The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 16ARO south klnloss By Bath Buchanler Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac- Kinnon visited with Norma Wilson of Hamilton last week and attended the funeral of Mearle Middleton of Bur- lington on Monday. Fraser was a pallbearer. Others From this community attend- ing the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell, John MacKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie paid respects at the funeral home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Edis- bury have returned home from their vacation in Cali- fornia where they visited with relatives. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillan, Jack and Ron were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuillin and Ali- esha of Sarnia, Mrs. Hicks of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Bruetigam of St. Catharines. Ian MacGillivray of God- erich is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buchmeier and Carol. trInity news By Bell Hackett Lane Gardner motored to Kingston on Friday, March 17 to attend the Directors meeting of the Royal Canad- ian Navy Association. Lane was delegate from the New Huron Navy Club recently formed in Goderich. Greg and Glenda Jackson of Wiarton spent a few days ast week with Ivan and Gail .;ranston, Danielle and Lee. Danielle returned with them on Monday for a holiday. Evan and Jean Hoffman of Burlington spent the week- end with their daughter, Janet and Larry Wilkins, Laura and Adam. Heritage Homemake rs The third meeting of the Trinity Heritage Homemak- ers was held at the home of Mary Lou Raynard on Feb- ruary 26. President Brenda Hackett called the meet r g;to order with the roll call. The members prepared Plum Dumplings, Vegetable and Macaroni Casserole and Cherry Pork Chops. Every- one enjoyed the dishes but some of the members did not like the dumplings. The meeting's business included Breads of Europe, Strudels and Dumplings. Heritage Homemakers was the unanimous choice for the club name. klnlough news •from page 9 soon everything was under control, Allan Nicholson of Wal- laceburg was home last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, helping with the farm work. Joseph Guest of Brucelea Haven enjoyed a holiday here with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald. Tracey Ferguson of Lon- don had a nice holiday with Tara, Lucas and Alicia Thacker, South Line. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt were in Toronto visiting their family. Bernice stayed to be with Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and keep their children so Sue could be at the hos- pital with her mother, who had undergone major surg- ery. dungannon MUM •from page 11 the family of Kin, Matthew John Michael Redmond. was born on Monday, March 7. Matthew is the first son for Kinette vice president Karen and Kinsmen president, Mike. Congratulations to all! The Kinettes are sponsor- ing a Blood Donor Clinic which will be held at Brook- side School on June 30. Library board meets The Lucknow Public Lib- rary Board met with the Bruce County Library Board March 18 to review budget requests for the year 1984. Mr. H. Collins chaired the meeting and attending were, Warden, County of Bruce, J. Cumming; A. Cormack, Pais- ley; K. Hatten, Chesley; C. Pegelo, Citizenship Repres- entative from Brant Town- ship; Joyce Johnston, B.C. Librarian; Sandra Saddy, B.C. office; Reeve George loynt, Barry Johnston, Reeve of Kinloss Township; Fran McQuail, Lucknow Lib- rarian and board members, Harlow Stonehouse, Lorna Guay, Kerri O'Neill and Greta Johnston. The first request for con- sideration was for an assist- ant supervisor for the Luck - now Library, to allow the library to be open Saturdays from 1 - 5 p.m. and to help from 2 - 4 p. m. Mondays, to replace page help of two hours, thus a net increase in staff hours of four per week. The Story Hour held each Monday from 1 - 2 p.m, has an increasing number of children attending, and the board was asked for a budget of $50.00 for craft materials. The circulation for the past six months was shown as increasing in: books per hour, non -book circulation, including reference, period- icals, talking books and film circulation. For some time many patrons have desired Saturday hours and this would increase from three to four the number of days of the week the library is open. Reeve George Joynt gave a comprehensive outline of al- terations and improvements being made to the Town Hall and those that will continue into 1984 and was thanked by the hi, ;sport. LYNNETTE HANDLEY'S a noI Ladies AN Ages Come out and be part ® of DANCE IT'S 4th A Div,ston of DanceFlT (Canada) Ltd. session In Lucknow. DANCE IT Is a cardiovascular fitness program that combines the fun of dancing with the bask elements of a good fitness work out The ten week program will be held at the Town Hall In Lucknow, beginning April 12, 1983. The $35 fes Includes a one hour workout, twice • week, to be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. A participation, demonstration and registration even- ing will be held Wednesday, March 30, 1983, 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall. Come prepared to work out and hear about the Dance It program. Running shoes ars a must) Returning students may register by contacting ° instructor at 628-3646 by March 29, 1983. PLAN TO MAKE DANCE IT YOUR FUN WAY TO BECOME PHYSICALLY FITI REKA EUREKA POWER T A MOTOR HERE AM ANOTHER MOTOR HERE $349•95 Eureka Deluxe Power Team with 2 motor power • Powerful upright carpet cleaning action with canister versatility. • Roto-Matice powerhead with motorized Vibra- Groomere beater bar brush roll thoroughly deep -cleans carpet like an upright. • Brilliant headlight and cleaning tools included, • Roto -Matic® Powerhead with all -metal Vibra-Groomer, ALL OUR EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners On Sale COME IN TO -DAY AND `SAVE Greer T.V. 81 Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 Lfacknow Sentinel, Wedaeaday, Meek 23, 1983—Pim 16 APPUCA TIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Lucknow Recreation Committee FOR SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS AND LIFE GUARDS AT LUCKNOW SWIMMING POOL FOR THE COMING SEASON Applicants are required to apply in writing stating qualifications, by April 6, 1983 to WM. R. HUNTER Lucknow Recreation Committee Box 32, Lucknow, Ont, MITCHELL'S PURE 48 OZ. Apple Juice .89 LANTIC 2 KG. White Sugar .99 WELCH'S GRAPE 260 ML. Jamorielly 1.09 WHITE LABEL 28 OZ. Tomatoes .79 HILLS BROS. INSTANT 10 OZ. Coffee 4.19 SWANSON FROZEN 340 G. Chicken Sticks 2.49 SCHNEIDER'S FRESH Pork Hocks SCHNEIDER'S FRESH GRADE "A" Chicken Fryers .79 ,..99 SCHNEIDER'S STORE SLICED LUNCHEON, MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN LOAF, MOCK CHICKEN Cooked Meats ,0.2.19 FRESH 2 LB. BAG Carrots .39 Lettuce .49 48'S PINK OR WHITE Grapefruit5 FOR .99 . FINAL WEEK: CKNX HOME HEATING HOLIDAY CONTEST DRAW DATE MARCH 25, 1983 GOT AN ENTRY IN???? Bain's Groceteria u('kn4►% 528-3420 OPEN SiX DAYS WE DELIVER