The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-05, Page 2news
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1483—Page 2
The Dungannon Kinsmen 194 executive was installed Friday evening, Front row, left to
right, the new executive members are Wayne Bauer, president; John McKenzie, director;
and Mike Redmond past president; and back row, left to right, ore tlerry Paella,
secretary Joe Phillips, Zone K deputyo veraor who performed the installation; Doug
Halbert vice-president; and &mord Hoyle director, A�sent for photo were glen McNeil,
bulletin editor; Stu Steenstra, registrar; and Ambrose Redmond, treasurer, (Photo by
Joanne Buchanan)
The Dungannon K1nettes MOM executive was installed Friday evening, Lett to right, the
nerl* executive ntettibers are Kathy Olson, regiotrar, Sharon Haltzer, bulletin editor; Karen
Redmond, president; and Alison Paolin, vice-president. Absent for photo were Doreen
McNeil, pant preoident; Melba Park, sceeretary; Vanda McNeil, treasurer; and Dianne
Armstrong, Zone K Co=ordinator, ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
Hospital activity declines...
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activity, After achieving levels as high as 86
pet cent seven of eight years ago, when the
hospital had 100 beds, it dropped to 75 pet
cent last year and currently is running at
about 72 pet cent,
(A 100 percent activity level would requite
every hospital bed being filled all the time.)
In presenting the monthly statistical
report, Treasurer Gordon Hayter told the
board the reason activity is down to 72 per
cent is that the average length of patient stay
in the hospital is down to 6.5 days, while the
hospital had budgeted on 1.5 days.
Noting that admissions were up a little
from last year, as were operations, lab tests
and cancer clinic visits, Hatter concluded,
"it seems we're moving mote patients
through quicker. "
Newly appointed chief of staff, Dt. Brian
Hanlon. added that doctors are probably
seeing more day cases and doting fewer
geriatric admissions.
Pike objected that, on the basis of the
Statistics, the total number of patients
treated at the hospital is not up. "If
anything, it's down a little." Overall, he
said, the hospital is treating fewer patients
and they are not staying as long
in his financial report. Pike told the hoard
that every one per cent drop in activity
represents a savings of about $S(),fti() for the
hospital. largely because it does not have to
bring in as many nurses. Under the 90ND
(business oriented new development) pro-
gram introduced last year by former Ontario
health minister (now treasurer) Larry
Grossman, hospitals ate permitted to keep
any money left over at the end of the year, as
an incentive to efficiency. Previously the
money had to be returned to the provincial
When questioned previously whether the
drop in activity signals a continuing trend,
Hayes told the board it is difficult to
accurately forecast activity levels, particul-
arly in a small hospital, since a few patients
one way at the other can create a significant
He also said the health ministry is aware
of these swings and has given assurances it
will not penalize a hospital ort the basis of a
temporary drop in activity.
Oppose French
•from page 1
phone students as "undemocratic and
The proposal could also create "a
potential fob divisiveness." says the hoard.
Competition could also create "a potential
for divisiveness." says the hoard.
"(ompetition for dollars may indeed
spark many controversies that could he
detrimental fo mutual understanding and
respect as segregation hyianguage becomes
a reality in many school systems where a has
previously not heen a problem
-Owen Sound Sun Times
Beginning farmer assistance
program is implemented
The details of Ontario's beginning Farm-
er Assistance Program (HEAP) were an-
nounced recently by Agriculture and Food
Minister Dennis Timbrell.
Timbrell said, "The beginning farmer
program is one to which 1 have a strong
commlttment. It will help bring as many as
1,000 new people into farming every year for
the next five years. We need agressive new
people to bring a new vitalizing force to our
agricultural industry."
Ontario will rebate interest charges on
loans in excess of eight per cent, to a
maximum of five percentage points, based
on the Farm Credit Corporation rate,
currently 131/2 per cent.
At present, approved lenders are the
federal Farm Credit Corporation, the Hank
of Montreal, the Toronto Dominion bank and
the Canadian Imperial Hank of Commerce.
A individual may receive the rebate on
loans up to $350,000.
The rebate will apply to loans made to
cover transactions which were finalized on or
after May 10, 1983. beginning farmers may
enter the program at any time during a five
year period which began on that date.
To be eligible, an applicant must never
have owned a viable farm, must qualify for a
loan from a lending institution and must
become a full time farmer, operating a viable
farm and earning the majority of his/her
income from farming.
In addition, applicants must be able to
demonstrate competence as a farm manager
through having either sufficient agriculture
experience or an agricultural education.'
A farmers's eligibility for the program will
be determined by the ministry. Security,
terms, interest rates and loan amount,
however, will be subject to normal credit
negotiations between the lender and the
beginning farmer. Loans from banks and
other financial institutions must be made at
a fixed rate for a period of not less than five
"The program will run for five years, with
$135 million being made available for
interest rebates over the five years,"
Timbrell said. "This program clearly
demonstrates the Ontario government's long
term commitment to agriculture."
The rebates are available on that part of
the loan used to purchase land, fixed
improvements, breeding stock, quota and
machinery, or to make permanent farm
The request to enrol in . the Ontario
Beginning Farmer Assistance Program
should be made when the applicant files a
request for a loan.
A review committee including representa-
tives from the farming community appointed
by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food will make the final decision on
eligibility for SPAP in any disputed cases.
Full details of the program are available
from the ministry's local offices, participat-
ing lenders and from the Farm Assistance
Program branch, Ontario Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food, Queen's Park, Toronto,
M7A 282.
Application forms are available from the
approved lenders.
To everything
there Is a season
and a time to every purpose
under the heaven
A Time For
John W. Henderson