The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-25, Page 7community news Mother of Kinlough minister passes By May Boyle Sympathy is extended to Reverend and Mrs. Philip Ruch and Jennifer and others relatives of the Ruch family in the passing of Mrs. Eloise Ruch at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Ruch at Ripley on Wed- nesday. The remains were taken to the Cattel and Eaton Funeral Home at Dundas, for visitation, Thursday and Fri'- day ri=day evenings. Then to St. Judes Anglican Church, Brantford for the funeral at 11. a.m. with the interment at the Eastnor Cemetery, Lions Head on Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hod- gins were guests at Brussels on Saturday at the Aitche- son-Gibson wedding. The groom, Bill, grew up in out community on concession 12 east. Ellen McBride of Missis- sauga visited here and was an overnight guest with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins. Bishop William A. Town- shend and his . daughter, Betty Jean, Mrs. R. Foster of London visited on Wednes- day with Edna and May Boyle. Mrs. Jean Hodgins of Wingham spent the weekend at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hod- gins were to Toronto attend- ing a wedding on Saturday,. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Donald visited with her sist- er, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloomfield at Paisley and with his sister, Mary Stewart of Kincardine on Thursday. Mrs. Tom McDonald at- tended a bridal shower for Evelyn Klein on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, Culross. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hal- denby who were guests at the home of their daughter, Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry on Saturday at Harriston on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniver- sary. Relatives and friends called to express their good Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 25, 1983—Page 7 wishes at the "Open House" which was followed by wedding dinner at the Harri- ston Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Whiteside of Toronto and Arthur Haldenby of here were guests of the Frvs on Saturday at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett brought their grandfather home and were overnight guests here. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson over the weekend were Jamie and Paul Langford of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Evans of Erin, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stark of Kincardine. Graduates from Centralia College By Kite Webster Pamela McIntosh, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntosh, graduated on Sat- urday, May 14th from Cen- tralia College. Pam majored in the Animal Health and Technology Course. Bob and Mary McIntosh attended the graduation ceremonies. Con- gratulations, Pam. On Sunday Bob and Mary McIntosh were in Hamilton to attend the graduation of her niece, Margaret Macln- tyre at McMaster University. Margaret received her Bach- elor of Science degree. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. bonald Maclntyre, Congrat- ulations, Margaret. Rhetta MacLennan, her daughter, Florence MacLen- nan of St. Marys, Jack, Annette and Johnie MacLen- nan of Strafford, Bruce and Louise Millar and two sons of Palmerston and other mem- bers of the MacLennan fam- ily attended the MacLennan- Youngson marriage in Tiver- ton at the Knox Presbyterian Church on Saturday, May 14. Danny MacLennan -is the son of Marion Ware of Orange- ville and the late Dick (Sandy) MacLennan. His bride was the former Marg- aret Youngson of Orange- ville. A family dinner was held in the church and the wedding reception followed in the community centre. Congratulations to you both. Congratulations to Jim and Evelyn Bradley on the safe arrival their fourth grand- child. The proud parents of the wee girl, Jamie Jo, are Greg and Maxine Alton of Lucknow. Mae Rock of Seaforth spent the weekend with her granddaughter and great grandchildren, Jim, Ruth, Mary Ellen, Gregg and Keith MacKenzie. On Saturday, May 14 they all attended the Rock -Finlay wedding at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley. The groom, Richard • ma No rtrnnrng No walking No (,xerr.lsr! No effort Pr;nalty -- r ,hr)rtrr Ilfr Nit iirttlrrilcn1 fitness is fun. try some rr 1Ennnt117Parndn Rock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oraen Rock of Ripley and the bride, Jacqueline Finlay is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finlay of Kincardine. The wedding dinner was held at the Ripley Huron Community Centre followed by a reception. Con- gratulations. Charles and Mayme Wilk- ins had Stella Irwin and .her son, Lloyd Irwin of Kinloss Township with them, Thurs- day t `I v - 000,1ANOtit 0000,?046 l 'day Svootoi 19 „o'c holo aa� �� a VA 6, lut 0. S rA 8` s Sitperts C C,00 AH � Very Oa ;ars 1s d�►� ow 1r, �r WO be md�urd0`barhhe rho - ovor1.000. ♦_�•_•, *Sidi y VARNA, ONT. GULI$ N(YP'. i uIN°.'ll I,4.M IOP •1q •N' 262-318 or 262-5809 •fir --f;71,1/7' i 7f `/,ti�r: �.1. /1 = -4014 CLEAR YOUR CALENDAR, BECAUSE YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1983 ` ., See our beautiful new, modern facilities. t4;1, Tour through our viewing area and see how our delicious cheese is made. A slide show presentation will explain It all. 4 15,1.2 ee" eb•xx e_, , •i 40. ,5 q) CKNX will be on location for this historical event. Refreshments are available. t1/4‘101/4 l MANY, MANY INSTORE SPECIALS PINE RIVER CHEESE e`J Highway 21 S. 3952638 •