The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-07-27, Page 5community news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 27, 1983 -Page 5 Ladies shower Beverley Bell, bride-to-be by Valetta Emerson A shower was held on Wednesday evening for Beverley Bell, bride-to-be, at the home of Janet Laidlaw. The gifts were on the table and Beverley was assisted by Sofie Beyesbergen in opening the gifts, many of which were for the kitchen. Beverley thanked Janet for hosting the shower, those who came and everyone for their beautiful useful gifts. On Wednesday, Gertie Tif- fin and Cheryl Young of Wingham took Mrs. Victor Emerson to the Centre for the Homebound where she took part in the foot clinic. Angela Verburg of. Blyth is spending holidays with her cousins, Karen, Brian, Den- nis and Richard Lubbers, Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Kimberley and her mother, Clara Crowston spent the week in their trailer at Fanshawe Park, London. Visiting them at their trailer were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowston and daughter, Debbie and her son, Brian of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat and Ansley, London and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton. Donald Irvin and Gordon Jamieson on Friday attend- ed Canada's Wonderland at Toronto. Janet Laidlaw of Con- estoga College is working at the Goodall Law Office in Wingham for her two week work experience after which she goes back to college for four weeks. Following this, she will , be able to accept work as a legal secretary. On Saturday, a garage sale was held at the home of A PLACE FOR KIDS I. • 1 n ft :16t t. The Container Puzzle Clues Across 1. What this puzzle is about 4. It holds coffee 6. Crack them to get nuts 7. Santa carries toys in this 9. You --- food 11. Another word for cans 14. What food is cooked in 16. A group of Indians 17. Salt and pepper ---- 18. Another word for haversack 20. It holds letters 21. An open tank 24. A pouch in your pants 27. Opposite of toe 28. Where ice cream is kept 29. Where dishes dry 31. Large cups 33. Opposite of west 34. It holds books Distributed Down 1. Where clothes are hung 2. It contains gas 3. Fishing line winds on this 4. A suit ---- 5. . Smaller than a quart 8. Buy soup in this 10. This metal cabinet locks 12. Where staples are kept 13. What you write on 15. Birds live in this 18. Opposite of give 19. Where dishes are 21. Itholds flowers 22. Where money is kept in cash register 23. It keeps liquids hot 25. Model airplane 26. Opposite of here 28. Pictures hang in these 30. Another word for barrels 32. A moan or cry by Canada Wide Feature Service Limited ro 1983 MacKay Fairfield Scout Out Great Find: In The Classifieds! Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin. A good crowd was in atten- dance. Mrs. Paul Campbell, Michael and Michelle of Hamilton called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldrik on Saturday . Mrs. Hamel of Kitchener accompanied her son-in-law, Carl Shack to his home here to spend the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Shack. On Monday she ac- companied Carl back to Kit- chener. Mrs. Hamel called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson Sunday afternoon. On Friday evening Joe Tif- fin's orchestra supplied music for a Family Dance to raise funds for bleachers for the ball park. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen visited on Sunday with Ken Sin- narnon, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Lana, Ryan and Jarret ar- rived home after a week's . visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and family of Biescker, Alberta. They also visited J. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton of Indian Head. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldrik visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Uuldrik and baby of Kitchener, where Mr. and Mrs. Meno Uuldrik of Water - down also called. Last week Whitechurch Girls ball team, on Tuesday night, played North Ashfield at Brookside where they lost. On Wednesday they played West Wawanosh at Dungan- non and were defeated again. On Sunday afternoon at Whitechurch park, the girls and gents played a game of ball with the gents the win- ners. In the evening, they had a barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Faconer where around 20 gathered. On Sunday at the United Church, Mr. Wardrop had charge of the services at the United Church as the preacher engaged was in hospital. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and Karen were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery and Leslie of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott, Ryan and Kyle, David Elliott of Stratford, Justin Elliott of the west, Susan Cardiff of Brussels, Agnes Elliott of Wingham and Bill Forster. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw were Mrs. Tom Vannus, London from Tuesday to Thursday; Mrs. Ducharme, Goderich on Wednesday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gaven and Barbara Thursday evening. Kathy Purdon is spending two weeks holdidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ryan of Goderich visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clenaghan. Last week the north street in Whitechurch was paved. Pavement now continues on to join the pavement in Culross at Joe King's. Rev. J. Robert and Mrs. Watt of Toronto and Rev. George D. and Mrs. Watt of Oakville were weekend visitors with Mrs. George Turn to page 7 There are over 400,000 prizes to be won. Find out more details from your local participa'ting Sunoco Dealer. Nancy Malcolm of Tiverton receives the keys to her 1983 Camaro from LeRoy Legget of Legget's Sunoco. Mrs. Malcolm was an instant winner of the car by playing Sunoco's Half & Half game.