The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-04, Page 1Single copy 35c Lucknow CGIT hosted members of Dungannon and Ripley CGIT groups at a Cherish Health night held at the Lucknow United Church April 25. Four workshops were conduct- ed including one about skin care led by Mary Lou Prlestap. Brenda Davies is shown learning how to apply makeup properly with Jolie Clarke acting as her model. [Sentinel Staff Photo] Lucknow CGIT hosts Cherish Health night Thirty-four CGiT girls and leaders enjoyed a Cherish Health Night when Dungannon and Ripley CGiT groups visited the Lucknow group. After a short sing song, vice-presid- ent Donalda Thompson, welcomed every- one. In groups, the girls rotated to four activities. Lori Snyder of Wingham present- ed tips on posture, smile and attitude. Mary Lou Priestap discussed skin care and how to apply make up properly. Barb Willits taught the girls a Dance Fit routine. Lynne McDougall and Laura Lee Cayley showed how to make simple quick snacks with samples for everyone. Christine Gibson and Liane Creighton thanked the special guests. Everyone joined in singing Shalom and Taps. welfare caseload increases The year 1982 was marked by a steady The general assistance caseload for the increase in all department activities, a sub - Bruce County department of social services stantial growth in general assistance for the rose a dramatic 28.9 per cent in 1982. The "employable caseload" and record expan- total increase represents a rise from 3,920 sion in new applications for assistance. cases in 1981 to 5,052 cases in 1982, for a total increase of 1,132 cases. According to Bruce County social services director, Dick Verrips, there was a 30 per cent increase in applications for assistance, a 40 per cent increase in provision of direct services in the home and a 29 per cent increase in total caseload to maintain. To stand trial David Farrish of Ashfield Township ap- peared in Kincardine Provincial Court on April 25 for a continuation of a preliminary hearing into charges of break, enter and theft. The charges were laid following the theft of a safe containing money from the Pine River Cheese Factory in November of last year. Farrish was committed to stand trial by judge in Bruce County Court. Walkerton. A date for the trial has not been set. Wins lottery This weeks .1anihoree lottery winner is ( raig T)ittrich cif Ahasand Drive„ Fort Mc Murray. Alberta T he lucky ticket 0280 was drawn h\ .lack Mc(ittire. The year completed with a surplus of $11,750 for the county net share. however. The surplus is attributed to a 5 per cent increase in general assistance rates effective November 1982 instead of a 10 per cent increase projected April 1982, a decrease i.n day care expenditures by voluntarily delay- ing a number of programs and lack of demand for services in other programs. A number of goals were realized in 1982 according to Verrips. A day care co-ordinator Turn to page 2. Huron board appoints director of education R. B. (Bob) Allen has been named the new director of education for Huron County. The Huron County Board of Education chose Mr. Allen. currently superintendent of operations with the hoard, at a meeting on Saturcta‘. April i() He will start at a salary c f Sz,c0a1(1 1 resilient (If ( Boron. Mr superintendent of operations Board for 11 \.ears. Allen has been with the Huron } Published in Lucknow, Ontario, Wednesday, May 4, 1983 20 Pages Appoint Wiffiam R. Hunter Lucknow recreation director At a meeting of the Councils of Kinloss, West Wawanosh, Ashfield and Lucknow, held in Lucknow on April 14, an agreement was made to employ a full time recreation director for the four co-operating munici- palities. William R. Hunter, who has acted in this position without remuneration for the past twenty years, was chosen to fill the position commencing June 1, 1983. Hunter will be responsible to a recreation board consisting of two representatives from each of the four participating township councils. He will be responsible for planning and directing all recreation programs, including hockey, ball, swimming, etc., arranging for necessary instructors at the pool and play- ground, engaging coaches, referees, up- grading umpires, presenting new programs, etc. He will be attending provincial recreation meetings, seminars, reporting back and working with all co-operating municipal committees. Hunter will also he managing the arena, scheduling ice time, as well as managing the pool and recreation grounds, and it will be his responsibility to submit an operating budget to the Lucknow District Recreation Board for approval each year. An office will be provided for Hunter in the pumphouse on Ross Street, immediately south of the arena. The position of recreation director for the four municipalities is demanding and carries considerable respon- sibility. The municipalities have every confidence in Hunter's ability. The programs will be planned for every- one's benefit and the municipalities know Hunter can count on public co-operation. Village ratepayers organize to oppose sewage proposal Lucknow residents are preparing to voice their objection to the Lucknow sewage works proposal which has been sent to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) for approval. Residents who live in the serviced area met Tuesday night at the Anglican Parish Hall with members of the Lucknow Village Council to learn how the sewage proposal will affect their tax bills as ratepayers and what they will be expected to pay to hook up to the sewer system. The cost of the project will vary according to the interest rates in effect at the time the system is built, but the proposal which has been sent to the OMB is based on 18 per cent interest rates which were in effect at the time the proposal was prepared. Village residents, living outside the serviced area, are organizing a letter writing campaign to file their objections to the proposal. These residents are concerned they will be paying for something they will never have, as the Ministry of Environment does not intend to service the entire village in the future. Residents outside the serviced area are also concerned the value of thei• property will be decreased because they d4 not have the service. The serviced area includes the village' core bounded by Gough Street on the north Stauffer and Ross Streets on the west Willoughby Street on the south and Outran and Inglis Streets on the east. Based on 18 per cent interest rates, the annual charge on an average dwelling within the serviced area, assessed at S13,600 would be a total of S255 for sewer mill rate for debenture and sewer service mill rate for . debenture plus sewage service rate for operating costs. The annual charge on an average dwelling outside the serviced area and assessed at $15,415, would be $75 for the sewer mill rate for debenture. Members of Lucknow Village Council ex- pressed their concern about the cost when they sent the proposal to the OMB for ap- proval. Councillors and the reeve believe the cost of the project at 18 per cent interest is prohibitive and prepared a brief which was sent to the Minister of the Environment, Keith Norton outlining their concerns. Included in the brief was council's recom- mendation that an additional S100,000 of supplementary funding would reduce the cost of the project to a level where it would not create undue hardship for the residents of the village. The brief also outlined the percentage of the village's population which are senior citizens, some of whom live on fixed incomes and how the proposal would affect their tax bills. Residents opposing the proposal must write letters to the village clerk by May 5. Should the OMB decide to call a hearing before they make their decision regarding the Lucknow sewage works proposal, only those residents who have written letters will be permitted to speak at the hearing. New minister at Presbyterian churches Rev. Allison J. Ramsay of Montague, Prince Edward island has been appointed to the charge of the Lucknow ' Presbyterian Church and the South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. Originally of Tyme Valley, P.E.i., Rev. Ramsay received his Bachelor of Theology in 1972 from the Presbyterian College. Montreal, He has attended both McGill University and Prince of Wales College. Rev.Ramsav served in Westport, Ontario and Montague. P. El. before coming to i tic know. Res Ramsa% and his wife. Priscilla have a grown family of five h0\,s and two girls. Rev. Allison Ramsay