The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-27, Page 17community news Kairshea W.I. hold annual meeting Kinloss-Kairshea Wom- `' en's Institute held their an- nual meeting at the Institute Hall on April 21 at 11.00 a,m. The hostess, Mrs. Ira Dickie, and directors, Mrs, Harvey Houston and Mrs. Brian Doelman, served bev- erages, relishes and dessert at noon as each member brought their own sandwich- es, Mrs, Harold Howald open- ed the meeting with a poem, As We Sow, and welcomed members and visitors to the meeting. Mrs. Ira dickie read the scripture. Mrs. Donald Maclntyre, secretary -treasurer, read the minutes and correspond- ence. Kairshea will cater at the Craft Festival again this year. A motion was made to give a donation to the Luck - now Agricultural Fall Lair and the Brucelea Haven Aux- iliary. A letter, telling of the Short Courses and d -H cour- ses coming up, was read. It was reported that some of the ladies took the short course, Sewing for Children, A committee was named to look after the lunch, after the Thursday night Family Dance during the Jamboree. Mrs. Parish Moffat will attend the Officer's Confer- ence in Waterloo in May. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall gave the report of the district directors meeting in the ab- sence of Mrs. Allan Mac- Dougall. The district annual in May will be held in the. Lucknow Legion Hall with delegates being Mrs, Harold Howald, Mrs, Leonard Clarke, Mrs, Harold Camp- bell and Mrs, Harvey Hous- ton, Kairshea is to look after Pennies for Friendship. A committee was named to look after a float for the Jamboree parade, Mrs. Harvey Houston was elected ehairman for the annual meeting. The follow- ing officers were installed for 1983-84: president, Mrs, Leonard Clarke; first vire, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist; sec- ond vice, Mrs, William Hal- denby; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Donald Marintyre; dist- rict director, Mrs. Harold HowaId; public relations of- ficer, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie; curator, Mrs. Harvey Hous- ton; auditors, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs, Ira Diekle; branch directors, Mrs, Don- ald MacKinnon, Mrs, Brian Doelman, Mrs, Harold How- ald, Mrs. Herman VanMeet- eren. Standing committees: Sun- shine committee, Mrs, Rob- ert Gilchrist; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Cliff Roulston; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Virden Mowbray; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Ira Dickie; Family and Con- sumer Affairs, Mrs. Don Matthews; Resolutions, Mrs. Parish Moffat. The roll call was the pay- ment of fees. Mrs. Leonard Clarke gave the courtesies. Couple married in April ceremony By Valetta Emerson Mr. and Mrs. klbert Tay- lor of West Wawanosh visit- ed recently with Mr, and Mrs, William Purdon, Congratulations to Clare Daw and Mary Moore, who were married on Friday, April 22 at Wingham United Church by Rev. Rea Grant. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Daw who held a dinner party for the immediate relatives fol- lowing the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas and fancily visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdon. Mrs. Chapman accompan- ied her little granddaughter, Sarah, to London for a check up on Monday. Attending the wedding of Richard de Boer of Bluevale and Caroline. Dinsmore of Fordwich at the Anglican Church, Fordwich on April 23 from here were Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and Mrs. Roely de goer. The reception was held at Howie. Com- nmunity Centre. Attending the reception from here were Mr. and Mrs. Jim de goer and family and Fred de Hoer. Mrs. Symon de Hoer of Luckow spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and family. Elwin Moore of Eganviile spent the weekend at his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Millan Moore. Katherine MacLeod of London is spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. Milian Moore, prior to going on a trip. 44Z44t 444_44 .4Y-,.44' .4•,,.4 .444. 40,1114.. 4,41.-A w. ^P.44+.A4 L. 4,4‘,/Imo4 "V4.. Z.., 140#‘ fleece LA DIES 2 pc. Sets From1 995 e Cords 20% off C ; 11 LUCK NOW 528-2526 Our Complete Collection OF (..".R 40Hx. r 4r . 40 Y.4-4 0 11401.40 •-•14-41-....4 s.•\.. 44•.1. 4 r.4. .114-.11.-/ 4,-.4‘.. 4 • -.46.111-44, 4. -Y. 4 40'.66.4-1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moore who on Monday, April 25 quietly celebrated their 24th wed- ding anniversary, Mrs, Clara Cleghorn of Wingham is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Cassie Mow- bray. Mrs, Hector Purdon of London spent last week with Mrs. Mowbray and on the weekend, Hector Purdon and Mrs. Isobel Tiffin of Lucknow also spent the weekend with Mrs. Mowbray. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Tim and Mark, along with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and Steven, Mr, and Mrs. Larry Robinson, Bradley and Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Car- diff of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, Steven, Scott and Stuart helped celebrate Mark's fourth birthday. On Sunday evening Mr, and Mrs. 13111 Rintoul visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cameron, Lucknow. Leroy Rintoul and Richard Moore worked at Louada Farms, Peterborough from Monday to Wednesday, clip- ping cattle. Barry Tiffin and Charles St. Pierre of Toronto visited Tuesday and Wednesday with Barry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Stewart of Teeswater were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Kim. Michael McClenaghan of Kitchener was a Thursday Turn to page 23* MIl3SRt METAL IVrE WoriV II a my firm 0 1 464 DEMONSTRATIONS, WORKSHOPS, EXHIBITS, SCIENTIFIC FILMS, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. The Science Circus was conceived In 1973 as an extension of the Ontario Science Centra in Toronto. About thirty exhibits have been transported to The Livery in Ooderith to act a• both a super classroom for students and a unique look a1 science for adults. Have fun while you rediscover Monte. FRIDAY, APRIL 29 SUNDAY, 15 priter HOURS -- Mon, thru rrl, - 4.S & 7-4 Sat., Sun.. 11-5 LOCATION— The Livery Theatre SOUTH STREET (Beside The Bedford Hotel) 0ODERICH Sptwssatotl by Om atolterleft suslmeeets letapmavemadme/ Astestiallbto Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday April 27, 1903—Page 1• 1 1 I e!'!'!.1A„'R^Xx- �!'!�. 1'd3.Y!-!1xt•'S'x1-1'1).1-11411.-1 +t '4!).'!. 1 BANN1:11131JV'S 1981 MA L I BU CLA 9SIC, 4 door with air 1981 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 door with air 1980 FORD LTD, 4 door with air 1980 MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham 4 dr, 1980 DODGE ST, REGIS, 4 door 1980 ASPEN, 2 door CSpecial Edition] with air 1979 ASPLN, 2 door 1977 MONTE CARLO, with air 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN TRUCKS 1979 DODGE TRADESMAN van HAMM'S BL YTH PHONE 523-4342 SEE YOUR CO-OP FOR ALL YOUR CROP NEEDS • Seed • Fertilizer • Chemicols CUSTOM BLENDING AND SPREADING Lucknow Coop Lucknow 529.1953 •'•*°°fC4111 4tAw Ai 1 REGULAR GAME CO $1 e I himSal1[l,S Of (food Reasons Wh.% 4'ou Should Attend The 983 MILDMAY ROTARY 1060 • 14 REG. GAMES tat $100.00 EACH! • 2 SHARE -THE -WEALTH SPECIALS! • ROTARY MONEY GAME SPECIAL! e $500.00 SPECIAL EACH NIGHT! 4411(1'04i (APel( k PF( PF AIMS ( ((44'I F PI(.1 i AP (,)141i (APnS wilts Y( a ,1(x( enMiSSP(ry 1711AWEVEIET.-1111-4ESE WEbWE9bAv N10HiS (Ic PA(Aahas(o,'((x71 MAY 4IMAY18 JUNE 1 JUNE 15 JUNE 29 JULY 13 JULY 27 AUG. 10 ; AUG. 24 SEPT, 7 SEPT. 21 "11MJAINU'S 01 DFSr EStAENWOE o CASN R#Pd00 SERIFS'