The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-12, Page 10weddings Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 12, 1983—Page 10 Married in St. Clements (Photo by Pail (Mist) Stover d Kennard Doug Stever rtt R, 1 Holytood and Tracey Kennard of R. 1St. Clements wete married at St. Clements Roman Catholic Church, St, Clements opt August 2O, 1(043. Rev. W. L. Ryan and Rev. Ed O►entinget officiated. The bride is the daughter of bred and Pauline Kennard, R. 1 St, Clements and the gtoom's patents ate 1at1 and Kay Stever? 14. 3 llolytood. !Mary Dixon, friend of the bride and gtootti, Lucknow, Cathy Potter, friend of the bride, Heidelbetg, Cathy 'Kunix, sister of the groom, Kitchener and Clitistine Kennard, sistet of the bride, St. Clements wete bridesmaids. Steve Allan, friend of the bride and groom, Holytood was groomsman and Danny Kuntz, btothet-in-law of the gtoom, Kitchenet, Randy Kennard, brother of the btide, St. Clements and hick Passmore, friend of the groom, Lucknow usheted guests. Matilyn Murray of Lucknow provided the wedding music. Robbie 1-lerteis of 51. Clements and Stephen Tiffin wete altar boys. (Photo by Prank Phillips) Hartung - Chisholm Donald Victor Uattung of R. 1 Gowanstown and Leola Irene Chisholm of Dungannon were united in marriage at Zion United Church, 1t. 1, Gowanstown on Saturday, October 1. 1983 at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Cecil Wittich officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mt. and Mts. Leonard Chisholm of Dungannon and the gtootrrs patents ate Ruth Hartung, 14. 3. Listowel, and the late Victor Hartung. Virginia Caesar, sister of the bride, Dungannon was matron of honour and Btenda Brisbin, friend of the bode. Gowanstown, Diana teddy, friend of the bride, London and Joyce Kean, friend of the btide. Auburn, were btidesmaids. Doug Btisbin, friend of the groom, Gowanstown, was groomsman and Kevin Weber, friend of the groom, Palmerston, Cohn Chisholm, btothet of the bride. Dungannon. and Gilbert Johann, cousin of the groom'. Belmore were ushers. A reception followed at the Lucknow Community Centre. Following a honeymoon in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. the couple are residing on the gtoom's dairy farm at 1f. 1. Gowanstown. Lucknow UCWIzold Detober rneetings !Unit 2 Unit 2 of Lucknow U.C.W. met in the fellowship toom October 4, Mary MacGilliv- ray opened the the meeting with Thanks- giving verses. The roll call was answered with Thanks- giving verses. After the basiness period in which soap was collected for the mission Stypply committee. Mts. Bruce MacKenzie read the scripture. Mts. William Campbell led the meditation on Thankfulness and closed with a prayer. Mrs. William Bolt gave a reading. The Brash is in God's Wand, describing hove all the beauty of natrite is the work of God. The topic on Thanksgiving, prepared by Mts. Petet Cook. was read by Mrs. M. Gibson . Mrs. Rob Cambell had a reading ory Thanksgiving. Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray played two piano it►sttu+mentals. Mrs. Stuart Rea -vie took evetyone on a travelogue to Rome. feanvva and Stuart Reavie were on a severe day tour to Ronne itv August. Deanna .showed pictures and told M the centuries, old religious sculptures and buildings evident throughout R'onnt. 1f makes one marvel' at the craftsmanship of the people so many years ao. winery there was no mechanical] equipme e�t. firth / Mts. Beat Alton was the hostess for t1 October meeting of Lucknow U.C.W. Unit 3, with Mrs. boss Shiel'Cs in charge. The theme was Thanksieving. The toll call. a bible vet expressing thanksgiving, was answered by 13 ladies. Mts. Lawrence MacLeod took chatge of the program by reading an account of the first Thanksgiving dinner by the Pilgrims. Mts. John McDonald read the scripture and read two poems, Canada, the Land of Bounteous Goods. and Thank You God.• Prayer was offered by Mrs. MacLeod who irvttoduced Mns. Mon to give some thoughts on Thanksgiving. Mrs. MacLeod conducted two oral cont- ests. one on the Bible, the other on food. Mrs. Shells offered brayer for mission- aries in India, the Keith Jamieson. Cakes of soap were collected for the supply office and white shhtts for hospital gowns. Mrs. Harvey Webster read a list of food and helpers needed for the upcoming fowl scupper and received a good response. Cult 4 Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church Women met for their regular meeting otw Tuesday. October 4 with 22 members in atterndance. The roll can was answered with a current event. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie took charge of the program. which had a Thanksgiving theme. She read a poem of Thanksgiving Thoughts and followed with the scripture. Mrs. Ken Cameron' gave the meditation and Mrs. Rill Graham read a poem. Our Thanks to You. Mrs. Cameron gave the offertory prayer. Two pleasing piano numbers were given by Mrs,. Graham. Mts. Dan togan spoke oh Mexico. She and her husband spent the winter months in Brownsville. Texas and Mrs. Logan showed slides of a tour they had taken into Mexico. Mrs. Ritchie closed the program with prayet. MMS. Fill Rogues, unit leader. conducted the business. Plans were made for the turkey supper Tuesday. October 1S. A social time followed. Si. Augustine CSL plans bazaar St. Augustine CWL held their meeting October 3. Mrs. Joe Hickey opened with prayer. The ladies are planning a haraar November 12 at the Parish Hall. The bazaar will include a penny sale. a craft table. a hake table and chances ort a money tree. The quilt. afghan and cushion and baby quilt the ladies are selling tickets on for a draw will be on display at the Goderich .mall cw October 15. Tickets are available from the president of the league and the draw will be made October 15. LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16TH Worship Service and Sunday School 11:30 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE ELCdl'KE._. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH i2lst Anniversary Sunday, October 16th, 1983 11 t00 A.M. MORNING SERVICE 7':30P.M. EVENING SERVICE AM) SOCIAL 110114 GUEST SPEAKER: Mr.. Poul Henderson Bfrtnirtghatn, Mahouts EVERYONE WELCOME "VI ounce's bier eters SKIDOOS, MOIORCYCLEC LAWN MOWERS, CHAIN SAWS Repairs to all Make. Ploatitirtitibla pato MAUI ICE MILTBNBURG R. fl. i LUCKNOW r ..._..,579-7'516 15 EATING YOUR CAR? Maclyn Mfg. Ltd. 111/4 mi, N. of Moho? W. off Hwy. 021) LOOK FOR TWB mous Marrdoy to Saturdary 8:00 a.m. - 0:00 p.m. 395-3352 NOW IS THE TIME teeth, you're d Notchy player or fvure skater........ Nbwr fit this time to r.pf.ee your skates with qualify 4kotes from LES PETTER SHOES LUCK NOW 02S-2011