad hardwood, pticed to WEST R WAWANbtSH CWP. - 175 care„ hwy. location, excellent house, new stied. Make am diet, WE5T WAWANCYSH TWP. - 100 mete, q0 workable, lattge holm and bean, goad ctoplatnd, A5HPIEL1Y CWP. - 200 actes, 180 wotkatble, latge baths, silo, dtive shed, 11/2 storey I1ttiY 1WP. - 24q acres, exceptional tattoo/ to finish set up for 200 sows and 550 hogs, new lattge bungalow, ma51 be seen. EA 5t W A W ANd511 CWP. - 1418 aetes, 150 watkable, lovely Berme, cit present used ars sheep breeding fatten, good livestock barns. CCYLBO>` RNE CWP. - 441.5 aicte5, 45 violable, all systemarticaily Med, house and bairn, neat town. We Italie owe tattoo to offer tit rwasho t We* ern f intim, G4ve mea Stiff Wily, %, Lucknow We r g�t� 5294183 71 FOR SALE 10 SAM Si,, NIIAN6t11E HEW 82000 HOME_ 4 044166ViVie Mia# W &Mg, M+fw IVo6vot & feemw4 itOtiv £ Mang rem. wewti klfie ry 61n1tvg 6%4 Ie tfity WWI. twtrrrnthy+ f&Wit - .4fE fEn6WV, litifOWASYV4 $4�vetr , 17/1 &father, toinswil Mow, Imo' tErf+eldeayt od ri! 116'" to4, ,19,9OdP OPEN -T1 so 4 Eel. 1,4 pm 44 ft#o & a 1,5 pm (fillt NO AK* 1 O We CLARKE FERGUSON Me 395-5454 Alberta on Sunday after spending two weeks vacation at her home on the Sixth Conces- sion east in Huron township. Debbie has spent one year and a half at the beautiful Lake Louise Hotel where she is assisting in the management. Lake Louise is north west of Banff. fvlichael Gamble who is attending Seneca College in Toronto was home for the weekend. Old andoung neighbours of Mr. Ralph Hunter met at the home of Mrs. Ambrose Gamble on Ripley Street in Ripley on frti- day afternoon Ott. 21 to Celebrate Mr. Hunter's forthcoming 99th birthday on Tues- day Oct. Zb. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter have resided on Railway Street just east of the Ripley post office for the past 15 years. biting this tithe they have made many friends here. The good wishes of all wete well expressed dur- ing the afternoon. Our thanks goes to secretary Don Mit Tavish of the Ripley fall fair for the stai- dings of the prize winners in the eleven field crop competitions held this past summer - a record number for the Ripley Society and also for the district. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCreath are back home to Ripley. 13111 and Helen flew frotn Toronto to Las Vegas. `there 13111 attended a meeting of the National Association of t'uneral b►itectors on Monday and Tuesday a week ago. A week ago today they flew barb to Toronto. The convention was attend- ed by more than a thousand delegates froth United States and Canada. Bill represented the MacKenzie McCreath 1 uneral Homes. The funeral director from Shelburne was the nearest one to 1tipley who was there with several from Landon, Toron- to and other places. The Man To See Is St, HELENS AREA, 00 tet * with 55 workable: Hardwood buses, riot Nola with out without atop o1 grain cwrrr, priced to sell ®WbbNOCK tWP:, 100 setts, 00 wotkeble, wall tiled, excellent cash atop loom with horse barn, Impl.ffi* l shed, asking f110,000: ROYAL BANK building, Ideal office of business oppeftuntty, vault, •air conditioning and paved packing: LUCK NOW Ideally located 4 bodtoom berate, 2 beditiOnt* up, 1 down, spacious kltd an, hying and dinning stems: PIIICi B KIO11t, Inspoot this ttreently tefutblthed 2 bedroom bungalow, locetsd 1 block from poet office and store*. Ideally suited ss fsf1femsnt home: POiit AL0gftt, 4 bedroom custom built home, 2 fiteplates, Wally tooth, 2 oaf g6f60, on letge lot, over 2000 sq: it of living otos: Mk 16 view nils horns, feduted In pike. ®©D€fRICH, 2 bedtoorw home, well located ofl Sanusi* head, arae intik*, lacing and dining moms, 2 end 2 place baths, full else lot, taduasd to =w,500.I Mull be sofa. LUCK NOW d full stied lets, Deihl Such, available In Mod of separately: Prised to sell. C6itININY Ht►R41, highway locatiew, Ktnteugh area, k bsdvoerrw, well malrrtalnsd, kat 2 buffo, dolled well, with approxitnotety 2 scree of Iand. Excellent value at Induced lam, LUBKIWW DUPLEX, both *penmen.* love 2 bedtoom*, doss to downtown, tedt ood to toll: A214#IBtt CWP:, deity km, 210 sorer hfg*way looetlon, 11lp40 Otte, etteilont home, cetyl, quote fegobable: KINLOSS titVP.,100 votes, 2 bsrdtoowr home, thweitont rata, NuitalMle for fatf6wirrg end boot Approtcim6tely 20 MN* wdtkabfe, 80 stem hardwood bti*li, befea6e tolote*ted, Wel (.11,661e61 er votatlo* ptopeft f, Elrooifent lietitng, Asking $4,800: ASHFIB'LB CWP:, 240 'tete*, 2 wottkebts,,LListewwel l� toil, lhrrnetulato Iris: K INL6�5S t�vP.,16b► aeres,e bf�, bre* rw n, were 6. -admit,/ wo 6* 55 HURON i'kt/P., 150 earls hlghw6y, $121,btdd. $4 CVP., Lesdi6lsiii,15 acres mixed farm and tsa*lt crop, 11 aortic home, Imese ',musky(' birth, him Implem6*4 *lied, MAO 61161. p6r lutthew► itikif Wetlett m there ptepeftle* pidie*o t WAf1ABN IND IOW FINN, K. I1. EUCKNOW, 8204280 t Latus VALit6q elf S, 000011604, 5 44 522O01 Ltrckrtbw 111CR1V0141, g yr% atd,lr kowtow, *epode prntge, paved d toe, malty elate*, mitt% $0,500,410. Ki,(1i55, MO we*, /0 - 80 woltible with good kurtt eratom* Rood. Adkins it59,500. At %OSS+, 100 ,rete hector, &tweed lett gave', 10 awe* gern4 Watt, VACANT COI Sew Coyesty goal 1, 15M x 14 ow ovdtddete est( Mee, fm4405Si, 16fi' ate*, 60 wteduchle, how set up Stint brAA Clad gid buildittga. twee to deereed t6 acrd. MUM, M,12'S de,tea,140 * w**14r,10 *eve* good futifd wood Wok pot. hese, 2 bate* *ad to ktptiomeot shed; 1d tem de ere mittuviVithv etohoust4t. Plemeadatis so 1% tee septoved pe holey. C1JLROSS CWP., 51 *ow*, 45 *ere* wottiobte. AS '11 1 'MP., 1O tete*, 64 w Let 1040'9V, tette *tevey, 2fiedVooto hotoe, 2Motto from motto 0free1 pea! h1ve, *bldg ir20,406. WOW 1 bedtoo+rs6► 6+rtr^girtoli' with ottathiell gattege, $` moo vhh t/kepltaee s o4 hurt Wetted d lil'lh dreAt 1 e!ttt. h era to doe. COVIErffit SC1Fl001, HOME, , 1 dem ivith We moo* Milipteik, new 51. Wks*. Le'Gnt* iyee' litt good I, „box **toy hetidlug,1bedroom, Wei** golivig mow etieettfued lidth 4. both and 4 0. kftetteri ,ad &tog toiled eozotAted 4 p�.ititu42 pr. h th. MM. W11'1` C itAr , +e* lvadfittmg., coaN1 be 1 *oversee* 2 , new cotificitatfoo eAi- t rammite. Mt* todlotted to 514,6160. Pet mer rydomorttow ow theoe and 64fity popery/ft p eta MASS itftlaNNON S0 5,-21tgq BARRY it+foDOVAfr11'1 52.1011 DAVID itoistiMNON 1q4-2493 Eit 4 1