The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-19, Page 16A 4o• A J 9a�.N M•.... • `$° '- f. Yi• • Iw." k j 1.' 44 ,s4 S, • .4'I IA'•. PLAY IT BMART t,•R I• '';If 4Ia $• Iku r Y• 1 4. .17 f• b r0 ,0.41. .t•.•4,1,• v : 0• 1) 1100 4'.414, .Dl 4" , ' fs :. i • ,^ 1 Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 19, 1983 -Page 16 . GET INTO -nu- , • 7., To. 114:C :% w 4, M • -N ,w nw. 9' /" d 4.4 i. ^:41 • '84 .:.. 14 ' • 1sY„ .• ua: an.44, a: > 1.i: J:iX441 HA .411, 1 46". "44.'.. h r 4 ::.;J' 4':. e4-,4•`4•4. e1 ' •144 ' "444•r 44* •92 1 ...r .,7:r1 "L 'M .• ,71 7<".. �nrA, ;wk.., 4 • 020. 4•. ~•'v 5 ur. it,,. - .r zeta',«t 00rfd.Y444,,,60.16040044rf,.f.ifiiON6000*d.f ff OOda.Ud,Nadia, 1. Articles for sale aomm mmodimdmmaii.laridflamird6il,YdfN®d4ameiisaa lflrstird,tirr LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Ask me how. Nutritional weight loss program. Distributor of Herbalife, Carl and Marg McClenaghan, R. # 5, Lucknow. Phone 357-1988. --42,43 ONE YEAR-OLD HENS for sale, live 51.00 or butchered Sf.50• Phone 392-6453. -42,43 7" it 64' ENDLESS HAMMERMILL HELT, like new. Medium sized Quebec heater, real good. G. Anderson, 529-7358. --42x FIREWOOD. Seasoned hardwood. S28 for 1' x 4' x 8' picked up. Delivery can be arranged. Phone 528-5102. -42.43 PERSONALIZED WEDDING and anniver- sary invitations. Call Marilyn Murray, 528- 3635.-42tfat RAILWAY TIES for sale. Phone 881-1934. -42 45 SPY APPLES for sale. Phone 392-6421. -42,43 NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed ducks and geese. Phone 528-2299. -42-45 SAWDUST BEDDING, delivered. Phone 881-1934. -41 44 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids. support garments, convalescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524-7241.-8tfeovv r NOW 1I STOCK iLhne IN50LE4 BAGS JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. LUCKNOW 528-3118 Classified Rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5 P.M. MONDAYS" ''WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEKENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL Be 5P.M. FRIDAYS based ora the amber of words - $3.00, 14e per word thereafter GAGEMENTS - Flat rate of S6.00, 10.00 whir MEMOR1AZ'1v15 - 53.00 pias 35e per of verse ARM OF THANKS - 25 wards 53.00, each am even) Err 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MEtliT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOL- LOWING INSERTION. 10 : ARB TO THIS O'FFI'CE - .00 for that weefr d 51.04 each wee* matter. 528-2822 M4644,641.1144 - •- 46. d.. "0I 4. ,116: . 0., '' I PIO' '4 '2 "4,., id,l 1 r it.. an 1,, orf. e' :Fes. K' ret''' ,...1/, r' 3•, ',N M Or ..,- '•8:W ' y, , .0..'-u.x+ ..4 . x.'. G, .•.. yx n4I A.,•,,,„ .'si '6!W a. , .%0.+., ,,,,,g, v/4 .. x>(ah ditd i11.2 1. 4~ 1. Articles for sale diitfitaiwrrdro444row4144046446400.6 4o4i0al4dY44444r44rdO WOOD STOVE AND FIREPLACE INSERTS considered among the finest and most efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. THE WOODIIURNER SHOP, DUNGANNON, 5294949, -40tf LOOKING P011 THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS 011 WEDDING GIFT/ Hand made, knitted afghans. Can be seen at Lorna Hutton's, 732 Stauffer Street or phone 528-2604. --41,42x REDUCED PRICES On Jamboree '83 souvenirs - beer mugs, T-shirts, caps, flags. Available at Johnstone Furniture. -33tf TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf RUHHER STAMPS, business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs, personal address labels. M1 your printing requirements. Cowan Printing & Atvertlahttg Service, brandy, 520-2130, -21 tf INVIT'ATIONS - Pour different catalogues of personalized wedding and anniversary invi- tations and accessories, available for over- night viewing. Pot appointment call Marilyn Murray, 528-3635.-24tfar CEDAR POSTS for sale. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773. -11 tf TAXI BUSINESS Good second income, for wife, son or daughter. Wi11 trade our pickup or property. James Mettler, 528-3116.-40tfar d ilr ,6444 'fifi*a•0iiia'irrsdt.rdlrM.404-r474.0441, 4*.04004 5. Cars, trucks for sale .rrtirf+.w.cr.+fvrrr,r.Iw..rn+rr.i.cr 1977 PLYMOUTH VOILARA, 225 slant six, auto.. P.S.. 4 door. good condition. HEST OFFER. Phone 528-3116. -42ar 1981 BLUE DATSUN 310, dehixe interior, front wheel drive. Call 528-2447 after 6 p.m. -42 r�,.�.►�r.w«talar - - .:.Wrd�rt�.+.rr..«'.►rrr 9. Accommodation to rent r. oi.crfcr,,IPe .r.fr.1.+r..1.11 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Luck now. Apply to Box 4. c/o The Luck now Sentinel. Box 400. LUCKNOW NOG 2H0. -41tf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow. with fridge and stove. available immediately. Glennhaven Apartments. 529- 7030. after 6 p.m. -39tf TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Tees - water. frig and stove included. available immediately. Elora Street Apartments. Call 364-4327 or 367-2391 after 6 p.m. 4011 ONE BEDROOM. heated apartment. frig and stove. Phone 528-2113. -33tf BEDSiTT16'4G ROOM. heated. furnished. cooking facilities. linen supplied. Phone 528-3723. -37tf TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Lucknow. availble November I. 1983. large area for garden. water softener. Apply in writing to Box 5. c 'o Lucknow Sentinel. Box 400. Lucknow. !VOG 2H0. --42s APARTMfIl FOR RENT. in Dungannon. two bedroom. carpeted. Phone 529-1888. -42.43,44 18. Service available DUN THOMPSON Tv AND APPLIANCES - Sales arid Service: rower aro anvenita installation: Satellite Systems by Channel Master: refrigeration service: Atari cartrid- ges for rent. Ripley 395-34666- -42tf 'f.:k'tl .11,4:44.', A 4!i4 yt.'t • '144. 1 . ... ••wr y'•^IV). , • 12. Help wanted HELP WANTED Part Time A ssistant to Clerk Treasurer Typing and some accounting knowledge required. Please apply in writing only, stating your qualifications and hourly wage expected to: Ila M. WHITCROI!T, Clerk, Village of Lueknow, Roz 40, Lueknow, Ont. NOG 2110 14. Employment wanted WILL DO HABYSITT1NG in my home anytime. Call Mary at 528-3206. -42 dfi.fi.f4f..ar.fc.y . 15. Tenders 4111,10.0.01100 VILLAGL OF LUCK NOW SNOW REMOVAL TENDERS Sealed tenders clearly remarked ao to content* swill be retelved Iry the under- signed until 5100 p.m. November 1, 1983 for snow removal for the 1983-84 season. Lowest or my tender nut necessarily accepted. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW E. M. Whitcroft, Clerk Bax 40, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 5284530 .14 18. Services available SHOE REPAIRING Enos Miller Lot 17. concession 13 West Wawanosh Twp, R. R. s 1. Luc -kw -3w -42.43,441 PIANO TUNING and repairs: used pianos bouglrt and ' sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (W Ingham) 357-1049. -34tf EXCAVATING ANBD TRUCKING sand, gravel and topsoil. Phone Robert Symes. Lncknmw, 528-3441. -35tf NEED A CARPENTER?? Experienced in carpentry and home renowa- trons including roofing. plumbing- cabinet making acrd electrical. Call 528-3834 after 6 p. rte. -40-49 BACK HOEING AB ALDi0ZJNG Gomel red Tepsald CALL WAYNE BUSHELL 395-3310 -4O43 1.. • •„p' 4 ✓,"IN,.' yl., . fir. ,. f 141' ,.. 4'°'i4 .•Iti .1 • U' • a I i.a "f 4. 17. Auction Sales ANYONE HAVING HOUSEHOLD furniture, electrical appliances in good working condition and other household items for sale, please contact Auctioneers Grant McDonald, 395-5353, Wallace Sallagh, 392-6170. -42,43ar LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE 801 Haldenby, 395.5142 Allan R. Miller, 528.2299 Joe Metzger, 395.54$2 Licensed Auctioneers LET US CONDUCT Y01.111 SALE --42,44,46,4$ar AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques will be held for Mrs. Robert Montgomery Centre Street, Winghani 1 corner east of the post office SATURDAY, OCT. 29 at 12t00 NOON For information phone 35T-1115 TERMS CASH 0111AN RINTOUL Auctioneer -42,43 Coalitionist Aeon Soh will be held at the LINIglid10 School 3 corners east and 3 corners north of Lueknow SATURDAY, °cTOaER 22nd at 11 sauna 190 Ford 3/4 ton truck as is; 10/5 Buick, 2 door, as is; 10/8 Ford LTD.; 2 aluminum industrial ladders; hammer mill; rabbit cages amd waterers; watch; Lloyd's add. Ing machine; antique bullet; antique chair; antique brass bad, large assort- ment of new Hems Including 2 - 24" air tight wood staves with fans, CSA approved fellgible for government grant); hest reefaimer; plus other new stoves; splitting axes; socket sets; hammers; knives; wrenches; rivet gun; impact wrench; swede saw; 6" swivel eke; 7" grinder; 3/4 socket set; 1/2" socket sets; sledge handles; rain sults; gloves; stocks; shovels; small drill press; large drill press; round bele feeder: hog feeders; bale fork. Other items, 1081 Yamaha; chain saw; double sinks; wringer wash - On; tOt; suit cases; oil stoves; water taroks; record players; bus sect; tires•, Malts; trunk; school desk; New Holland baler; M . F . Mies; mast grinders; lunch pale; waffle Iran; hair dryers; baby buggy; lanterns; seaters; slerlgh; table; writing desk; tatresters; barbequa; fireplace screen; slow %moving signs; pails; sprrhrkl- er can; forks; horsey itaatfers; quilt purse; electric Iron; samosas; dart t[rwar'ea; 110tmrors; eurshkrrie; books; tan avatar; carpal sweeper; grotto quo; sleetrle fan; *Mark heater; ceiling etgh1 day Block, Kook fly sprayers; bamboo ro0 dawns; haps; mfror enetessr ler dresser; cash registers; 40 year-eid hems; 1000 tratlftre sno+enwebttt. Any additions or deletions given daffy of sate, TERMS CASH 01R CHEQUE WWI 1.0. Sam Mawaggers; LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE Lich Aodlm veers% JOE S4ETZGER.1+415-582 BHLL HAL,®EN Y, 395.5142 AELAN SII IEE. 528-2299 or 392 - LUNCH BOOrIff ON GROUNDS 18. Services available ( l✓'SYOMWifiT.Diiis4G. lxnr-traMe and in -shop Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates. reasonable rates St. Helms Sllg.., S28-6945. -furl