The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-05, Page 161 PLAY IT SMART . 4 9:.K' .« • ••.44 t:tL•7,, M t4 .18 IN ..4• 4,,,. 4 :4•.e1.o.. 44 • .., •,p • `••k w r. •, . •.' 4) 4 MA ,••••,•",4•4. ' Of' ..A '>.: . 4f.D,M4 •ll. leer ORA: ; a. 9,14$,. Kf •,4 *,4 +.6 4•0,44•4N10• a .» . i 1PAi ACC r r' j 1111 :Wre Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1983 -page 16 GET INTO - 0. •4. 4W 1,44 4 4C, • av .t 1,4 41 i 44 J •%1 4044.. 4e r 4 « 0(14 . ‘SX, ,. ak y41: .. :144V4 4r4"' 1400 1 4,0 r..s, t 6.06 '•• . Aa• u 4 , 3.•'•a. A,.:4 lAitInt,i 437 .AEtt. C '4 1 n n `40.'• 4 . v .n Ma• f.N6' S4',^.M .44:, J1441. 4131 ;y f. I N ' f t f • 4 xf... 40"$'44. ftp roe a'14 weor 9. �.: a • u r v , •, .,.....�, .. • •.,4 CA. 64••• k,• . •.,-•%N ( x. ,•. M „, r AA' I'4 34, • . •.1 ". •,• 4'4,4 K• ; .x+..+. ,x,x• )4,46 • Oa" 4146 Ex. 0 . r. 4x .4, U 11 • 1. Articles for sale OEM 411041. 1. Articles for gale 5. Care, trucks for sale 5. Cars, trucks for sale 17. Auction Sales BUY NOW - washstands, beds, dressers, finished or unfinished, dishes, pictures, etc. THIS & THAT SHOPPE, Lucknow, ' 528-2723. -40eow TWO OIL FURNACES, roof hoist, roll -up door, 10 ft. 4 x 12 ft., quantity of steel beams. Lucknow, phone 528- 2900. -40 TRAILERS, utility, snowmo- bile and tandem flat beds. Lucknow, phone 528-2900. - 40 FILING CABINETS, office desks, steno and stacking chairs. Phone Lucknow 528- 2900. -40 LOG HOME KITS. Do it yourself or we do it for you. Send $4.00 for colour cata- logue. Post Office Box 1539, Uxbridge, Ontario. LOC 11(0. -040 IMPOSSIBLE a sawmill for $34.95. Patented accessory converts chainsaw to saw- mill. 7,000 sold. Details, send stamp to Beam Mach- ines 1608, Prentice Place, Quathiaski Cove. B.C. VOP 1NO. -040 WOOD STOVE and Fire- place inserts considered am- ong the finest and most ' efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. THE WOOD - BURNER SHOP, DUNGAN- NON, 529-7949. -40tf TAX BUSINESS LUCKNOW Good second income, for wife, son or daughter. Will trade on pickup or property. Jame* Steftter, 528-3116. - 40tfar WOOD BURNING box stove, medium size, in good con- dition. Phone 528-2746. -40 61/4 SQ. OF FLAT RIB, red coloured steel, various lengths. Phone 395-5433. - 4) APPLES 53.00 - S4.50 1/2 bas. McIntosh ALEX ANDREW 528-3019' or ALLAN ANDREW 528-2445 -39.40 SiCK ROOM SUPPLIES. patient aids, support gar. ments, convalescent prod ucts. etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524-7241.-8tfeow PLACE YOUR ORDER now for fresh turkey. Phone 392- 6587, anytime. -39 REDUCED PRICES On Jamboree '83 souvenirs - beer mugs, T shirts, caps. flags. Available at Johnstone Furniture. -33tf TRY C' & E Furniture. new and used. Dial Goderich. 524-7231. 40tf ELECTRIC FENCE SALES AND SERVICE Repairs to any make. Phone 345-2306. -24-40 RUBBER STAMPS, business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs, personal address lab els. All your printing require- ments. Cowan Printing & Advertising Service, Luck - now, 528.2730. -21 tf INVITATIONS - Four differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations and accessories, available for overnight view- ing. For appointment call Marilyn Murray, 528-3635. -24tfar CEDAR POSTS for sale. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773. -11tf STEEL BARRELS. Agent for Blyth Steel Barrels is Daw- sons General Store, Dungan- non and MacNays General Store, Amberley. -39,40 LOSE WEIGHT NOWI Ask me how. Nutritional weight loss program. Distributor of Herbalife, Carl and Marg McClenaghan, R. # 5, Luck - now, 357-1988. See you at the Teeswater Fair. -39,40 9. Accom. to rent TOWNHOUSE to share in Kincardine. Call 396-2295. -39,40x ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and stove, available immediately. Glennhaven Apartments, 529-7030, after 6 p.m. -39tf ACCOMMODATION to share in Lucknow, reason- able tent. Call 528-3635 evenings.-39tfar 17. Auction Sales 60 POLICE CARS, VANS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS 4x4's & WRECKERS. 20 - 1981.82 Mercury's, Chov's, Fords & Plymouths; 2 - 1980 Chevettes•, 1 - 1979 Cadillac.; 4 - 1978.79 Chew & Plymouth Station Wagons; 1 1978 GMC Suburban; 5 - 1976.78 Dodge, Chew & Jeep 4 x 4's; 10. 1975- 80 1/2 & % ton pickups, club & crow cabs; 8 - 1976-78 1 & 2 ton stake, dumps & cab & chassis; 3 - GMC 1 ton with Holmes Wreckers. MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway Phone Durham 1-369-3136 9. Accom. to rent 12. Help wanted TWO BEDROOM apartment in Teeswater, frig and stove included, available immedi- ately. Elora Street Apart- ments. Call 364-4327 or 367- 2391 after 6 p.m. -40tf ONE BEDROOM, heated apartment, frig and stove. Phone 528-2113. -33tf BEDSITTING ROOM, heat- ed, furnished, cooking fac- ilities, linen supplied. Phone 528-3723. -37tf !Classified Rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 15 5 P.M. MONDAYS • • WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEK ENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL BE 5 P.M. FRIDAYS Charged are based on the number of words. 22 words - 53.00, 14c per word thereafter ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of 56.00, 510.00 with picture iN MEMORIAMS - 53.00 plus 35c per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 25 words 53.00, each addi- tional word 6r 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 53.00 for first week, 51.00 each week thereafter. 528-2822 EARN EXTRA MONEY part- time as a Regal Sales Rep- resentative. Our gift cata- logue is all you need. Write Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave., E., Dept. 447, Toronto, M4G 2L6, -040 WANTED INDEPENDENT dealers for Fisher Metal detectors including 1220-x, 1260-x. Recently appointed factory distributor invites response from existing deal- ers. Buried Secrets, 17 Main Street, St. Catharines. L2N 4T5 (416) 934-5136. -040 15. Tenders Snow Removal Sealed applications mark- ed "Snow Removal" (snow blowers preferred), will be received until 4 p. m. October 21, 1983 for snow removal at the fol- lowing school/s: LUCKNOW PUBLIC KiNLOSS CENTRAL RIPLEY-HURON CENT- RAL RIPLEY DISTRICT Apply immediately on ap- plication form available at the school or at the ad- dress below: The Bruce County Board of Education Bms 190 Chesley, Ontario NOG 210 Telephones (5191363-2014 Attn: F. Sharp Supervisor of Buildings & Maintenance a 18. Services available PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. ('all Michael Lipnicki (wing - ham) 357-1049. -34tf EXCAVATING and trucking. sand. gravel and topsoil. P1 (me Robert Symes, Luck- nlnw, 528-3047. -35tf Farm Equipment rt Arr rir iii - „;, rt, OF OVER 60 TRACTORS 100 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT AT BRINDLES SALES YARD DUNGAN flN Saturday, October 15,'83 Brindley Auctions 1519) 529.7625 - Auctioneers GORDON 11.81 INDLEY ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Fri- day, October 14, 1983, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted sec- ond Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 trac- tors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more informa- tion call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. -040 OTTAWA VALLEY Simmen- tal Club offers an exciting consignment of Simmental cattle to the Ottawa Winter Fair Capital Classic. Satur- day, October 8, 1983 at 7 p.m. in the Cattle Castle Lansdowne Park, Ottawa. Only the best will be offered. Selling a selected group of young bulls and females of various ages. For sale cata- logues contact Joynt Auction Service (613) 283-4730. 18. Services available NEED A CARPENTER?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric- al. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m. -40-49 LUCKNOW TAXI Owner/Operator James Steiner Delivery Service; reasonable rates; local and long distance trips; fully insured. 528-3116 -50tfa r GiANT 5 day auction, Con- tents from the residence of the late M. M. Boyd, Bob- baygeon. Selling at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay, Wednesday, Octob- er 19, 20, 21 and Saturday, October 22. And at Bobcay- geon on Saturday, October 29, 10 a.m. all days. Fine china, antique furniture, 50 valuable paintings, oriental china and furniture, period clothing, china dolls, miniat- ure toys, oriental rugs, books cutters, buggies, sleighs, collectibles, One of Canada's largest auctions from the Boyd 3 generation, 35 room, extended family home since 1833. Our best will be Wed- nesday, October 19. Plan to attend, McLean Auctions & Liquidations (705) 324-2783. -040 18. Services available LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE 1101 Haldenby, 395.5142 Allan R. Miller 528-2299 Licensed Auctioneers LET US CONDUCT YOUR SALE -40ar CUSTOM WELDING, port- able and in -shop, Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates, reasonable rates, St. Helens Mfg., 528.6945. -17tf CM 528-2822 0U11111111 ca' BURKE ELECTRIC std E!ectocal Contractors appliance Sates & Servece to all makes Relrrgeratoon Service Open 6 days a week. 357-2450 err WEBSTER'S CARPET CLEANING (Tho Nemo You Can Trust) Livingroom, Diningroom, Hall 3M Protector Available/ WE ALSO DO UPHOLSTERY 44.95 Cat 1 I°day 396-3924 Of 396-2757