The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-05, Page 1101$' Single copy 35c Published In Lucknow, Ontario, Wednesday, October 5, 1983 20 Pages in the news Convict Famish on theft charge David Famish of Goderich was found guilty of break, enter and theft in Bruce County Court, Walkerton following a trial September 21 and 22, He was remanded out of custody until November 17, when he will appear for sentencing. The charge stems from a break and enter at the Pine River Cheese Co-operative on November 21 of last year. A safe containing money was stolen from the Co-operative during the breakin. Judge J. lan McKay presided at the trial and Crown Attorney R. Garry Hunter of Goderich prosecuted. We're modular! Our readers will notice an exciting new format unveiled in today's issue. We have adopted the modular system of selling advertising, which allows a cleaner news- paper page design, Readers with a graphic eye will notice the new format is similar to the front page design we have been using with its wider columns. Our change to modular offers the opportunity to create well designed pages that require little effort from the reader, preserving a sense of graphic continuity and sequence throughout the newspaper. Play along There are several foot bridges around Lucknow and our Sentinel photographer found one in an out of the way spot, A picture of this bridge appears on page 6 in today's Sentinel and if you recognize the location, phone the Sentinel with your guess. Big veggies Harold Greer of Lucknow certainly grows large tomatoes. Mr, Greer brought in to the office four beefsteak strain tomatoes ranging in size from 16 - 17 inches around. The largest weighed approximately 1'/3 lbs. with a diameter of 51/4". Receives pin Mr. Alexander MacKenzie of Copeland Lodge, Wingham, formerly of Lucknow, was presented with a 70 year membership pin of Canadian Forster% on Sunday, October 2, 1983, by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Kernighan of Benmiller Court # 86, on behalf of the high court, Brantford. Mr. MacKenzie joined the Langside Court #471 on April 7, 1905 and is the last living member of that court. VLqits with family Betty Morrison and baby son, of Sudbury spent the weekend at Currie Co well's home. On Friday they had supper with George and Olive Colwell of Lucknow. Also present were Albert and Jean Colwell of Blackhorse. Aii enjoyed a lovely dinner and evening together. Accepts position Lynda Campbell. Mississauga, daughter of Bob and Wilda Campbell. Lucknow. has accepted a position as Sales Co-ordinator with Toronto Barber and Beauty Supplies. A free anti -rabies clinic WAS held Monday at the Town Halt when pet owners could take their pets to be vaccinated. Angela Glenn of Dungannon 1d eihown holding her cat while it receives its vaccination. j Sentinel Staff Photo) Bruce board opposes French language schooling on demand The Bruce County Board of Education says a proposal to make French language schooling available on demand in Ontario should be scrapped, The board, in a report approved Tuesday and to be sent to the Ontario Ministry of Education, condemned the idea as being expensive and a potential cause of divisive- ness between English and French language groups. The provincial government, in a surprise announcement in March, said it will drop the "where numbers warrant" clause from current regulations, which require at least 25 elementary or 20 high schooi students before classes can be taught in French to franca - phone children. School boards have until September 30 to send their comments to the ministry. Education Director Jack Bowers said after the meeting that so far he has had two inquiries whi,_h might have been demands for French language instruction if the legis- lation was in effect. The committee report approved by the board expressed concern "about a tread in provincial legislation that forces boards to provide special programs as a matter of "right" for special groups," The board feels that each new program will mean an added cost to taxpayers and "as the burden of costs to service such legislated 'rights' grows, other programs for the general students will have to be curtailed as there is no bottomless money pit available to school boards." The extra costs are obvious, the board says. The additional instructional costs, the additional costs for transportation, board and lodging....and the cost of additional trustees of advisory committe( must be paid by the general taxpayer. "ft is difficult to understand how such a proposal could be contemplated in the present economic climate." It also is concerned about the impact of hidden supervisory, administrative and legal costs necessary to make sure that the legislation is being followed. - Trustees feel the proposal gives ' ,lisptr- portwonate" representation to minority groups on school boards. The board vi:-ws a ministry requitement of four additional trusters (Yn any hoard that has 5()1) franco- Xurn to page 2' Hospital activity continues to decline By Henry Hess A slow decline in the level of activity at the Wingham and District Hospital is continuing to cause concern to some members of the hospital board. In the short term, the drop in hospital activity has been a financial windfall, with the savings in staffing costs permitting the hospital to chalk up a record surplus at the end of last year. Some board members, however, in partic- ular Finance Chairman Robert Pike, have expressed concern that if the trend continues it might eventually lead to a cut in funding from the Ontario Health Ministry. That fear was raised again last week, as the board resumed meetings following its summer recess, After hearing Pike report the hospital had been asked by the ministry to revise its budget in light of the lower than expected activity level last year, and that activities have dropped even further this year, Wingham board member Archie Hill inquir- ed whether the trend could affect future budgets. In the absence of Executive Director Norman Hayes, who was prevented by illness from attending the meeting, Pike recalled that when he had raised the question earlier he had been assured the decline is a temporary phenomenon, a "ripple", which should correct itself and is not likely to affect funding, To date, the board has been unable to find a satisfactory explanation for the falling Turn to page 2• NDP teak force in Wingham Mel Swart (MLA, Welland-Thorald), the NDP's agriculture and prices critic, will head a task force on agriculture which will tour seven areas of the province this fall, Accompanying Mr, Swart will be Donald MacDonald, caucus chairman and former NDP leader, Several other NDP members, including George Samis, Dave Cooke and Mike Hreaugh, will join the task force in various parts of the province. Crucial agricultural problems, both short and k►ng term, are not being dealt with by Ontario's Conservative government. The task force intends to examine them in depth at the local level and discuss them with area farmers and their organizations. ftigh on the list of problems is long term finance with Ontario still lagging behind all other provinces in meeting this need. In recent years, the spread between farm gate and consumer prices has increased dramatically. The spread on tomato juice has increased from an average of 70 cents in 1981 to 51.08 in August, 1983, On ice cream it's increased from 51.01 to 51.47. As pointed out by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Ontario's prime food land continues to be destroyed by development, pits and quarries and other uses at ar, alarming rate. Since 1971, one million acre. has been lost. After years of discussion, no tripartite at other adquate farm income stabilization has been put in place. Mr. Timbrell seems determined to forge ahead with his higher qualifying criteria for farm tax rebates. The new criteria will make almost 20% of Ontario farmers ineligible. • These are the kinds of issues whichthe task force will be pursuing. ft may well he that the time has come for them to be deet with by an all party task force of tS,e Ontario Legislature or by a Royal C'omm,.;sion. Starting in Wingham on October 5. the Nor task force will he in New Liskeard o'n October 17. Chatham on October 19. Raglan on October 26. Stratton on Nmember 2. St Catharines o7m November 9 aril! F snch 'riy November 16.