The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-11, Page 23Of community news Marcie Bonk, left and Debbie Raynard step danced at the Brookside Public School spring concert as a feature part of the senior choir's presentation, A Simple Melody. [Sentinel Staff Photo) Spring concert Brookside Public School held their spring concert on May 4. The program began with the senior choir singing, There's No Business Like Show Business, and Seventy Six Trombones, with a drill by the Grade 5 boys and the Dungannon Majorettes with a baton drill, The choir sang, A Simple Melody, which fea- tured Donna Raynard and Marcia Boak step dancing along with Grade 7 and 8 girls doing the Charleston, Grade one presented the Wizard of Oz with pictures they had drawn and recita- tions. Grade 8 played three num- bers on their recorders, followed by a fine presenta- tion by the Primary Choir led by Mrs, Worse!), A play, The Truth Telling Machine, was put on by the Grade 8 and Leroy Dough- terty and Marty Rivett play- ed a number on their guitars. The senior choir sang, Doing What Comes Natur'I- ly,. with Heidi Fi'more, Marty McQuillin and Angela Mil- lian all doing solos, Mr. Liddle's Grade 6 did a presentation on Pirates with a jig, pantomime, a fashion show and some readings. A girls kick line added to the song, Wells Fargo. Mr, Hazlitt and some Grade 7 boys and girls made an 1ne-h- worm For the song called Inchworm and the last song was a round of Good-byes, Huron County Health Nur- ses did fluoride tratements as part of the Dental pro- grams, They were at the school May 2, 3 and 4, The Grade 8 class was dressed up on May 5 for their Graduation Pictures, The Grade 6 and 7 classes went to the Science Circus in God- erich at the Livery Theatre on May 6, Grade 8 went to the Walkerton Musk Festival on May 2 to play the soprano, alto and tenor recorders with Leroy Dougherty on guitar and Christine Simpson play- ing the autoharp. They play- ed a medley of English Folk songs and won first prize for their effort, Mrs, Jefferson's Grade 1 class brought in cookie recip- es and made a Mother's Day Cookie Cookbook to give to their mothers on Sunday, Mrs, Cameron's Grade 2 class also made a Mother's Day Surprise out of clothes pins, which they arranged in a circle and shellacked for mom to set a hot pot on, The Physical Fitness tests were finished this week and crests and buttons will be handed out this June, Wingham pro-life goup name officers The monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Wingham and district ,Voice for Life was held on May 2, 1983. The president, John Van den Assem, welcomed two new members to the board: Eleanor Kuyvenhoven and Mike Herrington. Sally Cam- peau read the minutes of the last meeting. Mike Herrington was then elected secretary and Mr. Van den Assem was encour- aged to remain as president for one more year. The new board of directors also in- cludes Jim Bakelaar, Hinka Bakelaar, George Brophy, Richard Campeau, Wanda Damsma, Cory DeBruyn, George King, Marilyn Sja- arda, Joan Van den Assem and 'Bonnie Falkner. In her role as Education secretary, Sally Campeau reported the following: an information booth at the Lucknow Trade Fair (April) 8, 9, and 10) was well received and much literature was distributed; a Mother's Day ad is to appear in Wingham, Teeswater, Blyth, Brussels, Lucknow, Seaforth and Clinton papers; The McGoey films, "Should We or Shouldn't We?" and "Love is a One -Way Street" are being shown in health classes of local high schools; pro-life speakers have ac- cepted speaking engage- ments at Sacred Heart Schools in Wingham and reeswater and possibly someone will speak at Luck - now Christian School as well; other members are to help high school students doing projects on abortion, It was also reported that other excellent films, such as "The Slippery Slope", are available. Mrs. Campeau al- so reported on the very successful and well attended (despite the rain) walk in London on May 1. Mrs. Kuyvenhoven agreed to take over as newsletter person. Other pro-life groups are active elsewhere, as the increasing number of confer- ences attests. The first Grey- l3ruce-Huron pro-life confer- ence will be held on May 25 in Walkerton. There is also an annual national meeting of pro-life groups across Canada. This year, the meet - Families gather for Mother's Day •from page 18 with Debbie and Allan Rhody and family. Also at- tending were Merle and Gerald Rhody and Debbie's Mother and Dad. Catherine Scott visited with her Grand -daughter Marlene, Mrs. Dan Shefter of Mildmay from Monday evening until Thursday of last week. Deanna and Morley Scott had as ;guests on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Norval Stanley and Catherine Scott. Isabel and Norval were up to Wiarton on Friday to visit Isabel's Mother, Mrs. Blue, Harvie Thompson is in Kincardine Hospital with a dislocated shoulder follow- ing a tractor accident on his farm over the weekend. Rae and Linda Thompson were home for the weekend. Wilda and Harvie Thompson visited with Joan and Ivan McFarlane of Kincardine recently. Last weekend Wilda and Harvie, Donna and Fred Young of Dungannon, visited with Margaret and Bud Gulliver of Wiarton. Howard and Marj Thomp- son, Zilla and Clarence Hedley were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Homar Devitt Tuesday evening, held at their new home in Wingham. Howard and Mar- jorie spent Mother's I)ay with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coil- ing and family. Sandra Reid has started her work as a dental assis- tant in London this week for Dr. Beath. Don and Marilyn Heid and family had as guests on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and Mrs. Josephine MacTavish. New neighbours on the Tenth, Gail Lockhead and Cheryl Lotion who moved in- to the Middelkamp house last week, are welcomed into the community, Bible Study was held at Minerva Stewart's last week. The St. Andrew's U.C.W, met at the home of Anne McCosh last Tuesday evening. f.:lsrlys *1amorr, Gladys Arnold, Richard Mc - Cosh and t)oug Peterbaugh were Sunday guests of Don and Anne McCosh, Gladys Arnold and Ethel Gawley visited last Saturday with Margaret Graham of Kincardine. Roy and Maureen Collins sand family and Dorothy Col- lins spent Sunday in Arthur visiting Maureen's Mother in hospital. She had an opera- tion last week -is coming along fine now. ing will be held in Moncton, New Brunswick. Some mem- bers of the Wingham group are planning to attend. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 11, 19$3 --Page 24 Vigor Plus Seed MOM 324-7474 BENMILLER ACRES John Hetlitt NOw\\:::\wh\l\'''IoN\q\unt:IN'tiod*:N\la\s\t\\, throul ONCE-A_YEAR SALE ON ONEIDA 6 -PIECE PLACE SETTINGS SILVERPLATE OR •STAINLESS h''c .. `vtiScYkYkr^thxkti`t�nEi4.ti� �� !..nSLti: NOTICE t uCKN � VILLAGE WORKS DEPT WILL BE FLUSHING LUCKNOW IIYDRANTS Thursday, May12 and Friday,May 13 -.1111•1,- . NItUt. l.a11 If,41 WI*w.lar�RIIUI X1[4 w� -STORES-- PAMPER --STORES-- PAMPER CHICKEN, GOURMET FEAST, BILVERW00D'S DELUXE 2 LITRE LIVER L6 OZ. Ice Cream 2.99 Cat Food 5/1.00 RED ROSE OP 60'S SCHNEIDER'S BLUE RIBBON "STORE SLICED" Tea Bags 1.59 Bologna LB. 1.89 12"x26' AlcanFoil .8 HABITANT 28 OZ. Pea Soup .9 SCHNEIDER'S ""SMOKIER" 9 Sausage 1.75 9 SCHNEIDER'S FRESH Chicken Les .99 WHITE LABEL w/PORK 19 OZ. LB. Beans U.S.A. A.5� .65WESTON GRAHAM SQUARE 400 0. Cabbage 138'S 8 Cookies WESTON S'S 1.45 Oranges .2. 99 Lemon Buns .99 Cauliflower 1.15 5 LB, BAG Cooking Onions .69 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK WE DELIVER i,ucknow Bain's Groceteria 328-3120