The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 5feature Wool exchange Air Riding a camel L. OPENING Specials THIS WEEK ONL Y SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 26th ,' Jogging Fleece Ribbing Polyester Knit 20 OFF 50 10 1) .1 1F F' ewing Machines 4 �f0 OFF p�0 OFF Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1943—Page S Attend rural youth conference.,... *born page 4 road which had hairpin curves for excite- ment. Nora also tried her hand at sheep shearing. She watched shearers who do 200 sheep a day. The wool is then pressed into huge 300 pound bales and shipped to a wool exchange where buyers come to look over the product and bid on their purchases, From Waimate the girls went to Queen- stown, where they stayed at a mountain resort lodge. Here they enjoyed typical vacation sports including jet boating, boat cruises around the lake, river rafting and horseback riding. Audrey took the gondula up the mountain to the resort restaurant to enjoy dinner one evening. The restaurant is accesible by ski lift only, Following their stay at the lodge, they returned to Christchurch and flew to Wel- lington, North Island and took a 50 seat plane to Rotorua, known for its sulphur ge•surs. Here they stayed at another resort lodge where they found Jim Henderson's name in the guest book. It's a small world, muses Nora. Mr. Henderson and his wife of Lucknow had been travelling in New Zealand with their son, just prior to Nora and Audrey's trip there. While in Rotorua, the girls attended a Maowii concert. The Maowii are native New Zealand people and the concert was a panorama of their native music, and costumes. While in Rotorua they toured the Rainbow Forest, a fish hatchery which prides itself as a sanctuary for the native Kiwi bird of New Zealand. The girls left Rotorua for the Bay of Islands where they met their host families for their stay in New Zealan While staying with their h . t families, the girls attended a conferen of rural youth clubs at Waipu on - ' can for two days. They camped in six or 12 man tents on the beach which the girls observed were more beautiful than the beaches in Hawaii. Following the two day conference, the girls left with the Canadian group for Auckland airport and took the four hour flight to the Fiji Islands on the first leg of their flight home. The girls observe the Australian and New Zealand lifestyle is far more casual than Canadian lifestyles. To be an hour late for an appointment or engagement is not unusual. and is acceptable, Their language is peppered with a colour ful slang and these foreign expressions make it difficult to understand them at times, They eat when they are hungry or as the day's schedule dictates instead of lunch, breakfast and dinner at regular times. The only established time for any meal is tea time at four in the afternoon. The big meal of the day is dinner between 7 and 10 p.m. depending on the day's activities. Tubbing is a national pastime. Disco music is the craze in pubs presently. Television borrows heavily from the American shows produced in Hollywood, only the series are several years behind. Three's Company with Suzanne Sommers is very popular right now. in movies, E. T. has just arrived. Prices for movie theatre tickets are less than in Ontario. A ticket to see a movie costs $2 but household appliances and cars, which have to be imported, are very expensive. Cars costing $9,000 here run about $15,000 there and appliances for the home are expensive, An iron costs S50, hair dryers run between S50 and $60 and a toaster is 5100, Overall the girls discovered Australians are more knowledgeable about Canadian affairs than we are about current events in Australia or New Zealand. They are hungry for news from North America and Europe because their lifestyle is similar to the western countries but their location on the global map isolates them from their counter- parts in Canada, United States and Europe. eeteitida spree latekoo41 5217-2006 Nartirs: Mon.- Sat. -9:(1(1 -6:00 p.iii Now In Stock A SHIPMENT OF FIBRE THERM (Blow In] Cellulose Insulation CLEAN, AND EASY TO INSTALL VERY ECONOMICAL FIRE RETARDANT NON-TOXIC CMHC APPROVAL lnsukrto Now For Thor Round Comfort A GLOWER IS AVAILABLE FOR INSTALLATION HENDERSON Care BUILDING CENTRE JOHN W. HENDERSON LTD. )NT BUSiNESS HOURS MON. TO FRI. S a.m. to 5:.10 p.m. SAT. 8 a.m. TO NOON