The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-09-28, Page 10community news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 28, 1983 -Page 10 Kin1ouh community extends s athv to Lavoi fainil By May Boyle Sympathy is extended to Verna Laval on the death of her husband, Clarence. Rela- tives from here went to Kitchener to pay their red spects. Mrs, Laval was form erly Verna Johnstone, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Johnstone of con- cession 10. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Kevin Murray, concession 8 on their recent marriage. Welcome tt, our community, Barbara. Leonard Stanley of Lan. sing, Michigan spent a few days here with his sister, Merrett' Hodgins. They vis. Ited several relatives and on Tuesday they went with Mrs, Ezra Stanley of Lucknow to London to bring Ezra home from Victoria Hospital. They called on some London friends while there. Diad you're home, Ez. Leonard Stanley returned home to Lansing on Wed. nesdav, In June of this year Marg. aret Anne (Murray) Dales of Smith Palls received the linty arlo Cltizenshlp Medal from Lieutenant-Oovernor John Aird and Premier William Davis. Margaret Anne won this for her good deeds and community involvement. She was one of twelve to receive this honour and the presentation was made at the Legislature buildings in Tor- onto, Congratulations, Marg. aret Anne. The Klnlough and District Bible Society meeting was held on Tuesday evening in Ioohaish news the Anglican Sunday School room, Walter Breckles pres- ided and extended a welcome to the Rev, D. L. Howlett of London, district secretary who was present and spoke of the great need for more Bibles, Approximately 7,000 were requested for French speaking folk in Quebec. Reverend M. Christensen, pastor of the Pentecostal Church led in pray r, Walter Breckles'freed the scripture and gave his testi- mony on how God directs our lives. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bushell favoured with a lovely duet from the Presby- terian Church, accompanied by Mrs. William MacPher- son, The film was a "National Quiz" and Mr, Howlett said Uganda needed scriptures as soon as they could get them. Many took advantage of the table of fine Biblical helps and tracts to enclose in letters to sick and shut his and also to share with friends. Evelyn Hodgins from Kin. loss United Church read the story of Mary Jones and her longing to own a Bible of her own, She had to save every penny and walk 25 miles over rugged country, but she came home rejoicing with her very own Bible. Karen Hedley pleased ev- eryone with Amazing Grace on her clarinet. Two hymns were sung during the even- ing with Edna Boyle at the piano, Rev. Howlett closed the devotional part of the evening with prayer. A unanimous vote return - By Site Webster There were a couple of names missed in last week's uewrs of the Chihli Painting classes held in Lucknow. They were Eunice Cunning. ham and Rhoda MacKenzie of Lucknow and there were a number of ladies from Lon. don attending as well. Barbara Shepperd and Janet Wilkins of Paris, Ont. arlo were at home with their parents, Charles and Maynle Wilkins for a couple of days. Cecil Webster and his mother, Kae Webster visited recently with Norma Young, obituaries who is a patient in the Goderlch hospital and with Mrs, Wynn Gammie of Luck - now, Visiting with Rhetta Mac- Lennan for a couple of days were her niece Doris Huston of Atwood and her sisterxin. law of Harriston. Jean MacKenzie held a Tupperware Party on Thurs- day afternoon entertaining a number of her friends and neighbours, Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Robb were Bob, Sandra and Heather Darling of Hanover and Wil. liars and Shirley Irvin and family of Ashfield Township, Dress ald Almada, , ID. A.i Miwe M At Witighatn Hospital on Wednesday, September 14, 1980 D. A. MacLennan at the age of 81 He was the son of the late Finlay D. MacLen- nan and Barbers MacKenzie. He lived at Lochalsh all his life where he operated a General Store, ills other Interest was music and he enjoyed his many years of playing the bagpipes with the Latknow Pipe Band. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, the former Dorothy Sutherland, his daughter, Mrs, Margaret Heffernan of London and his son, Finlay John of Kit. chenerl also two sisters, Anne MacLennan of Arran= ssas and Mrs. Margaret Bales of Richmond Hill, The funeral service was held on Friday, September 16, 198,1 from the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home in Lucknow with the Rev, Hugh Nugent of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church Ala - sting, The interment followed at Lochalsh Cemetery with the pallbearers being Pinlay It'gagon JURJENS - Henry and Ina (nee Veidhorst) are pleased to announce the birth off' their son, Matthew Jason, weigh. lrtg 7 lb. 8 oz., at 1,53 a.rn, on September 17, 1983, at St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Second grandchild for Mrs. Hank V eldhorst, Lucknow and fifth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jurjens of [Dungannon, -9�°LIEE81[ TIlATILL Phone 361 163Q tot 24 hoar movie iokimatian PIATpi01.OsM 1wfA►*Y, MIKtMMO Ji t• SAT, OCTASN 40 40011111146 IOAY es 4 IMMIDAY m 7N aid 900 N.is. MOAT 101 AY fw 1 * par, ONLY ",00011" MEM 0111 "MN. MOM cam.. firsof Note r dr tach riwyl roar it Woe td **Oro Ow 16 tewrb1104err }fir of Oft. Matey Chef* A/ynwr. law OW fa coxa6r& red id dd,, 00 It= a der Wi�f my aZAN fey mento w sb 6cres nava* .taw, Iroterthrt Sok. flONI MiSS THE FUN! NAME Alfintegn PROM OASIS RUBAY,OCTOOS110 t 1-4 MacDonald, George Mac- Donald, Lorne MacDonald, Rod MacLennan, Rod pin- layson and Duncan Parrish, David McDonald played the lament, Hector the Hero, on the bagpipes at the grave- side. Presbyterian auxiliary enjoy pot luck dinner Mrs. William Henderson presided over the Lucknow Presbyterian Evening Au*il- iary meeting in the church basement on September 20. Immediately preceding this meeting a delicious pot luck dinner had been enjoyed by 28 ladies. Mrs, Henderson opened the meeting with a thought provoking comment, Mag- nify our Blessing, Mrs, Prank Hawthorne led in a devotional period on the theme, Lore One Another. in giving the topic, Mrs. Bruce Raynard presented more information on the ,. (t«1' rt- - Card ittes a riAng executive. Jack,wt knot his Joh. J4ek'4 going to have to start front the bottom tip. South Pacific Islands, includ- ing pictures of life in Papua, New Guinea, Mrs, Edward Brown sang two beautiful solos. The meeting closed with prayer. Dates Available Lucknow Z District Community Centre FRIDAY, SEPT, 30 Jim and Ague* Murray SATURDAY, OCT,1 Leola Chisholm and Donald Hartung SA'f" VUDAY, OCT. 8 Barbara Henderson and Keith Hodglrhrian SAY, OCT. 14 Harvey Wylie and Pauline Burke SATURDAY, OCT. IS Nem Vat1 yke and Ed Verirley FRIDAY, OCT. 21 Jafrmle and Dianne Bromley OPEN DATES AVAUABLE OCTOBER Friday 7 Frk!•y 20 NOVEMBER Friday 4 Friday 11 Fid Saturday 10 Friday 25 CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9100 a.m. AND 6100 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 ed the executive for another year, Robert Hodgins receiv- ed the offering and gave the offertory prayer. The secret- ary, May Boyle, read the minutes of the 1982 meeting and the names of this year's canvassers; Kinloss and ar- ea, Mrs. Ellison Hodgins, Mrs, Albert Colwell; base and south line, Mrs, Don Bushell, Mrs. Bill Burt; Kintou h village, Debbie and Karen Medley; concession 12 west, Mr. and Mrs. Torii McDonald; concession 12 east, Mrs. Jack Barr, Mrs, Glenn Haldenby; concession 10 west, Mrs. Allan Rhody; concession 10 east, Mrs. Weir Eckenawiller, Mrs. William MacPherson; con- cession 8 and Holyrood vil- lage, Donna and Mrs, Lloyd Johnston. Mrs. Don Bushell read the treasurer's report in Mrs. Prank Mauiden's absence. The evenings offering was $33.50 and last year's com- plete total was $464.06 which was very gratifying. Rev, Howlett compliment- ed everyone on the splendid meetings they have, He looks forward to his annual visit here. The president closed the meeting with prayer. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• r • • • • • • ••i MI SOU Re 000ERlt `R 914.1111 allot P.M. WED.. THURS• ! LAST e • 2 NIGHTS FOR ^-}�M}YtNf1 11148 TWILIGHT ZONE THE MOVIE • STARTTS FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. • • He Is from a future world. • 'fIapped in prehistoric times. Searching for hls past. • ' A hunter of Incredible ower and strength • • • •• • • 0 i • • 0 • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • ! • • The Hunter from the Future 2ND FEATURE AT $:30 14 KRULL • • •• • • • • •• • 1 0 • • to • • •• • 0 • • i • • • • • • miammassimiewommom • FRI-SAT-SUN • • SOX OFFICE • °PINS Yoe 0 � • AL C'E• When nothing. else will do. 2N0 MAMIE ;z • • • •• • 0 ••• • • 1 • • •• • •• • • The nuts whEa • always score! raw c 1483 WILENNiuM • • • • • • • • • • • •• ADDED FIt1..SAT. ONLY • • • o . • i••••• (f• •er •0•••..