The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-06-29, Page 31Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 29, 1983—Page 7 The Caledonian Society made Lucknow famous THE PARADE AT THE REVIVAL OF TOE CALEDONIAN GAMES IN 1910 Congratulations Lucknow NOW 125 YEARS YOUNG Lucknow has'come a long way from those early days. Yet, it is nice to see that you, our good friends to the north, have kept the original concepts towards service and friendship towards others. Friendly, Personal Service since 1958 MW MOTORS LTD. SALES & SERVICE 184 EAST STREET, GODERICH 524-2113 The longest Running VOLVO Dealer in Canada mazoa The Marr von look, The MON, �rUI lkF' Rarely does a village organization gain such strength and such celebrity as was attained by a Scotch society that flourished in Lucknow during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In the winter of 1874-5 a half dozen enthusias- tic Scotch and Scotch Canadian resid- ents of the village formed a branch of the American United Caledonian S ci- ety, an organization that had. a con- siderable membership in parts of Ontario and throughout the Northern and New England States. Who it was that first suggested the organization of a branch at Lucknow does not now appear to be known. But be that as it may, the seed fell upon good ground.. The Targe Scotch element in the village and in the townships immediately surrounding, constituted a congenial atmosphere for the young society, and it waxed strong in numbers and wealth. In this as in all organization of men who do things that are worth while, there was an active inner circle that unselfishly, and without reward other than that of the joy of accomplishment, did the work and directed the affairs. For a number of years after the birth of the society this inner circle consisted of Dr. D. A. MacCrimmon, Messrs. Alex MacPherson, Alex Maclntyre, Wm. Macintosh, Allan MacDonald, A. D. and A. K. Cameron, Alex Currie, Dougald MacKinnon, Malcolm Camp- bell, James Findlater and Captain J. MacPherson. At a later date Messrs. J. Murchison, D. C. Cameron, G. E. Kerr and D. D. Yule took an active party. With the exception of one year, Dr. MacCrimmon was chief of the society from its formation until his removal from Lucknow to Underwood in 1890. His successor was Mr. Alex MacPher- son who still holds the position of chief executive. The Scotch are said to be "clannish", and though the remark, in the disparag- ing sense, is no more true of them than it would be of any other nationality, the clan spirit appears to have been the chief bond of union and source of en- thusiasm among the members of the Caledonian Society. in a small way the organization was a benefit society, but its chief aim was the fostering of Scotch sentiment and patriotism by concentrat- ing attention upon things of a national character, the holding of Scotch con- certs, banquets, balls and field sports. It was in the carrying out of this last feature - the field sports - that the society won its greatest triumphs. For twenty years Caledonian Games Day was the big annual event of Lucknow. It drew bigger crowds than any other celebration in the two counties; and it drew athletes from all over the English speaking world. The second Wednesday of September was the day fixed on which to hold the annual games. The choice of day proved propitious: For nine consecutive years following the organization of the society, weather conditions (an all important factor) on the second Wednesday of September were ideal for out -door sports. This was _great good fortune. It brought the crowds, and it enabled the committee in charge each year to carry out their program to completion. This alone, of course, would not insure continued success. Those who prepared the program showed great enterprise and zeal in securing new attractions. They were always going "one better" and as they always lived up to their promises Turn to page 8• Congratulations to the Village of Lucknow on your 125th Anniversary -.S..411r- NOTICE ! ! ° NOTICE ! ! -- NOTICE!! I ft4 COMMODORE off 1 ALL IN STOCK COMMODORE ACCESSORIES Our Jamboree '83 Special to You Granger's Television and Appliances 92 South Street Goderich 524-8925