The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-07-27, Page 9aL1411I' one foot in the furrow by bob trotter Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 27, 1983—Page 9 watchdogs barking at supermarket heels Supermarkets are being as cautiolis as they can be within their huge buy- ing groups. They do not want to run afoul of the anti -combines act. The federal Con- sumer and Corporate Affairs Depart- ment has warned these volume buyers to live within the letter of the law or the watchdogs will be barking at their corporate heels. Lawson Hunter, head of the depart- ment's anti -combines unit, told the press recently that he is particularly concerned by the concentration of buying power in the hands of a few retailers. Abuses of this power, says Hunter, could hurt manufacturers; lessen retail competition and increase consumer prices. Although he did not say it, this buy- ing power concentrated in the hands of a few could also cripple agriculture in this country, especially among those sectors of the farming com- munity which are not protected by supply management marketing boards. Hunter is especially concerned about two buying groups, the one created by Dominion Stores Ltd. and Steinberg Inc. and the one created by Canada Safeway Ltd. and IGA Canada Ltd. He says these groups were created so members could negotiate larger discounts from manufacturers. The volume discounts given to such huge conglomerates can be as high as 25 percent of the wholesale price. Last year, 86 percent of all retail food sales in Canada was funnelled through five buying groups. These groups controlled 14,000 stores and had gross sales of $21.3 billion. The consumer and corporate affairs people are so concerned they have sent a bulletin to these buying groups because officials are worried about the tremendous growth of volume buying groups. I'm no longer worried about the growth. That growth has already taken place. I'm concerned about the tremendous power, the huge stick, the massive clout these groups have. Why, they have the power within their hot little hands to make or break literally thousands of suppliers, including farmers. Buying groups are legal unless they bring about reduced competition, price discrimination or the formation of an illegal merger or monopoly. The whole thing smacks of bureaucratic bungling. It is somewhat like locking the stable door after the pigs have ruined the wheat field. The anti -combines law has about as many teeth as my old Aunt Katie who has been gumming it for 40 years. If the law was strong enough, these buy- ing groups would never have been able to organize to such a great ex- tent. I cannot help but feel sorry for peo- ple such as Lawson Hunter and Bob Lancop, an anti -combines staff in- vestigator. They are probably more aware than the rest 'of us of the poten- tial 'for abuse that such groups can have but they are forced to stand helplessly while these groups form. The law, as written, can do nothing to prevent them. And those who form them cannot be faulted. They are simply being good businessmen try- ing to buy products as cheaply as possible and sell them as cheaply as possible. But so much power in the hands of • only five groups is enough to frighten the rugger pants off anybody. Lord Acton's admonition, hoary with age and over -used, still holds • true: Power tends to corrupt; ab- solute power corrupts absolutely. JOBS CARS APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE PLUG INTO I 'CLASSIFIEDS ••..•••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••' • NOW PLAYING• • WED. THURS.AT 7 8 9:15 • • • •• • • ••tiEtRalti•• • • Suggest Huron County sports hall of fame... •from page 2 Mr. Creamer told county council. "All we want is a vehicle to let these athletes, or their families, know that the county recognizes what they've done and that the county is proud of their ac- complishments." Mr. Creamer indicated that Mayor Palmer had ob- tained the constitution and bylaws of the Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame which could be used as a framework for Huron's. Mr. Creamer said the list of Huron County athletes goes on and on. "When one starts to recall names of sports greats from Huron County, names like Ron Feagan come to mind. He was the Canadian Harness race driving cham- pion and he hailed from Col- borne Township. Danny Wig- gins was the world roller skating champion after beating the Australian champion William Correy by 10 miles. Wiggins travelled 163 miles on roller skates in 10 hours. "Rosy Stoddart is another St. Helens lady wearing cast after fall by Kathryn Todd Lila Rintoul is sporting a cast these days. She fell off a ladder and cracked her ankle bone. Get well wishes are extended to her for a speedy recovery. Roger Pannabecker and Elsie are welcomed to the village. They are residing in the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillvray. Roger is a former native of St. Helens and is welcomed back to the neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Humphrey of Clinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Siecker Jr. of Owen Sound spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Siecker. Huron County native who in the 1930s excelled in track and field events as well as in hockey." "I am not here to ask for any money - only that you take this information back to your councils, local hockey, baseball, soccer or other sports groups. Give them the information and have them contact us," he said. Construction is being car- ried on in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Green have added a utility room to their home and Allan Cranston is adding a new storage shed. Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information Starts Friday July 2 Showthiles Friday and Saturday, 7 & 9:30 p.i Sunday to Thursday at 8 p.m. ONLY 9 • PARENTAL IT GUIDANCE A•tl•••lb In. • - .•••••••••=•••••..wwsn ro. UOwn W • • STARTS FRIDAY JULY 29 THE MOVIE OF 1983 • NIGHTLY 6:45 - 9:15 SAT. - SUN. 2:00 P.M. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 Mus-TIin Drive -In Huey • ooa.IIIA Alcon Rd John Travolta ALIUE SI. 9931 NOW PLAYING BOX OFFICE OPEN 8:30 WED. - THURS. 2 GREAT MOVIES FOR THE PRICE OF 1 �ADU ACCOLTYPAMIYf Mt c o. nl I ...ou 4-04 LA«I« A--.• Oma. STARTS FRIDAY 1.1r1 driL41 Y17,kr i,=1) ALL new 1:1-010.,6.+ 1 ALL NEW I.IGH.Iti1 +G ticr..I! y ADULTO 1\ ACCMPAMI0[MT Ei VILJ Ill* Ili tl :FV:):441%; Sflli'� V,iG.FTA[gt '1lh ;jSu.1 if SA\ f,'., SII' 1; .i. 1'IPPUh'rIITT A, AN PvtR ai r'NNE dii''. ' N"'' ah 'kiI: BI R±; '1i`444i I I' IUVI 2 ND FEATURE With & Dolly fhb much nen ince couldn Y A IPR.2RML IRO Walla � .. t-, 0n0000 R WOR IP•COMMIP•OSID POO CIOLD••M JAWS 3 CANNOT BE SHOWN IN 3D AT DRIVE INS ADDED SUNDAY NIGHT DAN AYKROYD • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �R. DETROIT• • 2 CHEECH & CHONG • • • • • • • • • • • NEXT MOVIE SUNDAY BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M.