The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-07-13, Page 5news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 13, 1983—Page 5 West Wawanosh council discuss education budget The July session of West Wawanosh Township Coun- cil took place in the Office of the Municipal Building on Wednesday, July 6, 1983. All members were in attend- ance, with Reeve Aitchison presiding. The minutes of the June meeting were adopted as printed on motion of Coun- cillors Hickey and Brindley. Tony McQuail, the Ash- field and West Wawanosh representative to the Huron County Board of Education, attended the meeting to report to Council on the Budget for 1983, and spent quite some time answering questions of Council and joining in discussion of the education system. Laverne Culbert, sales- man, of Champion Road Machinery Sales Ltd., dis- cussed with Council the specifications for a new grader. Motion by Councillors Todd and Hickey, That the West Wawanosh Township Building Inspector is hereby authorized to issue Building permits* to J. Hildebrand (garage extension); T. Green (utlity room); A Cranston (storage shed); R. MacCros- tie (storage shed); B. Stoth- ers (house extension); L. Forster (machinery shed); and A. Orton (garage). A discussion took place on MTC's reduction of subsidy due to the purchase of a truck costing more than the lowest tendered price. The road accounts in the amount of $28,734.29 were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Brindley and Todd. A resolution from the County of Northumberland was discussed and filed. Motion by Councillors Todd and Raynard, That the Road Superintendent is here- by authorized to advertise for tenders for the purchase of a new motor grader. Motion by Councillors Todd and Raynard,, That By -Law #13-83 be given third and final reading. This by- law authorizes the Reeve and Clerk to execute an 'agree- ment with the Ministry of the 'Environment with respect to upgrading the Dump Site. Motion by Councillors Hickey and Brindley, That By -Law #14-83 is hereby given third and final reading. This by-law authorizes the cleanout of the Gaunt Muni- cipal Drain as requested by owner. The by-law is neces- sary due to the fact that an adjacent municipality is in- volved. An application for Loan for Tile Drainage submitted by Joseph Hickey was approved by Council on a motion by Councillors Raynard and Todd. Planning to process zoning by-laws The regular meeting of Kinloss Council was held on July 4 with Reeve Barry Johnston and all council members present. Application for a building permit to construct an addi- tion to a residence was accepted for Brian Hedley, lot 10, concession 12. Applications for tile drain- age loans were approved for Lorne .Eadie for $12,000 and for Peter Edisbury for $600. The clerk was instructed to advise the Southeast Bruce Planning Department that the Township is opting for the total processing of the zoning by-laws by that de- partment for a trial period of one year. Council passed a motion in favor of paying the Township portionof the recreation dir- ector's salary on a quarterly basis also that the Township pay $200 as the Township's share of expenses to reno- vate the recreation director's office. General accounts for $99,451.92 and highways ac- counts for $52,281.32 were ordered paid. At previous meetings building permit applications were approved for Ian Thom- as to construct an implement shed; Allan Graham to con- struct as storage shed and for Herman Van Meeteren to construct two additions to an existing barn. Building permits were also approved for Robert Wynn to construct an addition to an existing barn and for Patricia Hayes to construct an addi- tion to an existing house but both permits are subject to written approval of the Coun- ty Roads Department. On June 6 council gave three readings to by-law 15-1983 to establish the mill rates for 1983 for local, county and education expen- diture for 1983. The mill rates are as follows (1982 in brackets) for public school supporters 31.835 (31.338); commercial 37.453 (36.868); Separate School Bruce - Grey 32.505 (31.697); Huron - Perth 32.770 (31.197). The overall increase in taxes is about 11/2 %. Edu- cation and County rates are up and the rate for Township purposes is down due to a change in the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications formula for sub- sidy. Readings were given to by-laws authorizing clean - outs of a portion of the Henderson -Cook Municipal Drain; the Taylor -Tiffin -Scott Municipal drain including the Petteplace branch; the Ackert drain and the South- west Branch of the Black Creek. A motion was passed to engage Dennis Wilhelm to excavate municipal drains with his hi -hoe at $60.00 per hour. 'r f_ 100111t \_.:11 illaMilift H-1............-Tr.---"goraviiiMit,„,c t ti , til F T.1 � ii\ . �� (.r .. +"r !►i "t' HARVESTING! Let us help you. We have the facilities for receiving and drying your wheat. We will also be buying, drying and storing barley. Amberley Grain Elevators (Division of Parrish and Heimbecker) Junction of For information Call Amberley, Ont. 395-3300 Hwy. 21 and 06 Classified Advertising always hits the marls! Do what otter! pi( tuft. pc•rt(c t May ;rounds tor you to Ji Ovcr. Ontario Provincial Parks Ontario Ministry of Natura Resources For i nform,ititn, (all t( I fru:: 1-800-268-3735 �r'`..►l,..'e..•��.r.�►^►sm�s..V.1...1.r�►-..v.�s.V s-.w..v1... V►V.��s1.�..1..1J.V�\/eV.�..�..�.Yl DON'T LEAVE YOUR EDUCATION FOR LATER Western's Fall/ Winter Programs '83/'84 are set for your area. You have time to begin your studies or to decide to continue this fall. The admission application deadline is July 22. The registration deadline Is September 9. The courses for your area are. f CLINTON Psychology 140 (Child Development) W Sept. 14 7:00 pm {Economics 020 (Introduction to Economics) TH 'Sept. 15 7:00 pm GODERICH Business 020 (Introduction to Business) T Sept. 13 *6:30 pm *Note: Business will meet 3 hours weekly, Sept. 13 - Dec. 6/83; Jan. 10 - Apr. 10/84. No class Feb. 21 & Mar. 13/84. e Additional time TBA for 3 term tests and a final examination. KINCARDINE Politics 137 .1•(The Politics of the Environment) M Sept. 12 6:30 pm f, English 020 f (General Literature & Composition)T Sept. 13 6:30 pm History 233 (Canada from Confederation to the Present) T Sept. 13 6:30 pm Central Huron Secondary School Ontario Provincial 2 Police Station 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 i For a copy of the Fall/ Winter Calendar or for more information, 2 Kincardine District High School please contact: t 2 FACULTY OF PART-TIME AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Stevenson -Lawson Building 2 i The University of Western Ontario 2 London, Ontario N6A 5B8 15191679-3631 FURTHER REDUCTIONS OF All Summer Merchandise Hurry - Don't Miss It Les Pester Shoes LUCKNOW 528-2011