The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-11, Page 17whltechurch news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 11, 1983—Page 18 Dr. Wong speaks to thankoffering at Whitechurch By Valetta Emmen On Wednesday evening, May 4 at 8 p.m. the Spring Thankoffering meeting was held in the Whitechurch United Church. Jack Whytock, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Farrier played music while the guests from Trinity, Wing - ham, Chalmers Presbyter- ian, Bluevale, Brick, Luck - now and Donnybrook were arriving. The president, Mrs. Clif- ford Laidlaw, gave the call to worship and welcomed all. Mrs. Laidlaw read the Purple Grove Jim and Fran Farrell and family had supper Saturday with Jack and Janet Farrell, also attending were Janice and George Miller and Susan and Courtney McDonald; the occasion Saturday night was Christine's Birthday. Fran and Jim and family spent Sunday with Fran's Mother and Dad. The Purple Grove W.I. met Wednesday at the Mayfair Restaurant in Lucknow at noon for lunch, then toured the Pine River Cheese Factory. This Wednesday the W.I. is to go to Pine Crest in Lucknow in the afternoon. Thursday was Summary night for 'Food for all Seasons', held in Chepstow; some attended from the Grove. Janet and Wayne Rhody and family spent Sunday Turn to page 240 Dungannon •from page 15 Winnifred Girvin introduc- ed the guest speaker, Kathy Pentland, daughter of Yvon- ne and Ronald Pentland. She showed slides of her trip to Australia and New Zealand last January 12 to February 13 with the Junior Farmers. Hostesses, Mrs. Clifford Crozier, Mrs. Leonard Chis- holm and Mrs. Laverne Mar- tin served lunch. South Kinloss *from pane 16 and the closing prayer by Mrs. Ted Collyer. Lunch was served by dir- ectors, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Buchmeier and hostess, Mrs. Dickie. Ripley... •from page 11 day services. The Rev. Glen McPherson had fitting thoughts for Mothers and Families. The following babies and children were baptized: Julie Elizabeth Bonnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Bonnett, Stephen Lynn Bullivant, son of Mrs. Terri Lynn Bullivant, Mark Andrew Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, Kendra Nan Soderberg, Kale Chauncey Soderberg and Dane David Douglas Soderberg, children of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Soderberg, and Kent James Wylds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wylds. Beautiful Flowers had been placed in the sanctuary in memory of Charles and Florence Liddle by their family. scripture. Mrs. Walter Moore gave the meditation and led in prayer. Trinity Church then presented a musical number. The collection was receiv- ed by Mrs. Dave Gibb and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Miss Ballagh and Marilyn Wood of Wingham sang, i Don't Know About Tomor- row. Mrs. Laidlaw introduced the guest speaker, Dr. W. Wong of Wingham. He gave the history of Jamaica and showed slides and gave a most interesting comment- ary. Mrs. Millan Moore thanked Dr. Wong. Lunch and a social hour was enjoyed in the Sunday School room following the thankoffering. On Friday evening the Lucknow School Concert Band presented their concert at the Lucknow Community Centre where a large crowd gathered. Kim Laidlaw and Tony Falconer from the village are band members. Lana Craig won first prize at the Walkerton Music Festival on Thursday. Kim Laidlaw won fourth prize. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fal- coner of Sarnia visited Sun- day with his mother, Cassie Mowbray. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Irwin and Cody of Lucknow visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milli- gan. Quite a few in the village are busy trout fishing in the nearby trout streams. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim de Boer and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldriks attended the 25th wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Bill de Boer at Lucknow Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nich- olson, Erin and Ryan of Strathroy spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer. Tuesday evening the 4-H clubs held their achievement evening in Teeswater. At- tending the evening from here were Mrs. Rod Lamb, Agnes Farrier and Mrs. Kevin Falconer. Kendra Pur - don received Provincial Hon- ours. The six girls from the Whitechurch Club received their spoons and received complimentary remarks for their presentation. Mother's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and Karen were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, Jason and Michelle of London and Agnes Elliott of Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Boon- stra, Juanita and Ruth of Wingham took Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldriks to Wingham for dinner out at a restaurant on Friday evening, in honour of Mother's Day. Mother's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw were Mrs. Tom Vannus, London, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, Jason and Michelle, London and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, Goderich. Turn to page 230 Mr. Farmer: This spring let Thompson's supply your 1983 Crop Inputs. Expert advice by a qualified staff to assist you in your planning, Backed by 60 years of serving the agriculture Sector. We offer: - Complete soil and tissue analysis - Computerized reports, including micro nutrients and are easily understood Each plant has the most modern, fast custom fertilizer blending units in the area, back- ed by 10 floater units for custom spreading - Numerous delivery units and pull type spreaders. We are the main distributors for most farm chemicals and custom apply 28% nitrogen solutions for your weed and feed program. Plant Thompson's Nyland Brand Seeds for toktad p yields and quality products • Check out our Granular Soybean Inoculant prices • Forage Seeds including Trumpeter Alfalfa • We can supply, deliver or appl We encourage you to book early FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE at all 4 locations 4,1c9L‘A G it s MS I c, RAINS ;l 1C S4 E CSS E w t► t i 1 E OS Pt. Albert 529-7901 Mitchell 348-8433, Hensall 262-2527, Granton, 225-2360