The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 10whltechurch news Summer visitors here By Valetta Emerson Gregory Fisher of Wing - hart visited the first of the week with his friend Brian Lubbers. Karen Lubbers spent a few days with her friend Nikki Fisher of Wingham. Rev and Mrs. John Bell of Inverhuron visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Wingham, and Joyce Tiffin of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sevin Tiffin, Dean and Stephen, and called on other neigh- bours, Joyce Tiffin and Ida Bog- ataj of Toronto spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin, with Miss Bogataj going on to visit a friend in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mil- ligan spent holidays last week with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly, Angela and Jill of Toronto and brother-in-law, Mr. Elgin Crozier of Niagara Palls, They returned home on, Saturday. Tuesday evening, White- church boys and Lucknow boys played on Whitechurch ball diamond with a score of Lucknow 21, Whitechurch 14. On Wednesday evening Whitechurch and Kinloss ladies played at Whitechurch with Kinloss 12 and White- church 7. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Rich- ardson of Livonia are visiting with Mr. Hugh Sinnamon. Hugh Sinnamon has just returned from a trip to the west accompanied by Mark and Matthew Webster of Nova Scotia and his sister, Sadie McMillan. They were in the provincial park, and also had the thrill of riding horses in the mountains when they stayed at Banff. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicho- son, Erin and Ryan, of Strathroy, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John de Hoer. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer, Eddie and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Jim de Boer and Mrs. Roley de Boer, Fred and Joanne, at- tended the wedding of Doug- las de Boer and Cecile Clark in Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter El- liott and Karen, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott, Ryan and Kyle, attended the Forster family picnic at Goderich Beach. Little Cody Irwin of Luck - now spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer and family while his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Steve Irwin, attended the Seyersbergen - Bell wedding at South Kin- loss. At the wedding, Steve Irwin was an usher, Faye Irwin, a bridesmaid, and Janet Laidlaw was maid of honour. On Sunday evening, Whitechurch and South Kin- loss ladies played ball in Lucknow where Kinloss won. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fal- coner of Sarnia were callers on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Cassie Mowbray. Visitors last week with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdah were Mrs. Ed Carey, Kitchener; George McQuillin, Toronto, who also visited Miss Beat- rice and Hill McQuillin; and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Gaunt, Jennifer and Graeme, of Chatham. Jennifer and Graeme remained for a few days. Mrs. Daw is very happy to inform us that her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Clare, has moved from Toronto to Bel - grave after 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul spent Thursday to Tuesday at Ancaster helping Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Campbell move from Kitchener. They brought Michelle Gutoskle and Jeffery Oberholtzer home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gut- oskie and Michael, of Kit- chener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rantoul, and Mich- elle returned home with them. Visitors on Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy THREE WAYS TO MAKE YOUR MONEY GROW AT STANDARD TRUST Short Term deposit 30-89 days 1/2(S900000 minimum) Savings/Chequing Account Ole minimum) Guaranteed Investment Certificate (S5da.dd minimum) (5 yr. lent Hid may) An "A Paled Duality Investment by The Canada gond Rating Service For Further Details Contact: 7% 1 2 3A % STANDARD TRUST P O Box 850 OPEN gam to 5 p m Mon toThurs. Ern till 6 p m 237 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario Telephone 357-2022 Rales Subject to Change Member ranarfa Depns/l Insurance (,orpnralrOn Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 1983—Page 10 Laidlaw were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vannus, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, Michelle and Jason, London. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, Goder- ich., visited the Laidlaws. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mel McClenaghan of Water- loo visited Mrs. Mary Mc- Clenaghan. Mrs. Eileen Par- ker spent the weekend with M rs. Mary McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clenaghan, Miss Janet Naylor of Dau- phin, Manitoba, formerly of West Wawanosh, is visiting with Miss Karen Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Milligan spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Steve Irwin and Cody of Lucknow. There passed away at Wingham Hospital on Aug- ust 22, Miss Annie H. Henry, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Prank Henry of White- church. She grew to young wom- anhood on the farm on the 2nd concession of Kinloss, She was predeceased by two sisters, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Hinde), Ronina (Mrs. Malcolm Green); brothers Alex and Bruce, during the First World War, and William John, She is survived by Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove with whom she resided, a niece Frances (Mrs. David Turn- bull) of Woodstock, and a nephew Wayne A. Henry of Port Coquitlam, B.C. Funeral service was on Wednesday with Rev. J. Rea Grant officiating and burial was in Wingham Cemetery. Rev. Graydon Cox, a retir- ed United Church minister, died on August 17. Turn to page 12e Do -It -Yourself Kit FOR 8'x5' METAL FRAME STORAGE SHED PRICE OF MATERIALS HENDERSON Kit Includes,' Door 7/16 Aspenite 210 lb, No, 1 Sell Sealing Asphalt Shingles 1 -Galion Stain $3Z9•0° j -- BUILIDING. CENTRE JOHN W. HENDERSON 1 TD. LUCKNOW, ONT. 9uslness Hours Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat, 8 aim. to Noon Phone 8241.3111 mom* ltif AMU frit rye HOOVER SPIN-DRYING WASHER Sale Priced DON'T DELAY.SEE IT MOLLS ON CASTEfiS 8,9'Jsy roil r'g ta9ter4 for n,d,ir„u.,, r,ritHify I WASHES rAMILV SITE LOADS 36 (ligt,er4 12 nen 9 9hu14 7 double shoats plus 0010,41( dta4 TUfilfO ACTION AGITATION 5urgai detergent vt,dtar through the .N44h gefs Ih,n44 really flaar, SINS DAMP DAV IN SECONDS tforactl *Pet and defeup-f leave4 manta pieces reedy to quo SAVES SUDS WATt .. DEtEpdENT Ile Use snot wafer gaper ellrcrent act,an uvea wafer and detergent 4 NC► IN91ALtM 0 J NEEM field y to use when you buy aril y hook up fa 9fnk Greer T. V. & Electric Lucknow 528-3112