The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-06-29, Page 32THE PIPE BANDS MARCHING IN CALEDONIAN PARK AT THE REVIVAL OF THE CALEDONIAN GAMES IN 1910 Distinguished athletes attended Lucknow games... •from page 7 they completely won the confidence of the public. A number of men, distin- guished in their own way, were at the solicitation of this society, induced to come all the way from Scotland to tour the continent and to participate in the games at Lucknow. In 1878 it was George Davidson, a famous all-round athlete from Dundee; in 1882 came Donald Dinnie, the champion wrestler and heavyweight athlete of the world. William MacLennan, champion piper and dancer was another importation, and in 1881 an attraction was Joseph Hendry, one time of the 78th Highland Regiment, the• sound of whose pipes Ft•II upon the super sensitive cars of Jessie Brow n at 1 tick tiny. • India, bringing hope of relief and life to the hesteged ct hitt•s v, hen hope had been ahandonctl On seera) the fkth Ilikhl,tntlet'• i'tlrr f3.enel fr,,nr 1r,rontrr r•olitir•ried the t1a‘ v, ith their t hetie ,•st rntisit 1}1c first year that the games were held, the modest sum of S300 was given in prizes. The next year the management felt warranted in putting up an additional hundred, and each year as greater and greater crowds attended, the amounts offered in medals, cups and prim money was increased until in 1881 and 1882 the handsome sum of $1300 was distributed among the competitors in the various events. in these years the crowds are said to have nurnhercd about twelve thousand. RN 1880 the socict‘ had made such progress in wealth that it felt justified in our, basing a park for its ttu n purposes, It selected a six ac re plot at the south Atir•st corner of Ow %illake and this u;rs sltlr nrltdl‘ fitted ii}` for the hul 1'ni' of .ports and t1w •i , or/111,1,t1 ttlon ,'1 the 1v , t,ttor., I h" 11,1rk 1`, .1 • ;, 1, ti. Iltr ,�hn, rt 4 tr•ir i' ,r • ,,,,its ,1 t', urn to p,awt t• Lucknow's hest quality: its citizens from page 6 what more shall he added. We repeat: Lucknow is much like many other places, but in one respect it goes beyond: it has that in its citizenship which makes for loyalty, unity and stability and renders possible in a degree to which few other villages may attain the Reunion of the present summer. i o complete a survey of Lucknow as a business centre, mention must he made of several establishments conducted by people whose names do not appear in a more isolated connection. There are in Lucknow three black- smith shops. One of these is a horse - shoeing establishment conducted by W. Horn, in the eastern end of Moise's Turn to page 9• tF Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 29, 1983—Page 8 Congratulations Lucknow on your 125th Anniversary QUINN'S Flowers & Gifts Nancy Quinn & Donna Johnstone Campbell St. Lucknow 528-2033 Best wishes Lucknow on your 125th Birthday Armstrong's Home Bakery & Donut Shop George and Frances Gordon and Daryl Dennis and Barbara Lucknow 528-2211 Happy Birthday Lucknow Serving Lucknow & Area Since 1895 Johnstone & Son, a..�r Furniture t.L ;f1I111� he11 st. i,ticki1O%4 528-3013 Best * ishe Lueknow 011 y 0 L 1 125th Birthday Lucknow Cut & Curl Campbell St. Delores Cross Lucknow 528-2914