The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-23, Page 2sports The Atom B hockey team wound up their season with a game agahist their parents. The score in favour of the boys would have been higher had It not been for the fancy stickhandling of the mothers who provided opposition. Shown here scrimaging for the puck are father, Barry Johnston and atoms, Stan Kikkert, left and Steve Stothers, right. [Sentinel Staff Photo] Atom B team play parents The Atom B hockey team closed off their hockey sea- son with a game on Tuesday evening against their par- ents. The score in favour of the boys would have been much higher had it not been for some fancy stickhandling and rushes by the mothers. After the game, the ladies from the booth treated the boys to hot dogs and reresh- ments. Like all other B teams, this too was the first year for the Atoms, with one practice, and one or more, games a week. The boys were able to develop their skating and hockey skills. Fleas win Teeswater tournament By Linda Sticklend The Lucknow Senior Fleas won their second tournament in Teeswater on Saturday, defeating Kincardine 8 -• 1, Mildmay 4 - 3 and finally Teeswater 6 - 0. Everyone played an excel- lent game against Kincar- dine with Adam Skillen al- lowing only one goal. Scoring for Lucknow was Chris Stev- enson with 4 goals, Justin Murray assisting on 2 and Ray Dalton assisting on 2. Brad Rhody scored 2 goals with Vince Sticklend assist- ing on both goals. Justin Murray scored one goal with Chris Stevenson assisting. Vince Sticklend scored one goal with Brad Rhody assist- ing. This win put them in con- tention for the champion- ship, but they had to beat Mildmay. It was a very tight and hard fought game of hockey and all the goals came from Chris Stevenson and Justin Murray; three for Chris Stevenson with Justin Mur- ray assisting on two and one goal unassisted; one goal for Justin Murray with Chris Stevenson assisting. They went on to the championship against Tees - water as they had in Luck- now's tournament two weeks ago. Defeating Teeswater once more was a great hockey team. Scoring for Lucknow were Chris Steven- son, two goals unassisted; Justin Murray with Chris Stevenson assisting; Vince Sticklend unassisted; War- ren Andrew with Ray Dalton assisting; Robert Hamilton with Vince Sticklend assist- ing. Good going boys. Lucknow hosts Bantam tourney On Saturday, March 19, he first Lucknow Bantam B Jockey Tournament was ield with six local teams attending. Lucknow faced off with :incardine in the opening 'mind at 11.00 a.m. and +dvanced with a 5 - 2 victory. 1)arin Lindsay scored Luck- now's first three goals while teff Burgsma and Eric Cow- an added the singles. The game was well played by both teams who only took a total of three penalties. In their second game of the championship round, Luck - now met the high scoring Belmore team at 2.45 p.m. Again Lucknow came out flying and managed to hold Belmore in check for two periods. The score going into the final 15 minutes was tied at 1 - 1. Darin Lindsay scoring from Jamie Humphrey. Un- fortunately only 37 seconds had lapsed in the third period when Belmore capitalized on Lucknow's only penalty of the game and went ahead 2 - . The local boys continued to skate and check well but Belmore's top shooter scored the insurance goal with 9.59 :eft. With a little over a minute remaining Robbie Beirnes was pulled from the Lucknow goal for an extra skater. Shortly, thereafter a loose puck at centre ice found it's way into the Lucknow net with only 54 seconds left. The game was then out of reach but the local team never quit. Belmore went on to defeat Ripley in the championship final while W ingham defeat- ed Kincardine to win the Consolation trophy. Tournament chairman, Harry Burgsma. organized a good day with excellent "B" hockey. The Lucknow team would like to extend appreciation to all the referees who handled the tournament and theit scheduled games throughout the season. The "Bs" are to congrat- ulated on having a successful first year of 'B- hockey. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1983—Page 2 GREAT CANADIAN ABC GETAWAYS Affordable Canadian Advance Booking Charters. Air Only. Winnipeg Calgary vancouver Edmonton 5199 1289 $299 $319 PadiflcWestern Toronto departures on Pacific Western Airlines '37 or 767 wide-bodied jets May to October 1983 Carousei .1= -L ._.. HOLIDAY WORLD June Altun and Marg Burkhart will be happy to help you with your holiday plans. WINGHAM 519-357-2701, OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT. pri Ladies O.S. 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