The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-06, Page 10The Corporation of the Aud'itor's Report and Finan FOR THE TEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, Auditor's Report To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers 'of the Corporation of the Vi1nage of Lucknow: We have examined the balance sheets of the Corporation of the Village of Lucknow and the Lucknow Waterworks as at December 11, 1982 and the statements of revenue and expenditure, capital operations, and reserve and reserve funds continuity and analysis of year end position for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accord- ance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we ronsidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Village of t.ucknow and the Lucknow Waterworks as at December 31, 1982 and the results of their operations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Clinton, Ontario February 10, 1983 Durst, Vodden & Bender Chartered Accountants Licence Number: 600 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure lirr the 1 ear rfdrtl /)rr ember +/. 1982 1982 Widget Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year - Expenditures and transfers Municipal expenditures General government 59,840 Protection to persons and property 12, 165 transportation services 118,6041 Environmental services , 5, 44111 Health services 1 1, 'am Social and family services 5 7 5 Recreation and cultural set -vices 67,160 Planning and development 1 11, 4))111 Other total expenditure )1 R , 190 Transfers transfers to Legion or county transfers to school boards 17*4,41 I '4 7_, i 1 5 Total ttansfets H' ) ) 7 'total expenditures and transfers 19 ►1691 Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants Other grants Fees and service charges Other Revenue to pay for municipal purposes Region or county requisition Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants Other Revenue to pay the region or county requisition School board requisition taxation Payments in lieu of )axes Other Revenue to pay the school hoard requisition 'total revenue Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year Analysed as follows (,eneral revenue Region of County School hoards Special charges Special areas Local hoards Muni) )pal enterprises 1 .')1, 98 ' '4,99(1 941,9'4(1 51,)96 1,519 41 4 4 1 1, 44,,'17 14 , '1,' 1982 Actual S 5U, 1 76 O' , 58'1 12.'4,206 26,',86 11,'1)) 575 67,121 1 1 ,189 1' 5,r„R 11,64)4 1'+9,111 1 185,68: 511, 1111 1981 Actual 5,654 51 „c) 15,8415 112,501 1 r, , 5110 66,'14', 29,4-, 1 19,968 16R,R'n 71,8:44 11'1,171 ;,149 412, i))9 '4R 2 1.5 11,870 7, '4 70 101 It '!4 4,,41 ge of Lucknow 1 Staternents if Statement of Capital Operations r »- rirt' neYr1 t ttivd1 /6,1.4 thtl ?/, 198_, "financed rapiital t►utla' r (.'ne\pentkd capital Financing) at the beginning ut the 4 ear Capital expenditure rienerai government Ptote.chon to persons and property Transportation set'.tves Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other Total expenditure Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund Contributions [tom reserves and reserve finds Long term.liabilities incurred Ontario grants Other Total capital financing Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year • 1Vti? Actual s 1 ,4111, 4, 1'18 10,000 y 4 „ y r, 441.(1 390 Balance Sheet di q► /)erernher I/. aVR? ASSETS Current assets Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Other long term assets LIABILITIES Current liabilities ti temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) ,end unapplied capital receipts 1982 Actual 05,11114'4 88,914 1',16 I '0,1418 1981 Actual 1f) ,1111) ,'4,,'491 I btl l Actual. Iona 10,1 1`l, I 1 10, 721 10r-) 149 1981 Actual 15,111(4 41 `, t5, 1 46,486 5n, 7.48 1 t1 !,4),/,49 40,900 0,917 1 11,71/4