The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 7news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Manch 23, 19133—Page 7 Lucknow WMS meets The Evening Auxiliary of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church held their monthly meeting in the Sunday School Room on Tuesday, March 15 at 8:00 p.m. v The Evening Unit of the Lucknow United Church U.C.W.were guests at this meeting and presented the program. Mrs. Witham Henderson welcomed the guests. Mrs. Gordon Cayley con- ducted a sing song. Mrs. George Joynt read a poem. Mrs. Bryce Elliott gave the scripture and meditation fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. George Joynt. Mrs. Cayley gave two questions to ask the person next to you: If Christ came to your home which room would you invite him into; How would you prepare your home if you knew Christ was coming to visit you. A dis- cussion followed which was very interesting. Mrs. Cayley led .in some new round sing songs. Mrs. Michael Sheppard of Lucknow was the guest speaker for the evening. She spoke on the Difference be- tween Inner Joy and Happi- ness. Mrs. Jack Treleaven thanked the speaker on be- half of all the ladies. Mrs. Frank Hawthorne gave the courtesy remarks. Contests and an Irish sing song were conducted by Mrs. William Henderson and Mrs. Bruce Raynard. Enjoy Irish program A good crowd turned out for the Town and Country Club Irish program Tuesday, March 15. The orchestra consisting of Harold Campbell, Ira Dickie, Jean Conley and Betty O'Donnell got things off to a lively start, Gertrude Leddy gave two Irish recitations. Wat Webster of Clinton fav- oured with Irish mouth organ selections twice during the program as did Harry Lavis, accompanied by Betty and Jean. Anna Johnstone sang three lovely Irish songs with accompaniment by Dorothy Brown. Hill Kirkman gave a recitation and Mrs. Bill Hen- derson, at the piano, led all in an Irish sing song. Grace Campbell recited two poems. The orchestra closed the program and a square dance followed with Spence Irwin being the caller. An old time waltz was enjoyed by many and cup cakes and tea were served by the committee in charge. Attend St. Helens auction By Kathryn Todd In spite of rain, sleet and snow, nothing can keep the farmers from looking for bargains. This was proven on Saturday when a good crowd of buyers and onlook- ers attended the farm auction sale of machinery held at Bob Aitchison's farm. The rain and the cold north winds don't seem to matter much when spring auction sales arrive. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ly- ons spent the weekend visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Croskill and David of Listow- el. Helen Todd and Isobel Miller returned home after a 16 day tour to Florida. Places visited in Florida were Clear - A water, St. Augustine and Orlando, Spring is here this week but to look out the window you would think that winter has just arrived. After enjoy- ing 12 degree (54) temper- atures on Christmas Day, it wouldn't surprise anyone to see snow at Easter. Rob Siecker did extensive damage to his car when he was returning home to Owen Sound on Sunday evening. Rob had been visiting with his family for the weekend. A deer dashed into his path while travelling to Black Horse. The deer was killed in the accident but Mr. Sleeker received no injuries. Kathryn Todd celebrated her 29th? birthday with a surprise party hosted by friends. Sr. Augustine CIL The March meeting of St. Augstine Catholic Women's League was held in the church hall. Marg Glavin opened the meeting with prayer followed by a scrip- ture reading given by Leona Hickey. Father Frank Dentinger commented on the scripture by giving scripture meaning in today's terms. The minutes of the prev- ious meeting were read by Mary Boyle. Reports were given by Maria Theony and Mary Redmond. The business this month started with the announce- ment of a Ham Bingo to be held Thursday, March 24 at 8:30 in St. Augustine Hall. First communion will be made at Easter time by Patrick and Darrel Hallahan from Sacred Heart School. Peter Theony and Joyel For- an will make their First Communion in June. they attend St. Joseph's Com- munity School. Donna Sue McClenaghan from Cedar Hill Garden Centre gave a very enter- taining discussion of theory and demonstrations on ar- rangements of silk and fresh flowers. Her program was very informative and enjoyed very much by all present. Tickets were drawn for Door Prizes. First prize was a spring floral arrangement done by Donna Sue during her demonstration and don- ated. It was won by Mrs. Leona Hickey. Other winners of plants and bulbs were Mrs. Ella Redmond, Mrs. Lois Chamney, Mrs. Maria Theony and Mrs. Judy Smyth. Donna Sue was thanked on behalf of the league by Nancy Stapleton and pres- ented with a gift. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 27 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 tO0 a.m. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A. M.Dive Nursery and Junior Congregation Provided Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW (PRESBYTERIAN( CHURCH 1 r SUNDAY, MARCH 27 WORSHIP SERVICE 10e00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL • 10:00 A.M. Guest Speaker Rev. George Garratt Nursery Downstairs For Any Little Ones Under four. Everyone Welcome �0®..seq.,_,e. aeeoqp_as-I,AR ®eevaeea4._'-ee^b—ee'".s.eee�.s�.a.4es-� HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? ATTENTION AREA FARMERS We pay $20.00 to $50.00 per hundred weight for old cows and recently Injured or sick sows, cows, steers and heifers. Must be alive and drug tree. Any delay could be costly. For immediate pickup with our winch equipped vehicle Call Collect 24 HOURS A DAY -- 6DAYS AWEEK [519) 482-9957 or ay4824816 R 7eg THE CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE FOR STUDENTS Would like to thank the home owners and busi- nesses who used our ser• vice last year. Help us make 1983 as successful - HIRE A STUDENT THIS SUMMER For information, call: 881-2201 100 Scott Street WALKERTON ONTARIO Employment and ImmlgrelIon Canada Canada Farm Labour Pool This Week's Special MARCH 23.29 ALL Exquisite 2 0 O Crystal iN STOCK ooff Agnew Jewellery & Gifts Evening Appointments 5283940 LUCKNOW 528-3532 L ALLAN R. MILLER R. R. 5 , Lucknow 528-2499 Agent for • SEED DRAIN • SEED CORN • GRASS SEED • CATTLE OILERS • BARN PARTITIONS • CATTLE MINERAL FEEDERS • BALE SHREDDERS • ROUND BALE FEEDERS • BALER TWINE • PIG FEEDERS • FERTILIZERS • FARM GATES • SPREADER CHAINS • BINDER TWINE Congratulations and Best Wishes to The Sewing Box on your Grand Opening AP r ( 1,41111,1( OP IOM 11.401 F I int • vr, 1 •, ., •wY n. •.. 1 .1 ()f1APF. R IF.S FINLAY DECORATORS 1 wli.w.. (MI./v. W it.r/.FLft AND('I 1 PAIKt7 gr.,. III )11) Allan Colling Ripley, Ontario Agent for: Brussels Stockyard Ltd. Cows and Fat Cattle On Thursdays Call Yard 395-2977 After 8:00 a. m. for Pickup Stockers & Feeders HOME 395-2911 Aiwa- araw.Ilona-awitnatnak-'l.l'!-! at-at.a...al-ab-arat.atnat.alnitt.ain Family and Children's Services of Huron County [Operated by the Children's Aid Society) Invites You To The 72nd Annual Meeting DATE: MARCH 30, 1983 TIME: 2:00 P. M. PLACE: 46 GLOUCESTER TERRACE GODERiCH, ONTARIO Memberships available et the door - $1.00 REFRESHMENTS 300 deductions, exemptions and credits to save money on your T1 GENERAL income tax return. H&R Block will help you take advantage of every possible saving which ,applies to you. Prices start at $1 8.00 SPD at participating offices. It pays to be prepared -- by H&R Block --�H&RBLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria St. N. Goderich Open 9 A.M.-8 P.M. Weekdays, 9-4 Sat. Phone 324.8638 325 Lambton St. Kincardine Open 9 A.M.-3:30 P.M. Weekdays, 9.1 Sal. Phone 396- 1088 OPEN TOO AY - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY an an s..,.�w AknaPoln. WE ARE NOW Custom Cleaning & Treating Seed Grain Bulk or Bag Also Available: Certified or Canada No. 1 Seed Barley, Oats, Mixed Grain Flax and Canola Anderson Flax Products Ltd. LUCKNOW 528-3203