The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-09-28, Page 12t PLAY IT BMART 1' • :.3. •f K •YY f 1 S wk :a 1 �. 44 • yrs s N 44e4 ..pt ..I... x41 tttt $$N W' •b W' .14`4 4444 s o .a ••.< 0 .r 444 Y ,,"4:5(- 44 t: 4l -: 1 4 '4.1. . ' .d Y:: 4f. it 4 44444 ■ Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 28, 1983—Page 12 tit ®DET IN . �s, A ) • • 4,4 <Cv i. .4>F SSC • 9 4 4 of ,. 4 434 .•YY 4R�44r »• r•0-., $'.X 'ala ..4. • 4J. '4# 4"4-[0.444 Y 11 1 •4j •<••' •< N�•,4,Y, • r.14 ,.d.. 141.44 1n0 ' Y.CI, Mrs. kit , sk. ,.. • • s 1I 4 w -4 7 . ,( �. .(.• .: I • ., $ ',4 (4111. .\.y.,. pyN o 1, a . .4.. '4•4!14N' t1. �.1.I.N?_4 lAtt ha 474,. ..1.,. •,,444 r<, 4.,. d,,, t 94* 6.: ■ wr K• .l tLlJ..r yl I•. 1.', '4 4 I l4 .bpw,n a14 s.,1 443 :ul C ' Y l4 4 . , 4. 4 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale APPLES '/i bud. McIntosh ALEX ANDREW 528.3019 or ALLAN ANDREW 521.2445 -39,40 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliance*, Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.7241, —7tfeow IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs, Adams or Mrs, Stringer at Bieck DMD,A, Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.724L —itfeow REDUCED PRICES On Jamboree '83 souvenirs . beer mugs, T shirts, caps, flags, Available at Johnstone Furniture, -33tf TRY C & E Furniture, new and used, Dial Goderich, 524.7231, —40tf INVITATIONS - pour differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations and accessories, available for overnight view- ing, For appointment call Marilyn Murray, 528-3635. —24tfar CEDAR POSTS for sale, Call after 6 p,m., 395-5773, ---1 ltf ELECTRIC FENCE SALES AND SERVICE Repairs to any make. Phone 345-2306. —24-40 RUBBER STAMPS, business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs, personal address lab- els, A11 your printing require- ments, Cowan Printing & Advertising Service, Luck - now, 528.2730. —21 tf NELSON MEMORIALS Superb Monuments and Markers in everlasting gran- ite at direct from factory prices. Call your Nelson rep- resentative 1- 744-0822 or write for free catalogue to Box 1925, (Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4114. —32-3' NEW SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE 316 Josephine Street WINGHAM is OPENS DAILY Tres, -Fri. 1160.5130 p.m. Sat. 11 a,m, - 4130 p.m, GOOD USED CLOTHING For the whole family WOOD STOVES AND Fire- place inserts considered am- ong the finest and most efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. The Woodhurrnev Shop, Dungannon 529-7947, —38n1 Lo1roltf*4 for a buyeer7 it's classified to thea reescvxaf l WELSH PINTO mare with 4 month old filly, Rebred to registered Quarter horse, Ideal riding horse. Phone 395=5058, —38x TREASURER HUNTER'S equipment, We offer a full line of Garrett Metal De- tectors, accessories for hob- by, industrial and law enfor- cement. Factory Trained ser- vice Centre. Dealers wanted, Canadian Metal Locators, R. # 5, Waterford, (519) 443. 5193, —039 QUALITY ADULT VIDEO, CNT, VHS, BETA, uncut versions $39,951 100% guar- anteed, 1.800-663.6555, Col- our brochure available. Tri- color Video Dept, 5, 13381, 72nd Ave,, Surrey, B,C, V3W 2N5, —039 15 YOUR SAFETY WORTH $19,95?? The blind spot4,,A major driving hazard, ESPY Safety Mirrors for cars and trucks eliminate the blind spot - a complete mirror, no add-ons, no distortion, War- ranty included - quality guar- anteed, For pull Colour Brochure and Pricing, send self addressed stamped en- velope to: ESPY, 2489 Blom Street West, Suite 106, Tor- onto. Ontario M6S 4X1, —039 LADIES BiCYCLE with in- fant carrier; baby bath changing table. Phone 528- 2112. --,'39 PLACE YOUR ORDER now for fresh turkey. Phone 392- 6587, anytime. —39 DRY HARD MAPLE wood, phone 529-7189. —39 FIREWOOD. Seasoned hard- wood. 4+28 for 1' x 4 ' x 8' picked up in yard. Phone 528-5102. —39 STEEL BARRELS. Agent for Blyth Steel Barrels is Daw- sons General Store, Dungan- non and MacNays -General Store, Amberley. —39,40 LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Mk me how. Nutritional weight loss program. Distributor of Herbalife, Carl and Marg McClenaghan, R. # 5, Luck - now, 357-1988. See you at the Teeswater Fait. —39,40 MEN'S BAUER Black Pan- ther skates. size 12, nearly new. 520; hockey pants. Size 12 - 18 years. 55.00. Phone 395-2881. —39 AMMO Ailt590 ANON_ - 4, Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY - Horse trailer. tandem axle. Phone 396-3174. —39nx 7. Mal estate for solo OIfWI 44110 .1.11 .Irlll 111, MUM MINN 41,11 YAM 4MlW. 2 LICENSED dining lounges; 2 laundromats: Variety & Gift Shop: Service Station: Cottage busines with home: Downtown C ommerciai Building: Hobby Farm 37 acres 2 barns '/i mile track: Pizza Parlour: Self Serve Gas Bar & Variety Store, Contact Cardinal Real Estate and Insurance Broker Limited (519) 832.2510, (519) 797- 2554, —039 O. Ascom. to rent FURNISHED BUNGALOW, responsible adults only, Ref- erences, Phone 395.3494, —39 LAKELAND, FLORIDA: one bedroom mobile home for rent, adult park, near shop- ping centre, For season, Phone 528-2723,—39tfnx TOWNHOUSE to share in Kincardine. Call 396.2295, —39,40x ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, with fridge and stove, available immediately, Glennhaven Apartments, 529-7030, after 6 p,m, —39tf THREE BEDROOM mobile home, drapes, fridge and stove included. Phone 395- 5110. —39x ACCOMMODATION to share in Lucknow, reason- able tent. Call 528-3635 evenings.—39tfar APARTMENT for rent, suit- able for one person. Phone 528-3045. —38,39 NOW RENTING - 2 bed- room, completely insulated, frig, stove, electric heat, air conditioning. Phone 528+- 2705. —38,39 ONE BEDROOM, heated apartment, ftig and stove. Phone 528-2113. —33jf HEDSITTING ROOM, heat- ed, furnished, cooking fac- ilities, linen supplied. Phone 528-3723. —371f 12. Help wanted LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple in Wingham required immediately. Apply in writing to Box 2, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400. LUCKNOW. NOG 21-10. —39 PERFORMANCE PRINTING Smiths Falls, Ont. , requites experienced per's'on for Cam- era and Stripping Dept. Must have experience stripping high quality commercial work for sheet fed presses. Good compensation plan. including paid dental insur- ance and ptot`r( sharing. Goad hunting. fishing and outdoor recreation. Contact Plant Mgr. at (613) 283- 3182 after October 2. Mail replies to Performance Printing. Box 158. Smiths rafts. Ontario K 7 411. Att: Ken Watts —0.39 alai( iM1M4 4MlIlY C Millie I WO 12. Help wanted Mali - SIM H1SI4 MMM1I1 Nag MOAN /WON ..11. MMPI FASHION COUNSELLORS Full Time/Part Time, Do you need extra money for Christ- mas? Everyone does. We need counsellors to sell our top quality fashion jewellery on the home party plan, We offer excellent commission and all training is provided, Use of a car is essential, For more information please call (705) 737.2711 between 10 a, m, a 4 p, m 4 —039 ram soft aim purl eon IMAM MMM itais IMO alir 15. Tinders 13. Wanted igenorol j 17. Auction Soles THREE LUCKNOW-WING- HAM area Lougheed College students looking for a ride to Kitchener Sunday evening and back Friday after 4 p.m, Willing to pay. Phone 528- 2120, —39 18. tenders MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING BRUCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER BOS.SFT•83.11 For the disposal of used equipments 2 Refrigerators 1241, , 2 Stoves 124"), 9 Push Lawn Mowers (21"), 2 self Propelled Lawn Mowers (21"), 2 Riding Lawn Mewars (25") and (46"), 2 Snowblower, (20"), 2 Upright Grass Shears, 6 Emergency Lights. Tenders will be received for the above until 11106 A.M. Local Time Wednesday, October 2& 14413. details and specifications may be obtained from the Bruce County Housing Authority, 329 Lambton Court, Forbes Lambton Court, Kincardine, Ontario, NOG 2041, Phenol (914) 306.3430 quoting reference number as above. THE LOWESt OR ANY TENOR P401 NECESSARILY ACCEPTER, 17. Auction Sales AWN EVENING CONSIGNMENT SALE of Household Effects and Furnishings will be held in TEESWATER ARENA on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 6t0O p.m. LISTEN TO CKNX FOR LISTING, Grant McDantr1d, Ripley 39S-5353 Wallace Balhtgh, 392-6170 Teamster —39 18. ,Services available PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (wing - ham) 357-1049. —34tf EXCAVATING and trucking. sand. gravel and topsoil. Phone Robert Sones, Luek- now, 52-3047. —35tf CUSTOM WELDING. port- able and in -shop. Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates. reasonable rates. Si. Helens Mfg., 528.6945. —17tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant MeD maid, Ripley Wellarce fla logia, Teeswater Licensed Auetfemteer a Saks of AH Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Shorthorn cattle, Some Machinery and Household Item, will be held for MATT O'LOUGHLIN Lot 7 Wet tern Division Ashfield Township, six corners wetit and 3 mils south et Lucknow or 21/4 miles east of 21 Highway MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 1 p.m. 15 Shorthorn cows with spring calves; reg. Short- horn bull (Hodmin breed- ing); his is a good herd o1 stock caws; Allis Chalm- ers WF tractor; Allis Chalmers #60 combine; New idea 7 ft. mower; New Idea side rake; New Idea manure spreader; trail cultivator; wagon and fiat rack; belt drive chop- per; skeleton. bale elevat- or; 700 bale hay; scales; lumber; case iron antique cook stove; numetorrs household articles and small items. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner ser aetrtlerteer not responsible for accidents PROP. Matt O'Loughlin A UCTIOIRt Dalen Rfntoul —38.39 5211-2822 NOE A1UC2'tON SALE of Eavesttretrl01i1a*g, Tools, Egi1psllrent, Honsebold Pluiltaro, and tars wW'be held for WANt MAWHININI one Me aes4lu of Leehnow octant 1, 1983 at 10130 ansal. Eavestroughing equip, meta; 100 ft, sit and jay trials; 3 fire poor; 3 pro pane tanks.and torches; 4 lbs. soffit bails; 20 rolls el roll roofing; ming seem ent; 20 tubes eaves, troughing silicone; 14( elbows; end caps; eaves, troughing hooks; work stands; black roofing cements lead bead sails; trlbblts; 30" metal shear; 300 B . coloured eaves, troughing; conductor Pipe, ALSO' 1975 LTD car A.1 shape, as is; Pioneer #P61 chain saw; piston water pump; est, cord; cement bits; tarp tie downs; pipe cutter; chain hooks; ST90 Honda bike, low mileage; 12 gauge shotgun, PCC permit required; 2 rads; 3 its 1 shingles; jig saw; 36 ft, aluminum industrial ladders; lumber; ladder racks; cable; bolts & nuts; 4 transmissions; tool brat for truck; tools; oil tank; rims and tires; chrome riots and tires; wheel barrow; C clamps; wren- ches; alternators; start- ers; radios; air horn; trow- els; steering wheel; chain binder; logging chains; '/i HD electric motor. HOUSEHOLD I EMSt 30" Speed Queen dryer; writing desk and chair; filing cabinet; Lloyds elec- tric calculator, like new; chesterfield; tables; bunk beds; 2 ft. fan; cabinet doors; book stand; crystal chandelier; stove; vanity dresser. See sale bills for additional items. Verbal announcements given sale day. lento Cash Day of Sale AUCTIONS Joe Metttger 139544821 001 Halde mby (395.51421 Owners or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents day of sale, SALES MANAOERSt Istegiddie Aaretlein Services 526-2299 or 392.5240 18. Services available 01111.0 311. Blit .Dahl 41911.15, after* Alalia JMYlI AMMO BARN BUILDING and cem- ent work. Phone 357.1676. —23-39 L4UCKNOW TA%1 Owner/Operator Jam Steller Delivery Service; reasonable rates; local and long distance trips; folly insured. 528-3116 —56tfar DON THOMPSON T. V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation. refrigera- tion service. 395-3466. Rip- ley. —9tfar I., 1,4