The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-06, Page 7letters Support farm survivalist stand... groin page 6 average farmer would far sooner sup- port a committee set up by the local federation of agriculture to act as negotiator between the farmer and his bank. Thirdly it suggested the farming community would be much better served by responsible individuals who work diligently towards realistic solu- tions to the problems farmers face. I can not understand this article or support this reasoning due to the almost unanimous support given by other farm groups to, the C.F.S.A. The following are some of the organizations that have come out in support of the C.F.S.A. National farmers Union t almost total support of Bill C-653) ; Maritime Fisherman's Union; Catholic Rural Life Conference; Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture; Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture; United Church of Canada; Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Board and many more. A vote taken at the OFA's March meeting resulted in a tally of 123 to two in support of Bill C-653, introduc- ed by MP Ralph Ferguson. Kurt and Perth Counties being the two votes against. From a telegram sent to govern- ment from Ontario Bishops on Bill G 653 dated March 16, I quote, "the undersigned Bishops of Ontario, meeting in Plenary Assembly, wish to, convey their respectful regards and to inform you, that, after serious discus- sion, we desire to go on record as sup- porting those provisions of Bill C-653, which will alleviate the stressful financed situation of the farmers of Ontario, and elsewhere in Canada and we count on your immediate action to this end." A quote from Catholic Rural Life Conference, London Diocese March 11: We view with deep regret the charges placed against Allen Wilford and Torn Shoebottom of the farmers' survival group. We are not prepared to pass judgement on the innovative and allegedly illegal actions of these two men in their attempt to help a fellow farmer. The thought was cer- tainly noble and exemplary and many other Canadian farmers would do well to be as concerned for their im- mediate neighbour." — signed by Bishop John M. Sherlock, The Canadian farmers' survival group, lobbying in Ottawa, were treated with great respect in Parlia- ment, and contrary to the idea of strong arm tactics and hooligans that some uninformed persons have refer- red to them as, they were com- plimented by members of Parliament as being a competent and gentleman- ly group. In light of these facts I find it im- possible to accept the implication that the farm community could be served by any better group. Concerned farmer. Wants speedy passage of Bill C653 To the editor: A few weeks ago in the Sentinel issue of April 23, 1983, I wrote a letter to the editor speaking about Bill C653. I now have a copy of it. Bill C653 is very important to all those in financial dif- ficulties. To those not in financial trouble it can do no harm. The bill has passed second reading, supported by all political parties and is now before a committee. An opportunity to present briefs from financial in- stitutes, farm groups and others will be held. April 11, 1983 is the date for one farm organization. This bill C653 can do with all the support it can get. If it will benefit you or your neighbor, would you write your member of parliament and Mr. Eugene Whelan Minister of Agriculture, Ot- tawa, urging Bill C653 be given speedy passage favorably. Accompanying is a quote from supporting organizations, Catholic Rural Life Conference - Diocese of London. "We view with deep regret the charges placed against Allen Wilford and Tom Shoebottom of the Farm Sur- vival Association. We are not prepared to pass judgement on the innovative and allegedly illegal actions of these two men in their at- tempt to help a fellow farmer. The thought was certainly noble and ex- emplary and many other Canadian farmers would do well to be as concerned for their immediate neighbour. The action may have been or appeared to have been less than prudent," Canadian Federation of Agriculture in a brief dated March 4, 1983: "CFA delegates supported measures being taken to temporarily suspend loan repayments to farmers, and indeed we support the private members bill amendments to the Farmers' Creditors Ar- rangement Act which have been introduced in the House of Commons." James E. Hoak Dungannon Solve all your problems with one swell swoop! CLASSIFIED ADS WORK CILUX-SUPER SPRING SALE New From C.I.L qv, ourii r L (i;• lain Cipo aur .Iri P. jsti Special Introductory95 4 1 rIre .Size NEW Cilux Natural Whites From C•11. L Pre -mixed Pastel Colours SUPER LATEX FLAT & SEMI -GLOSS Offer Compare at $25 95 C.I.L. -Super Latex Flat -Super Latex Semi -Gloss Super Alkyd Sern1-Gloss comparable prices '26." & '29.9' 1 995 • 4 L. sin ALL REMAINING INTERIOR IMPERIAL SIZE QUARTS AND GALLONS IN STOCK AT REDUCED METRIC PRICES (LITRE AND 4 LITRE SIZES) CUSJ1JONF I DR ANO ft O1.EUM 11" n ww.1--r1 m Nr , r:, .»ar,r, , F'rTPf' DRAPERIES FIMLAY DECORATORS L,icknnw, Oi.oKrio WALLPAPER AND C -I -L PAINTS Mon,. 528.3434 WEST HURON JUNIOR FARMERSSPRING J� FORMAL?, jj ON SATURDAY Qs, 7: 1; ®t APRIL16thi { LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE Theme "A Night To Remember" Dancing 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Music by: Drumlin Buffet Lunch Tickets: 1 1 1 1 7 Advance 'b.00 Per Person '7.°° Per Person at Door Proceeds for Lucknow Fire Department Tickets available from any Junior Farmer member or phone 528-3322 529-7594 528-3101 529-7862 NO BLUE JEANS .. 4.-,00+ti..4.r\..'..-..+.,..\..4..1.•r....w..-••...\.•••••••..-_.•,-...i. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, A.piil t4, 1953—Pse 7 SPRING SPECIAL SEED GRAIN Cert. Brice Barley Cert. Massey Barley Cert. Herto Barley Cert. Elgin -Bruce M.G. Cert. Elgin.Herta M.G. $10.90 $10.90 $9.90 $12.90 $11.90 PER 40 KG. (tt 11.) SAG Cash 8 Garry ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS LIMITED LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 5284203 Stocker Sale 1000 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. ON Saturday, ApriI 16,1983 at 1:00 p.m. CONSISTING OF: STEERS, HEIFERS AND CALVES FOR INFORMATION CALL Victor Hargreaves [519] 482.7511 Clinton Barry Miller [519] 235-2717 Exeter [519] 229-6205 Klrkton Greg Hargreaves [519] 262-2619 Hensall [519] 262-2831 Hensall Auctioneer: LARRY GARDINER ,Censure 'ours Inc. HOLLAND, M' CHIGAN TULIP TIME 5 days • May 11 to 15 Holland, Mich , during TULIP TIME FESTIVAL, is ablaze with colour The biggest attraction is FREE. Hundreds of thousands of carefully selected bulbs are planted every year along 8 miles of Tulip Lanes plus special plantings and displays by local residents and businesses So much to see and do, musicals, parades, Windmill Island, and Dutch Village. By making this tour 5 days in length, you• have the opportunity to see all that Holland has to offer. ROCHESTER LILAC FESTIVAL 4 days • May 20 to 23 Lilacs and more lilacs as you tour Highland Park tor the Lilac Festival This is a 4 day tour which combines the beauty of the lilacs, free entertainment, visits to museums and the Kodak Plant Rochester, of course is the home of the Eastman Kodak Company, the "Flower City" and the • Lilac Capital of the World" TOLEDO - WESTGATE DINNER THEATRE 3days -May 21-to23 in March, 1977, a busload of persons from Hamilton, Ont travelled to TOLEDO to enjoy a "new" tour developed to encourage attendance at the Broadway Shows being presented at the WESTGATE DINNER THEATRE This began what has become one of the most popular short tours from South -Western Ont OTTAWA - FESTIVAL OF SPRING 4 days • May 22 to 25 There's much to see and do' Well take you on a tour of the• Parliament Buildings, a tour of the city (where the tulips should be in lull bloom in May) out to the Gatineau Hills Plan to visit some of the free attractions such as Canadian War Museum, National Arts Centre, National Gallery of Canada, National Museum of Science & Technology, and more we will provide transportation to some of these. And, of course. spend some time shopping and enjoying this ci- ty on your own Come along and see why more and more people prefer the unhurried style of a Leisure Tour. Brochures available from IMIDAY WORLD June Alton and Marg Burkhart will be happy to help you with your holiday plans WINGHAM 519-357-2701. OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT.