The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 4feature Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1983—Page 4 Area Junior Farriers tour Australia and New Zealand *from page 1 While in Adelaide, the girls had the opportunity to tour Roseworthy Agricultural College which has its own horse, sheep and dairy farms on the campus. The group piled into several yewts, small pickup trucks, to tour the farms and were caught in a dust storm which came up unex- pectedly. Much like a winter snowstorm which reduces visibility to nil, the girls discovered the Australians just keep on motoring during such a storm, because there is no where to take cover until you reach your destination. Following the storm everyone was covered in sand; hair, skin, the cuffs of pants. A favourite Australian past time is bunny bashing or poily piping and the girls were taken along for the evening's entertainment. Rabbits are a real menace in Australia and are fair game. Of an evening, everyone piles into a yewt and using spotlights, they track down rabbits in the fields and kill them with rubber pipes. In New Zealand the sport is called spotlighting and they use guns instead of pipes. Far from being considered a grisly sport, it is comparable to an afternoon shooting groundhogs in our area. The girls noticed the Australians are ingenious at devising equipment to work their land, because the cost of purchasing farm equipment which has to be imported is prohibitive. Instead the farmers build their own machinery. On the vegetable farm, Nora saw a piece of equipment built by' the Bantam As win championship By Doug Stevenson and George Gibson On Saturday, March 19 the Bantam A team travelled to the 19th annual Harriston Bantam tournament. Their first opponents were Milverton. Even though the final score of 4 - 2 for Lucknow indicates a close game, Lucknow totally dom- inated the game. They out hustled and out hit the oppo- sition. Had the boys scored on only a few of their golden opportunities, the score would have been much high- er, Scoring for Lucknow were Dan Gilchrist, 2 goals; Chris Irwin, 1 goal, 1 assist; Chris Collyer, 1 goal; Brad Pries - tap; 1 assist; Andy Grazier, 1 assist; Steven Van Osch, 1 assist; Scott Hackett, 1 as- sist. In the second game of the day, the boys were matched against a team from Erin. In one of the most exciting games of the year, Lucknow pulled out a 5 - 4 come from behind victory. Erin proved to be one of the best fore - checking and defensive teams we played all year. For at•least half the game, Erin totally confused and frustrat- ed the boys and were full marks for the 3 - 1 advantage they held. A late second period goal by Lucknow turned the tide of the game. The goal gave the boys confidence and they came out in the third period flying. Three in three minut- es gave Lucknow a 5 - 3 lead. However, only outstanding goaltending by Dean Lindsay enabled them to hold on for a victory. Scoring for Lucknow were Chris Irwin, 2 goals; Brad Priestap, I goal, 1 assist; Dan Gilchrist, 1 goal, 2 assists; Chris • Collyer, 3 assists; Scott Hackett, 2 assists; Steve Van Osch, .1 goal. The championship game for the C -DD division took on extra meaning when Tees - water qualified as the opposi- tion. After successfully killing an early penalty, the team gained strength and confid- ence. By the end of one period, Lucknow held a well deserved 2 - 0 lead as they out skated and out hustled the Teeswater team. After a scoreless second period on heavy ice, the team expected Teeswater to come out strong. By strongsi- tionai play, the Luuk)iow boys stopped Teeswater cold. With constant pressure, they built up a 4 - 0 lead on two power play markers be- fore Teeswater ruined the shut out with a goal at the 6.02 mark. Just to be sure, Lucknow made it 5 - 1 with two minutes left and, when Tees - water made it 5 - 2 on a fancy one from a face off, Lucknow came back with short handed goal to ice the cake at 6 - 2. Although the victory was a good demonstration of team play, the scoresheet belong- ed to Dan Gilchrist with four goals and one assist, includ- ing three, third period mark- ers. To complete the score - sheet: Brad Priestap, 1 goal and 1 assist; Chris Irwin, 1 goal; Jeff Gibson, Scott Hackett and Steve Van Osch, one assist each. Special mention to Steve Murray for consistent per- formance on the blue line and to Chris Collyer for double duty on right wing and defense. Solid defense by the entire team helped Dean Lindsay post a very respectable 2.67 G.A. for the tournament. Following the game. the team was presented the Burt Dixon Trophy, a pennant for the Lucknow arena and indiv- idual medallions. Congratu- lations team! it couldn't happen to a better bunch. Options facing government are hazy... •from page 1 farmers in financial difficulty. Besides Ferguson's bill, another option is to revise and amend the Bankruptcy Act or thirdly, to approve an entirely new bill which concerns providing financial flexibility for both farmers and small businessmen. "The three options are hazy," said ' Christie, "while the CFSA makes them sound straight forward." (519), 52,.4-133< farmer to plant cauliflower seedlings from the nursery. While in Adelaide with her host family, Audrey attended an unusual wedding. She and her hosts went to the beach for an afternoon of swimming and water skiing. Later in the day, the bride and groom showered and chagged to a white dress and a pair of dress pants and Hawaiian print shirt, respectively. They returned to the beach where they said their vows and then continued with their swimming and water skiing. The ceremony was followed by a barbeque dinner. The Australian lifestyle is laid back compared to Canadian lifestyles, but even for Australians this wedding was unusually casual. One more thing, the bride was given away by a girl friend who wore a white tuxedo. New Zealand From Melbourne they flew to Christ- church on the South Island of New Zealand. They stayed with host families for four days in Waimate, in the Cantebury district. As the girls found out, travelling with New Zealanders can be a hair raising experience. Their roads are not well maintained by Ontario standards and the New Zealanders have two speeds: stop and go. It was not unusual to find oneself travelling 110 kilo- metres an hour around a very bumpy gravel Turn to page 5• at the end of your Rope? irk 74:,-/r) .11 Let Adams Appliance Service HELP YOU. GIVE US A CALL AT 528-394b Repairs to all major appliances backed by 15 years experience. Beat Inflation U/ Repair the old, don't buy new. Reduced rates for senior citizens. CALL NOW FOR FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE ruo•r4rrg6nrM Adams Appliance Service R. R. # 1, LUCKNOW 528-3946 PRICES PER PERSON ROUND TRiP CDN. FUNDS LENGTH OF STAY -- DAYS DEPARTURE DATES 10 17 24 31 MAY 04, 11 584 584 584 584 MAY 18, 25 JUNE 01, 08 599 599 599 599 JUNE 15 599 629 699 679 JUNE 22 629 679 699 679 JUNE 29 679 679 699 699 JULY 6, 13, 20, 27; AUG. 03 699 699 699 699 AUGUST 10 679 679 679 679 AUGUST 17 679 679 659 659 AUGUST 24 679 659 659 N / A AUGUST 31 659 659 N / A N / A SEPTEMBER 07 659 N/A N/A N/A lg f : tII 1 pm