The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-06-29, Page 30Spirit of fraternity long established... *from page 5 League, with 8 games played and only one defeat registered against them. The spirit of fraternity is strongly established in Lucknow. It finds expres- sion in lodges representing different societies: The Masonic, the Oddfellows, the Workmen, the Foresters (Canadian and Independent), the Orange, The Canadian Home Circle, and the Chosen Friends. The membership of these lodges is both Targe and representative. At this point it is appropriate to speak of an organization which occupies a unique place in the social ife of the village - the Swastika Club. This Club was organized in 1909 by a number of young men who realized the need of some place where the men of the village and .others who came to town as comparative strangers could meet and enjoy themselves in a social and proper manner. The purposes of the Club, as outlined in its consti- tution , are "to promote among its members a feeling of good fellowship, to provide amusements for them, and to encourage athletics". In furtherance of these purposes various forms of enter- tainment along musical, literary and athletic lines are provided from time to time; a number of "At Homes" have been given; and the Club has in contemplation for the coming winter a course of lectures to be given by the most Capable men obtainable locally and elsewhere. The Swastika Club is strictly undenominational in character. It numbers now about fifty members, representing men of various lines of business, and of all shades of opinion. Its quarters in the Beaver Block are a revelation of comfort and have been pronounced by pleased visitors un- equalled in that particular. Lucknow as a business place posses- ses the advantage of being centrally located in a rich farming district. Its trade territory is an unusually extensive one. Annually, large quantities of grain, apples, live stock, and general farm produce are shipped from the G.T.R. station; and the demand for farm and household requirements is a constant one. That demand is met by men - old established merchants, some of them - who, as a class, do much to sustain and extend the reputation of the village. Their stores and business premises are second to none as found in places of equal or even greater size. In the selling of farm implements and machinery alone, four agencies, trans- acting each a large colume of business, are engaged. Manufactures are repres- ented by three saw mills, a flour mill, a woolen mill, an apple evaporator, and the Lucknow Furniture Factory. Fin- ancial currents are directed largely by branches of the Molson's Bank and the Bank of Hamilton. Lucknow has clean streets, healthy dwelling houses, a good electric light service, an efficient water works system. Apart from the moral and educational influences now at work. Turn to page 8e T. F. CAiN Owned Lucknow's largest hotel The man after whom the largest Hostelry in Lucknow was named, has. retired from -active association.with the business. Mr. T. F. Cain has been a resident of Lucknow for twenty-three or more years. Eighteen years ago the site of the magnificent building now known as the Cain House was occupied by the store of Alex Maclntvre. That store was re -arranged and enlarged and became the Cain House, and is now being conducted by Mrs. T. Carbcrt. Mr. Gain, himself, has been largely engaged for a number of years in the buying of grain, and is president of the Lucknow Elevator Company, The Cain House Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 29, 1983—Page 6 •s••••••••••••••••••••••.• • • • • • • • • • • • We take great pride in wishing our northern friends CONGRATULATIONS Best Wishes for a successful JAMBOREE '83 "A Tradition of Old Fashioned Value and Service since 1915." 1913,14183 J.M. CUTT LIMITED FOODMASTER J.M. CUTT LIMITED 1tF1) & WHITE F( ODIVIA-TElt 91 Victoria St (►oderich • • • • • • • • • • 40••••••••••••• Congratulations to our friends in Lucknow on your 125th Birthday Lucknow Sunoco Service 528-3430 Lucknow Congratulations AND Best 'Wishes To The Village of Lucknow on Their 125th Anniversary YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE (ARPETiNG J We're Pleased To Be (celebrating OUR 30th Anniversary Serving Lucknow and District SOi,ARiAN AND INLAID VINYL FLOORS YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES FINLAY DECORATORS Lucknow, Ontario WALLPAPER AND C -1-L PAINTS Phone 528-3434