The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-03, Page 6Kinlough news Returns home from hospital by May Boyle -- Mrs. William E. Haldenby returned home from Wingham and District Hospital after being a pa- tient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall, concession 10, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett in Ashfield. Visitors during the week and on Sunday with Edna and May Boyle were Laurine Wright of MacIntosh and her daughter, Winona Thompson of Wingham and their cousin, Wendy Boyle of Regina, Saskatchewan; Helen Cole of Sarnia and her father, Harry Cole of Ex- eter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Fair and Mary MacDonald of Ripley, and Norma Coutts of Wingham. Leonard and Terry Stanley of here and his father, Ezra Stanley of Lucknow went to visit Detroit relatives at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Burt I and family of Toronto spent the holiday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt. Some from our area at- tended the beef producers barbecue at the Chesley Community Centre on Wednesday night. Mrs. Bob Brooks of Listowel spent an afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. John Barr. Betty Hamilton of St. Catharines visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell spent a few days at Bracebridge with Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nielsen and Mat- thew. Ashfield WMS enjoy summer picnic The July meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Far- rish. Mrs. Farrish welcomed the children of the Sunday School, members of the con- gregation and W.M.S. to the meeting which took the form of a picnic. The program was opened with a call to worship by Mrs. Farrish and she chose a devotional based on the fourth commandment, "Honour thy father and mother." The offering was received and Mrs. Cameron Cook gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie conducted the business por- tion of the meeting. Roll call was to name a favorite hymn. Mrs. Cameron Cook closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Allan MacDonald, Mrs. Jim MacKenzie, Mrs. Cameron Cook and Mrs. Grant Farrish conducted games for the children and everyone enjoyed a singsong with Mrs. Allan MacDonald accompanying on the guitar. Mrs. Allan MacDonald sang Thank God for Kids. A lovely picnic supper was enjoyed by all those present. Friends from here attend- ed the McConnell -Nicholson wedding at the Kinlough Presbyterian Church on Saturday evening followed by the reception at the Kin- cardine Complex. We extend Congratulations to the newlyweds. Mrs. Ray Campbell - Rogers and girls, Allison and Jessica of Beaverton visited on Saturday with Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith. Mrs. Leonard Stanley visited on Sunday with Mar- retta Hodgins and Darryl. The Holyrood Women's Institute took their annual trip to the Blyth Festival on Wednesday evening to see the play, My Wild Irish Rose. Dates Available Lucknow & District Community Centre FRIDAY. Al (;. 5th kr%in Netterfield and Polly Pollen SAT('RDA1 . AUG. 6th Walter Ostanrk SATI:RDAti , AUG. 13th Randy Maize and Patricia Helesir OPEN DATES A%`A11ABLE August Friday 12 Friday 19 (.ALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. AND 6:IN0 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Dungannon Fair Parade Entry Form - Aug. 20, 1983 Class of Entry: (check one) 1. Floats: 1st prize -'30.00, 2nd prize -'15.00 3rd prize -'10.00 2. Most Original: 1st prize -'25.00. 2nd prize -'15.00 3rd prize -'10.00 3. Special Mention: 83.00 4. Pre-school a) Best dressed Rider & Vehicle b) Best dressed Child - 1st prize '2.50 2nd prize -'2.00, 3rd prize -'1.00 5. Public School a) Best -dressed Rider & Vehicle b) Best -dressed Child - 1st prize -'2.50 2nd prize -'2.00. 3rd prize -'1.00 6. Best Organization or Club: 1st prize - '25.00 2nd prize -'15.00, 3rd prize -'10.00 7. Best Vintage Vehicle 1st prize -'15.00, 2nd prize -'10.00, 3rd prize -'5.00 Name of Entrant: Name of Contact Person: Address: _ Phone Number: Conditions of Entry: Top of form sent to: JACK CAESAR, DUNGANNON, ONT. Registration Deadline: Aug. 15, 1983 Parade position and number allotted between 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. at Dungannon United Church. Parade to start: 12 NOON, AUGUST 20TH, 1983 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 3, 1983—Page 6 Competes in demolition derby. •from page 1 she had originally considered a future in travel and tourism, but felt that jobs were few and pay low in this line of work. After completing high school at Central Huron Secondary School, Cheryl says she approached Carter's West End Garage in Clinton for a job pumping gas. After work- ing there a year she saw the benefits of a • • career as a mechanic and enrolled at Fan- sha we. While Cheryl admits it was sometimes dif- ficult going to school with all-male classmates, she was encouraged and assisted by her teachers. In fact she has received a great deal of support from family, friends and employers as she strives to be better at her job. 4040•••••••••0••••0•••0••••••••0•♦•••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • SPECIAL SAT. - SUN. SHOWINGS 118111111811 881111111 THE SOUARE GODERICH TR5Z4-781 1 2 P.M. HELD OVER SHOWING EACH NIGHT -: at 6:45 - 9:15 • •: • �• • 1•. Return to the adventure that can be shared again and again. • • • • • • • • • • • • 4040•••••••••• • FRIGHTENING SCENES Th.otr.s Branch Ontario • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111111111111111 11111 M(JS'T�M Hwy.GoderIch Drive -In pt Con. Rd. 4 524-9981 111111111111111111111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••t • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:30 CHILDREN UNDER 14 FREE WED. - THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR JAWS 3 CANNOT BE SHOWN IN 3D AT DRIVE INS 2ND FEATURE BURT & DOLLY THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS • ® • STARTS FRIDAY • James Bond's all time action high • • • • • 2 GREAT ACTION STORIES • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PARENTAL GUIDANCE • • • • • ALBERT R BROCCOLI presents ROGER MOORE as IAN FLEMING'S JAMES BOND 007' In P0000 ••••04040•••••••• •00 • • • • • • • riFAMILY • 0 4D04040000040040404004000Iblk