The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-27, Page 4community news Luel n w Sentinel, Wednesday, April 27, 1953 -Pi 4 Huron health unit suggest parents help children say no to drugs As parents, the possibility that your child might be using drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) is a major concern; An article by Rolaine Hockstein suggested that drug ex- perimentation and use might be deterred if parents provided comfortable, confidence building homes where problems are dealt with and not run from, where children are taught to think for themselves, and where drugs are NOT accepted, The following article has been prepared by S, Gilbert, Health Education Services, Huron County Health Unit with reference to Hoehstein, 1i., "Helping Your Child Say NO to Drugs" Lard Ry Lillian Young Mrs, May Richardson of Wingham spent Tuesday, April 19 with Lillian Young, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Young held open house at the gray Lodge in Wingham for Mr, and Mrs, gill Young who were celebrating their' 56th wedding anniversary last Sunday afternoon, Mrs, gill Humphries . (Marjorie Mc- Donald) who taught school at Langside for a number of years is a niece of theirs and attended the open house, Little Amanda frank, dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs, Steve Prank, (Pamela Springer) was able to come home from Wingham hospital after be- ing a patient there for five days, Visitors through the week with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Springer were Bev Dukeshire and Todd of Burlington, Jim's mother from Chesley and his sister from Hamilton, Jerry Wilbur and friend from Toronto spent the week- end at his stone house farm here, The Concern of the com- munity is extended to Mr, and Mrs, Ian Thomas and family who lost their barn from fire on Monday even- ing, April 18, with all its contents, Friends and neigh- bours helped with the dean up and a benefit dance is being planned. Ian's par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Thomas of Cambridge spent a few days with them later in the week. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Springer received word that their son, Leslie, who is with the Navy branch of the armed forces and who has been stationed in Halifax, was sailing for Europe this week. St. Helens By Kathryn Todd Approximately 250 people attended the sale of house- hold effects for Margaret McQuillin on Saturday after- noon. The excellent weather made a good day for the buyers attending the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs, John Sleeker Jr, of Owen Sound on Saturday. Marilyn Flaro, Kristen and Melissa of Edmonton, Alber- ta, and Norma Strong of Wingham visited this week with Kathryn "Todd. Kristen will return at the end of the week for a longer visit with the "Todd girls. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of ('aledon visited this weekend with the Mac- Pherson families. Parents can of*r alternatives to a drug oriented way of lite at home. Here are some suggestions that have worked: Set Rea ns ebl+e Chews It is important to establish limits for your children and to be consistent in enforcing them, Provkte Reasonable ,.Supervhdon The Institute of Soria% tiesear ch studies indirate that children who spend the least time under adult supervision • at, whoa!, home, and church - the most likely to' use drugs, Kids should not be on their own too much, If you're not available, le,, when your child arrives home from school, make ar- rangements for your child to check in with a neighbour or a Mend's parents until you get home, It's important to ensure that your child is adequately occupied and supervised, Open Your Haase When You Are Rome If your child Heels free to bring Mends home, you'll know where they, are, what they're doing, and who they're with, It pays to provide snacks and make them feel welcome, Put Your Child To Work Expect your child to contribute to the upkeep of the household and the welfare of the family, A sense of responsibility builds self esteem, Kids who respect themselves are least likely to follow the leader into trouble. Support Their interests Strong, active engagement in sports, music, hobbies, an keep youngsters too busy and happy to want to fool around with drugs, Snow your child you're intemted don't send them, go with thein! Don't Aee apt Drug Cline Let your child know that rerreational drugs are not acceptable in your house, A parent who uses alcohol regularly, smokes cigar, ettes, and takes tranquillizers, is not a very convincing model for a child, "Practice what turn to page 10 1 II " The Lucknow Sentinel is planning to publish a souvenir Jamboree '83 edition to celebrate Lueknow's/'� 125th birthday. // Oro make this publication as interesting and historical All Aboard for Jamboree '83 June 30- July ist - 2nd - 3rd /1 as possible, we would appreciate it if any of our ('% readers in this area, who have access to old picture, stories or newspapers pertaining to the growth and history of Lucknow would please phone us, or bring the items in to the Sentinel office. ( Let's make this celebration the best ever! (;LUCKNOW SEN'TIN�I �LUCKNOW "Your Community Newspaper". ilowilon101141,- ,,,, .,„ 1!111 ..\� „�!o 528 2822- 528-2822