The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-11, Page 15community news St. Helens families mark Mother's Day By Kathryn Todd Get well wishes are ex- tended to Leroy Rantoul. Lee is in Wingham and District Hospital recovering from a back injury. Mr. and Mrs. John Siecker visited on the weekend with heir son and daughter-in- ,aw, Mr, and Mrs. John Siecker Jr. of Owen Sound. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Pegg and Heather visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Leather - dale of Hamilton on the weekend. While in Hamilton, they also visited with Mrs. Pegg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Black of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson, On Sunday, May 1, the family of Helen Todd and Isobel Miller enjoyed a get together at the Stone Crock Restaurant in Elmira, Those attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Intyre, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry of London; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw, Greg Laidlaw and friend, Dorothy of Wingham; Jim Laidlaw, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd and family, and Marion Donais of Lucknow. St. Helens W.I. The May meeting of St, Helen's branch of the Wom- en's institute was held on Thursday, at the Women's Institute hall. Before the meeting started, 21 members and one guest were served a delicious dessert by the host- esses. Correspondence included an invitation to help cele- brate the 75th anniversary of the Lucknow Branch on June 14. Beatrice McQuillan was thanked for her embroidered quilt block, to be donated to The Livery Theatre, Goder- ich Arts Foundation. Ar- rangements were made for catering to three banquets in the near future. Delegates were chosen for the District Annual, to be held in Wing - ham in May. Mrs. Ivan Clark read the minutes of yesteryear. The topic on Health was given by Mrs. J. Strutton. She stres- sed fresh fruits and vege- tables in the diet - begin each meal with something fresh and let fruit be the end of your meal. We must also learn to relax, to help cope with tensions of everyday life, she said, quoting Gay- lord Hauser, and gave sever- al suggestions for doing this. Mrs. Ross Errington con- ducted a successful plant auction, before the meeting closed. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 11, 1983—Page 16 These grade 7 and 8 students danced the Charleston at the Brookside Public School spring concert Thursday evening. They were featured in the senior choir presentation of A Simple Melody. From the left are Penny Moss, Llanne Creighton, Heather Storey, Heather Ohm and Sheri Smyth. [Sentinel Staff Photo] South Kinloss TVMS see slides of New Guinea The May meeting of South Kinloss W,M.S, was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Ira Dickie, Director, Mrs, Bruce Hamilton, chair- ed the first part of the meeting and opened with a poem, The Bible Study on Fear was ably conducted by Mrs. Ray Buchmeler and Mrs. Hamilton, Membe s expres- sed personal fears nd scrip- ture verses were ad er- taitting to these. Mandolin and piano mu is by Ira Dickie and ck Needham were enjoyed. Reading were given by Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. Harold Campbell The roll call was answered by 25 members. The offer- tory prayer was given by Nancy Maclntyre. Mrs. Bruce Hamilton in- troduced the guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. James Henderson of Lucknow. She spoke on the South Sea Islands, in particular New Guinea where son, Jim, is teaching in a Co -Educational Planning to make your own Jamboree '83 dress? We now have in stork *Patterns 'Materials Notions Everything you need to help you participate in the biggest event Lurknou, has ever had. st.t, 4,4e4.6. Pidoe 5214000 Hours: Mon. - Set. e 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. Boarding School. Besides academic studies the students do much carp- enter type work erecting buildings and also in agricul- ture. - providing enough food for the needs of the school. Their interest in learning is wonderful. The culture is different and also the form of communication. The Pidgin language is used. Mrs. Hen- derson showed slides also of New Guinea. This was all most interest- ing as the Mission Study is on the South Sea Islands. She was thanked by Mrs. Ray Buchmeier and presented with a gift. Mrs. Evan Keith, presid- ent, announced the Mav meeting of Maitland Presby- terial Society and also the 100th anniversary of Luck - now Afternoon W.M.S. June Treasurer's reports were given by Mrs. Fraser Mac- Kinnon and Mrs. Leonard Clarke. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Hamilton Turn to page 18+ Lucknow's Jamboree '83 Parade Saturday, , July 2nd 12:30 Noon PLEASE ENTER AS BOON AS POSSIBLE IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Best Team Bast Horse Drawn Float Best Dressed Horse & Rider Best Organization's Float Best Commercial Float Best Humorous Float Best Heritage Float Best Old Machinery Float Best Musical Float Best Vintage Car - Pre War Best Vintage Car - Post War 1St PRIZES $30.00 2nd 920.00 3rd $ • a0 IN EACH CATEGORY This section of the wade will assemble at Floyd Milne's Field 1 /2 Mlle North of the Public School by 11:30 a.m. Children's Section NO ENTRY NE Best Decorated Bicycle Best Tricycle or Wagon Other This section will assemble one block north of MacTavlah Sunoco Station EDEA PRIZES 1st 915.00 2nd 910.00 3rd 95.00 in Each Category Sind your entry to BOB McINTOSH, A. R. M 3, LUCK NOW, NOG 2H0 For more Information phone 519-3054230