The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-20, Page 7Lnekno wSentinel,Wednesday,April 20, 1983—Page 7 school news r>. Shawn McEwan built this model dam as his science fair project for entry in the Lucknow Central Public School science fair April 13. Shawn demonstrates how water, held back by a dam, can be used for recreational activities such as boating and for generating electricity. 'Sentinel Staff' Photo' Lucknow Central Public School held their science fair April 13. Marlene Martin and Lana Craig created this project, The Water Cycle, with various types of water for tasting. ( Sentinel Staff Photo) INCOME TAX Specialists at H&R Block are specially trained tr, provide yt)u <1r1 <1c.curatE; �rtc1 c orlll,lrrtP RETURN and to c,hec ii for X111 deductions, credits dnri xf'rllt)trlons so you tftr' lo✓vr",t Ir:ylt rnate tax (Jur work GUARANTEED rirtrl if your return Is questioned we will represent yOu to the tax department at no extra cost IT PAYS TO BE PREPARED Sm) see us Soon Iiia �r r1r haVrr your tax return (Joni: Ly H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria St. N. Open 9A M 8 P M Weefrdays 325 Lambton St. Open 9 A 5 30 P M Weekdays 7088 Goderich 9 4 Sat Phone 524 8658 K incnrdine 9 1 Sat. Phone 396 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Lucknow students win at science fair Winning protects at the Lucknow Central Public School science fair held April 13 included: Grade 8 Physics: Richard Askes, Brian Ross, Jeff Ackert. Eric Cowan; Biology: Jeff Mur- ray, Mandy Stewart, John de Boer, Rob Johnson; Earth Science: Chris Clark, Cathy Hamilton, Rob Bushell; Chemistry: Tony Gingrich, Steve Huffman, Alan Sack - rider, Brian Reavie. Grade 7 Physics: David MacDoug- all, Tony Falconer, Craig Irwin; Biology: Donnie Krea- mer, Wendy Neable, Rod Husk; Earth Science: Tracy Steer, Cindy • :Afters; Den- ise Helm, Karen Picard; Charlene Conley; Chemistry: Vickie Owen, Michelle John- son; Sam Murray, Julie Nich- Olson; computer Science: Michelle Hent-\ Grade b in' cst►gatton: Tans a Neu - kid; Ante Gingrich. Heather Priestap; Jonathan. Stein. Meaghan Clarke; Demon- stration: Kent Campbell, Susan Miller, Marlene Mar- tin, Lana Craig; Working Model; Steven Mensinga, Debbie Atkinson. Shawn Mc - Ewan; Static Model: Blaine Salkeld, Donna Johnson, Geraldine Mensinga; Dis- play: Laura Hodgins. Amie Moulton; John Kunkel. Grade 5 Sharon Askes; Paul Helm, Jonathan Nelson; Shane Mc- Inally, Debbie" Nicholson. Grade 4 Kristen Owen, Jody Hack- ett; Megan Johnstone; Rob Crich, Chris Stevenson, Jamie Johnston, Russell Sut- ton. Gruff. 3 l int Falconer; Robert Hamilton, Vince Sticklend, Jason Stanley; Christine Conic\ , Erin Johnstone, Donna Fraser. Grade 2 Eric McDougall; Jennifer Porter; Ryan Craig. Grade 1 Nicki Fisher; Jarret Craig; Shawn Bellmore, Eric Furn- ess. Kindergarten Kristen O'Neill, Jonathan Hallam, Jesse Park: Lisa Neable, Donna Bonnett, Ja- ckie Murray, Dawne Rhody, 1 err. Thompson; Heather Askes, Amy Austin, Tarrin Colwell, Amy Falconer, Kel- ly Stevenson, Tina Jewson, Katrina Abbott, Wesley Barnwell, Terry Bushell, Sara Haldenby, Brent Sum- mers, Julie Cartier, Joey Hodgins. The f Atm tng students ill be entering their projects to the Regional Science Fair to Southampton Thursday, An - rd 21. Grade 8 - Richard Askes, Brian Ross, John de Boer, Rob ,Johnson, Jeff Murray, Mandy Stewart, Rob Bush- ell, Chris Clark. Cathy Ham- ilton, Tony Gingrich; Grade 7 - Tony Falconer, Craig Irwin, David MacDougall, Donnie Kream-er, Wendy Neable, Vickie Owen, Michelle John- son, Denise Helm, Karen Pickard, Tracy Steer, Cindy Struthers, Sam Murray, Michelle Henry; Grade 6 - Tanya Neufeld, Amy Ging- rich, Jonathan Stein, Kent Campbell, Susan Miller, Marlene Martin, Lana Craig, Steve Mensinga, Blaine Salk- eld, Laura Hodgins, Amie Moulton, Meaghan Clarke, Heather Priestap. Hoover Laundry Portables Wash here while you rinse let WS. kat o 1 ir t--11. ROLLS ON CASTERS Big easy roltlng cattery (or maximum mob,l,ty *MAI I Plat'tt `M ''-1 WASHES FAMILY 512E LOADS 36 diapers 1? men's shirts 2 double sheets plus pillowcases. to riessimio v 's`r"" n saw rl Q c, TURBO ACTION AGITATION Surges detergent water through the wash gets thlnys really clean f�j, `L 1 :1 SPINS DAMP ORY IN SECONDS E*tracts water and detergent leaves many pieces ready to Iron SAVES SUDS WATER . Dt TE RO;ENT Re Ute osis water Surer efrcrent M t nn tavet water and detergent ■ret • NO INSTALLATION NEEDED PP3r1y to jt.e when gull thug 'Iffy h(H)11 up to vr1k K1mm /SALE PRICE' Lucknow DON'T DELAY! SEE IT! Greer's Television and Electric Mdtchtny Dryer AV(IIIr1Ole 115 Volt . . Anywhere Plug In 528-3112