The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-12, Page 4news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 12, 1483—Page 4 Boys sent to China to learn native customs... *bum page 1 Abrupt Tutu In 045, at the age of stir, his life took an abrupt turn. Harry deckled that his two sons, hobby and eddy, should be educated in the language and customs of their native cultur y, which, to him, meant China. He took he two boys back across half the world to th small mountain village hi the Hopei prti ce of China, where he had gtown up. their mother didn't t$-companythem. bob vaguely recalls a tug-of-war between his parents which his mother lost, and he has neithe seen not heard of her since. He spent time, latet in his life, seatching for het. "it was taboo in those days to marry an outsider," he says, which he feels accounts tot why nobody evet acknowledged meeting hf�r of knowing het whereabouts when lie searched and questioned people in China- town.His father would never say anything about her. (tarry only stayed in the mountain village long enough to settle the boys with a female relative. three days after they arrived, their father returned to Canada. bobby and Eddy didn't see him again for si* years. "We were a little frightened, at first, but when we left that village, everyone could sing You Ate My Sunshine and don't pence Me lti, in English, without understanding a word." He doesn't recall much in the way of prejudice against them, despite their Occid- ental,blood, but if there was a fight the racial remarks would come out proving that there is do real hone for those of mined blood. In 1950, Harty sent a runner to fetch the boys from the village and deliver them to an uncle in 1' o'vloon. "The Communists were closing the borders, and if we hadn't gotten out then, we might have been there for a long time," says bob. They stayed in Kowloon a year before travelling, alone, bark to Canada. They met their father again at union Station. "He was late," recalls bob. 1-larry had moved to the village of Otter- ville, near tlllsonbur , where he owned a restaurant. He put the boys in school. ''I couldn't remembet any English so 1 was put back in Grade pour. being so far behind, and being Chinese, 1 found 1 couldn't get any respect unless 1 fought for it. I got as far as the second year of high school before I was est pelled." He moved away from his father at the age of 15 and began drifting around the tilisonburg area, holding odd jobs. then he met Grant Mountain, the barber in Otter- viile, and his wife, Doreen. "They kind of adopted tae, 1 guess. 1 remember 1 was working iii a canning factory at the time. When September rolled around they wanted me to go back to school. When 1 refused, Grant threatened to kick me out. He said, '1 don't raise bums.' So we made a deal, and 1 went to Shaw business College." It was Doreen Mountain who arranged the interview at fratikel Steel in Toronto that started gob's career. Having overcome a drastically interrupted childhood and - education, and, in his mid -thirties, the break up of his first marriage (he . has two children, Serena, 15, and Darryl, 11) he went on . to become general manager at Peel. He is now remarried to Doreen, a woman of Jap- anese -Canadian descent, who is a nurse. "It's a beautiful world," claims bob, despite the ttials of his past. "1f 1 can make it in this wotld, doing what 1 most want to da, it would be like living a fantasy." Task force looks at the crisis facing area farmers. ottato page 1 Wm, Mef nail commented that a farmer would not ettpand it he could make a decent living on .100 aetes and have time to invest in his eommunity, instead of three of four fatmets owning all the land thete would be mote Witten, fanning smallet faints *hick means, there would be mote people to suppott the businesses and schools in the community, if you have 11 farmers buying tractors -to faun 1,000 aetes you have mote ball beatings, mote tires and more going on in the eeonomy -and more people who own and eonttol things *hie* immediately effort them, suggest McQuail, fever people ate pushed off the land and (breed to seek etttplooyymeat in the uttan areas which cannot provide employment Pot them, this is crucial to a viable democtacy. ,Clatence Ackert, second vice-ptesidetit of the Bruce County Cattlemen's Association, told the task fotee agtieulture in the province has been beaten down to a state of despait. Ackert suggested that if a stabilisation progratti is implemented, t7intatio (Graters will still be at a disadvantage because fattnets its other provinces have teceived assistance Pot two yeats. Mete is a ttemendous shortfall in Ontario and fatmets here must be paid a lump sum to catch up, bringing the fatmets to a competitive +posi- tion with fatmets in other ptovinces, Aeitett said. on one important point. the pto tarn fot beginning farmers should be applicable to fatmetg who have started in the industty in the past three to five yeats. the iltuee County fedetation • Agticultute pointed out that the beginni tmet Ptogtam is SAVE ittit Fly Spray LV Konk6.35 9,9 Konk Too MBOp. 7.91 I.tl Air Guard Mister .75 !a be held Lucknow District Co-op 7 LUCKNOW Jamboree '83 WINDUP NIGHT Saturday, Oclobcr 29, '83 Jamboree '83 Committee PresetYlg Jamborce 83 Parade, Le on Drumhead Service ell on Videotape and Sound 2 g/w wlrtgrg 7:00p.M. CHILtflWNAND t'4MILYS1.00 4CH.... $5.00 FAMILY gi.•610 P.M. ADULT aNCIWINO !Mogi be t7vefr 1 gi iyrg.1$6. 00 COUIL t DANGE IO' 11OYtY (ACHES -MA five years too late and at this time, the ptiotity should be to help e*isting fatmets, to keel's theta viable. the Hutton fedetation of Agticultute said in its brief that fatting is not only an oreupation but a way of life. If this is the life you choose and you ate willing to tooth the tong bouts necessaty, there is an impetus to move now of you might not get the cliatiee. Ovet ptoduetion and low commodity ptiees may mean new fattnets ate not necessary now but we should addtess the long tette health of the industty, said the Huron federation. Manyof the otganitations told the task fotee tey deplote the atistetity measutes affecting the e*rtension offices of the ()Maria Ministty of Agtictitttite and food actoss the ptowittce. the ptovincial budget coveting the direct dpetating ettpenses for (MAP county offices has been slashed $3.1 milliofi compared with the ptevious fiscal year. As a result these offices are unable to maintain the established level Of service to farmers. this comes at a time when the best available teehnotogy is tequited to revitalize the aegtieultural industty, commented the brief prepared by Otey County Federation of Agticultute. the Hilton Potlt Ptodueets told the task force they suppott the so-called fetgusan Hill up to the point *trete the courts can otdet lendets to forgive loans. This would not only be an injustice to Ietidets, but it would also tend to sevetely curtail the confidence of feed companies, machinery companies and farmer lenders to invest in agriculture. Ross tedy ptesident of the Huron Pork tom to page 040 Alexanian Carpet 7 DAY! ONLY . uP WLST BE CtEARED! .•4 • . •, r! P., pP P',' "/>`. ^,n 1 91 •n ��,4 fi-,r' ;,• .n, Pi )r. c)A1.F. ENIA O f IORER22 Atielttide Horth 1116 OsheArne.su Drive 445'3 s,/ *� rM. 1trSP hPr Gu ?p�1 Hwy LONDON ,' r0grart to Xiti�a�+r»r MOROD1 DOTS 1? gf7?fR FOR /A -i f...Si:4Cf 1975 Cram-; at,d9 t nr