The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-09-28, Page 15rlpley news It was a great fall fait. The 1983 Ripley fall fair held last SaturdaySept. 24 was favourewith warm, dry, mild weather sandwiched between Friday which had rain and hail squalls and Sunday afternoon which had. rain driMMle at times. Pot this favour we can all be humbly thankful. tt was so nice to be outside on a day like last Saturday - a time to meet with friends and to feel good - l: o wonder- ful-fot, ftipley's "friendly fall fair held in the country on the last Saturday its Sepptember." On our walk back home we met first with president Keith van der Hoek and ask- ed for his eon -tient. "Everything went well" was Keith's reply, norther along north of the Knox Church sh- ed Ab W ids met with secretary Don MaeTavish and his answer was "ft was 100 per Cent", In our walk aeross the grounds at three thirty in the afternoon it was nice to see the Crowd spread out watehing all parts of the fair, First at the east side on the school grounds there was Finlay MacDonald with his steam engine and separator. Kenny MacDonald was fork- ing in grain sheaves supplied Fb ' Wayne Kerr. Short John inlayson took a turd n the load of sheaves - likely the first John forked in years. It was a -teal threshing as at least a dozen bags of grain were filled. On the ball field the team of heavy horses were c.ircl- ing. The frog jumping com- petition was, in progress. Maybe next year we will feature the Ontario cham- Rionships here and in our eunion year 19 85 perhaps the Canadian ehanipionship. Further on it was the out- door Concessions and the ' `sanctioned"oat show the cattle and 4-1 eatves from Knox Shed, `then there were the game booths tor the kids. Pint* the Complex was reached with people dewing the exhibits, AD along the way it was a ease of renewing aeq p ain- tanCes with friends ba for the day, In the Huron Township hall it was the regional poult-y show and at the back of the park it was the light horse show directed by Nina Wyld and her Com- mittee. Then there was the sheep shbw and by the hall the pet show and of course the refreshment booths. So many people and so many things make up a country fall air. Pall fair results The fall fair visitors and fair results will appealr in this column neat week. Send in the names of your visitors for it, 40th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hodgins are celebrating their 40th weddinganniver- sary an Sept. 29. They woe married m Brantford on that date in 1943, Nelson's wife was the farther Irma Dixon. They were blessed with tour Children, three daughters and one son. Hip1ey folks were sorry to learn that Martin Phelan of Ripley suffered painful and Institute leams to make dough things (;n Tuewitiy, September 134 siateeti members of the Ltidtttow Jtiiiiot Women In- stitute met in the basement of the Liieknow Town Hall. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Maty Nelson and she also gave the tfeitstifet's tepori. Business iiieluded a te- mindet of the fall ronfetente huetph on Oletabet 8 and 16, On Saturday, Septembet 11 the Institute served the rontestatrts tai the Miss Mid - Western Ontario pageant at the Lticitnow pall gait sup - et the meeting was turned over to Taney Ittown and Deanna heavie who showed Now to do dough things and all had a ehairre to matte some. •,�:.. .:::: v:: �:• .k til?'>•, Drive It Discover It SHE' 1984 POPO TsM1 O is A tOtALL Si NEW SPORTS SEDAN WITH PROW' WHEEL DRIVE, 4 W HE L PULLY INDEPEND- ENT SUSPENSION, AND THE amoorN, nsatioNtIVE POWER OP A NEW Hl 3H SWIRL CoMoUITION Ef It ll E. "SAVE YOURSELF DOLLARS'! We still have some 1983s to clear YEAR END REBATES on all our 1983 CARS & TRUCKS Neve Yo . Driven A Foram., tally Montgornery Motors Lucknow 5284001 Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 28, 190—Page 1S severe injuries in a fall last week at his home. Martin underwent surgery in the University Hospital in Lot, - don. He is reported now on the road to recovery. Ctilitorttla visitor A recent visitor with Mr. and Mts. Robert Osborne and family .on the Pourth Concession east was a cousin Miss Glenda Ciarrelts of Mountain View in California. While here she also Called an her cousins in Hanover, Teeswater Wingham, I,ucknow, Kura and Toron- to. While visiting the area she was compiling a family history. She enjoyed a visit with cousin Abe McComb who resides at Wellington Ter- race in l;lora. Mr. Mc('otnb celebrated his 94th birthday on September 27 of this year. Glenda is a granddaughter of the late William and Lucinda (Smith) Parsons was a nephew of the late Mrs. Hien i Crawford I Stin- son and Lucinda Smith Parsons was a daughter of William C. and Mary Car- dis I Smith. Stan and Doris l3lackwell of Conc. 4 had a phone call , from their daughter Rett of l,t.tmby, British Columbia, upon the accidental death of her grandson. Her son Tommy's oldest son Ronnie was killed in a car accident at Lethbridge, Alberta, on the weekend. CLIrPORD WYLI Just home from the Riple} fair, Mss. Viola l Eugene Bridge of the Southlinc, received a call that her first cousin Clifford Wyld of lraritford had suddenly died on Saturday evening. Cliff collapsed around seven while cutting the lawn. Surviving are his wife. Dorothy, a son harry a lawyer in Toronto and a daughter Marilyn in West Germany where her hus- band Don is a teacher. Some folks will recall Cliff as the pitcher for the Ripley baseball teatn in the early thirties. Cliff was a retired school principal in Rtratit- .ford. At this time funeral ar- rangements are incomplete. ea .44i11i• .Ji+►Jii-44- 4./F.S.ii•sir.`.lig.JJ.i►,0,44,4i.t..J6,4 4,4 4,4' 4,4i'A 4Beauty i+► Boutique LUbl(NOW 528-48411 Moab Side of Hwy, H86 Aetna* Mall Pu Sekool Perm Specials In effect until Member 30,1983 not MOO RE& MAO , O4120M l Sale 22e" 20." 18-" WASH AND SET 440 WASH, CUT AND BLOW DRY 6400 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAI. Walt Cut and Sof Rom SSA 8.00 Shampoo & Set Rso, $4J80 Appointments Not Necessary +i.Ir�.l�.~.(si.Js-`./i-Cir-:;.Ih►rl�:ls..Jrsw"c�F�.1 i-i►/ir.If-�Jf�.IFiui•..1 i-."�.if..Nrfi.t�F.i,.fi1 s-..:is+`�.I i.2 ii�C'lF+�irts`.. 4." JOYdURJLNS DELUXE 1.fl.....1..UR5 "°ligitl*Et" 14-11 (4 del s) includes •ittimparfatian •J nights superiot tit ttrmrnitrdafitrn *baggage handling •faxes 4 lips an hotel •lap priced litkef "Liberace" •rriday and Sunday night dinner *Saturday night dinner theatre featuring "Annie" •taxes 4 gnat. an meals •admission !a Vatican calietfion •Guided four Chicago •deluxe 5fue Cross coverage •escatfed fhraughauf 001.181. t °399 00 P. P " CNtittetN1" 11f CLtVtLA146—bit'. 15-11 (S dainty Includes •fro titoortafian 412 nights h+tcammodafion *baggage handling *dinner theatre featuring " bttlahama" •fop priced fitkel "ttngeiberl" *dinner same evening *Monday lunch •faxes g oral, an ho=tel and meals •deluxe glue Crinis coverago •fttortOd the oughtn't , tyotlatt •214.00 P Chit Ftftl00 4G "Mittelillif M*tt"-14erwomber 11-19 (S Aelysy includes •transporftdiowr •2 nrgPrfs accommodation •baggage handling •faxes 4 fres on hotel and meats •1 !until. 01 diorer •t 'uHel breakfast *fop prrce'd lh+ealre litke'l "Show Ravi' •shappinq excursror, •deluxe Rtue Cross rovertitle •escarloci fhroughtn't . aoc,sct'149 00 f; P LA4 Vt(4A9-14awemfiisat 11-1b and 'Moue 14Y n- /6 (4 dayty Intrudes •round frrp motorcoot h fa tote/roil •nom slap tutus, air fare •tornlrlimentary rn !tight moofs *round frrp transfors between arrporf ani! Pow& •loose age Pranifling •:f ni'ghis tic comtnadotrpn of itofrdty fan, centre slap MittauM coupons •vPl tuxes •off grdrturtres •deluxe Mots Cross covervgte •cancellat,on insurante •estotfed aousca'444.00 P P it* #60 'IA1(111044 "OLtVttit" — t1tt6WAfnit*t 14-16 (t (toyi) frretir's •h on tour folio") •? nrOft of oinenotfolion •>'ritf6y nigh, shiner fP 4'tre 'Stoke doy night di'nrwer 4 drink •hotot 4 meof taxes 4 gr of •Nrrunth anti four Meadowbro* Pftrf'I 'Pig'to handling •cfoluxe give Cross covor •estotted rhrougf vt bbug& t '209400 P P MAMMA It eAtilis—tttfEftstitiisfi 1-4 (s tiny') Includes • ronspeNatian 407 mishit superior accorrrnrodtflian ®baggage handling 47 dinners 41 brunch *faxes 4 gnat. ate hotel and neeafs *Ice Cattle thaw •all adrrris*iota *taw o4 tights •chapping *deluxe glue trot* coverage •estorfed throughout. tc>+oAL1'144.00 P. p, *MOM t11t111—ddtani6et 4-11 (4 days) Inttudes •franspoNafion 431 night* lit WOW, oiled ion •baggage handling •forret & gral. on Patel 4 moots •3I brsraklatlt •31 dinners *wino 4 cheese party •admission fa Winterthur Mansion •admission fa Longwood Gardens •night light four al gefhlehom •admission to Chris/rust Village *tat Vegas revue show •shopping •deluxe glue Crass cove►age •escarled thtought:ut. POUR! t'329.00 P, P, Catit4t "MH 1 eillatt !Wallet" — Deitettit.t 1d-10 and Jarcutiry 1-14 mitoses •London •bofroit • NOS sau, gafomas .Son Ivan Puorfo Pito •Srf 1hotnot Virgin Islonds •fronsfot fo anvd from Detroit airport •tefurn arrfvro (3061 or/ Miter, i fair pat f fax# •fransfors fo and frown Mitrmr airport trn'd pion •' A" dock rnsido sfaferotrm •twrr, etc corr,modtrt,or, •port fax os •v1i meals and acfrvrlies ot, booed ship •deluxe glue Cross coverage 40 5 exchange dot( orted throughout bougct'15145i00 P w SPA in— f* d •) January 1-rabtcseesy i felt P'udes •transh.rs to and from ioroo Pnfernafrot,trl Airpot t •return 1 r Toronto Malaga, S ro+rn •doptrrture itrxt s •Iiagga'gQ haindlq •trerr) sfers to and from vongirofa and Maltrgo 47$ nights tit cote) modafrar, Of the ttrs Pvimorcrs Not& *dotty rorhfrnet,fal Breakfast •cony d,nnor toxon $ grow for hotel trod rnotrls •deluxo glut. Cross coverage •escorted throughout tW1N 544.00 P P eOff Mbllf 114,0QQMA/IOW . t Att. t'bbr!' 011* APEX HUNS. ROAD: I t TOURS 363 `Toil fat S. tc f X i n t) ROAM PION! 434.3249 CALL COLLECT 7 moister r have r