The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 11school news Brookside students enter science fair By Angela Millian and Nancy Hunter Winners of this year's science fair at Brookside Public School are grade 1, Kirk Tyler, Stephen Des- champs and honourable mention, Larissa Sproul, Cedirc Puddy and Pat Broome; grade 2, Janice Chisholm, Scott Rintoul; honourable mention, Danny Kerr and Nathan Daer; grade 3, Matthew Sproul, Linda Hayden, honourable men- tion, Tricia Holmes and Dor- een Debold; grade 4, Sheila Hymers, Andrew Glenn and Mona Johnston, honourable mention, Jamie McDougall, Adrian Rau and Bryan Mc- Cann; grade 5, Chris Mac - Leon, Steven Rintoul, hon- ourable mention, Jeff Ire- land; grade b, Biogolical, Ken Strong, Sherry Hodges and Shannon Kerr, honour- able mention, Deb Rintoul; Physical, Debbie Debold, Laurie Hayden, honourable mention, Michael Campbell; grade 7, Biological, Kirk Livingston, Karen Elliott. honourable mention, Bonnie Henderson and Donna Bay- nard; Physical, Kevin Black, Mike Pentland, honourable mention, Koreen Jurgens; grade 8, Biological, Audrey Bos, Buetta Martin ( and Shelley Good; Physical, LeJ roy Dougherty and Laurie Pentland. Mrs. Worsell and Mrs. Carrol's class visited Zehrs in Goderich on March 1S. They saw the produce, meat and bakery departments and saw the new cash registers. They each received a free cookie, courtesy of Zehrs. Mrs. Young's room finish- ed writing their stories and drawing their pictures about pets. Mrs. Farrish and Mrs. Tebutt's room visited Mr. Pentland's sugar shack on March 15 where they were given a taste of maple syrup and maple candies. On March 15 Mrs. Robin- son. a teacher from Clinton, came to the school to do a presentation from the slides sh'e took when she taught English as a second language to children and adults in Java. She had many souven- irs and slides to show. The slides included the Indones- ian agriculture, medical facil- ities, schools, housing, transportation, culture and tourism. She also taught the classes to sing a song in Indonesian, If You're Happy and You Know it. Dungannon woman home from hospital By Marie Park Mary Bere returned to her home on Saturday following a one week stay in Goderich Hospital following surgery. Leonard Snelgrove of Han- over visited for a few days with his sister, Mrs. Lee Shetler and her husband, Don. Olive Chisholm's mother, Mrs. Payne has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bowers and Michael. We welcome her to the community. Lynda McNee is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, being admitted on Monday, March 14. Gertrude Park was admitted on Satur- day with pneumonia. The Dungannon and Nile Youth group are sponsoring a fun day for the kids in the community on Wednesday. March 23 at 1.30 at the United Church. There will also be a garage sale and bake sale. Leonard Chisholm has re- turned home from hospital in London. There were 13 tables of euchre at Brookside school on Wednesday night at a party sponsored by the Dun- gannon and Area Seniors. High lady was Belle Mole. Maxine Pollock had the low score. High man's score was Les Purvis and Freeman Ol- son had low score for the men. Elmer Black won the door prize. Dungannon U.C.W. The Dungannon U.C.W. held a work meeting in the church on March 14 at 10.30 a.m. Two quilts were set up. One to be quilted and one to be tied. Dessert and bever- age was served by Doris Hodges and Donna Alton. A short business meeting was held. The roll call was answered by 17 ladies nam- ing an Irish city and the wearing of something green. Dungannon Kinette Club The Dungannon Kinettes held their March meeting at the Vanastra Recreation Cen- tre. Following the business meeting, an hour of swim- ming was enjoyed. After their fun and exercise, the hungry group enjoyed lunch served by hostess Melba Park. New Kinette Sharon Balt- zer was welcomed into the Club during the past month. Sharon is the wife of Kin Doug and they have two children, Kathy and Kevin. Another new member in Turn to page 16• EHRS BULK FOOD Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1983—Page 11 • Arletta Glenn, left, and Jackie Dawson built this model of a solar heated house as their entry in the Brookside Public School science fair. Students in grades 5 - 8 submitted entries in two categories, biological and physical. Winners proceed to the county science fair in late March. [Sentinel Staff Photo) Adrian Rau, left and Jamie MacDougall were awarded an honourable mention for their model of a [ego space station in the hobby category, In the junior division at the Brookside Public School science fair. Students submitted entries in categories including hobbies, models and research. (Sentinel Staff Photo) SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE IN STORES AS SHOWN MARCH 23 THRU. MARCH 29 BULK SPECIAL 4IN REGULAR SMOOTH OR NATURAL SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER Z.1e9. 99° .b. BULK SPECIAL ORANGE, GRAPE, APPLE LEMONADE OR FRUIT PUNCH FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 2.1!„ Ib. SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: zehrs trnrc markets... of fine iSocts BULK SPECIAL CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP MIX 3'SK9 1.' Ib. BULK SPECIAL RASPBERRY JAM 174 �'K9. 71tb. ZEHRS NO. 8 HIGHWAY GODERICH, ONTARIO