The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-16, Page 17Notice Townshlp of Kinloss A representative of the Township is preieeehtly issuing Slog licence tzar 1' < Fee Schedule per By-law No, 6-1 (a) first male or spade female dog $5.00 kb) each additional male or spade female $15,00 (c) first female dog $20,00 kd) each additional female dog $40,00 TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS 17, Auction Sees Willa IWO,11.11061, via" IOW& 1?, Auction Saes smika WWI. Seal 1W:a swish um.6, i'iA►4' M-' .i4 -466.,6.4466-C6~01 iN'i.G®-'iAi-.66ai9isii4166-iGy►A.-.66-A. i►bi ii.1Ue.ib4464,4441 . Auction Sol. Of Paan Machinery and Household Items will be held for Arnold Campbell Lot 8, concession 10, Ashfield Township 2 corners south of Lucknow then 1'A mile west Sat+ur+day, Mardi 26th AT 12;30 P.M. John Deere 14T baler; hay stooker; hay prong; 40 ft. bale elevator on wheels; John Deere 7 ft. 3 pt.h► mower; wagon with rack; 2 Elmira 8 ton wagons; GMC 1963 truck with 250 bu. Helm gravity bin; Tomo 150 bu► gravity bin; J,M.150 bui gravity bin Cas new); J.M. 12 ft. fertiltter auger; Pony 174 ft, harrow Wood); 2 International 15 run seed drills; grass seeder; 200 gal. weed sprayer; International 434 tractor with 1501 loader; 500 gal, tank nn wagon; Glencoe 1VVA ft, eultivatnr; `Triple K 3 pt.h, 11 ft, cultivator; Interna. Nonni 36 plate wheel ;Ilse; Alps Chalmers 0300, 4 row corn planter for dry or liquid fertilizer and insecticide bolt; international 10 ft, double roll packer; Graham 9 ft, chisel plow; Oliver sem! mount 4 6 16 plow; J.1). 3 pt.h., 3. 14 plow; 3 oil, scraper; 14 ft, flat bed troller; MM. 22 tractor not running; 15 a 38 set of duals; 5 drum liquid fertilizer; A.C. 295 amp welder as new; Dodge 1977, 4 wheel drive t/2 ton truek Cas Is); barbed wire; straw; scrap iron; chains; forks; shovels; some household items include piano and numerous items, TERMS CASH FOIL INFORMATiON PHONE 84462968 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER —11,12 ,-1,.44•4....-....,146,46...-'6.. V^ii..ir►.i..i-4 lb.....''-►.ai..-i►.. ,'46-..46,661,0116.60.6j16-431,...4 6 ^i.� AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Household items will be held for ROBERT AITCHISON Lot 21, con. 12 West Wawanosh, 3 corners east of Lucknow then 2 mile south SohMday, March 19 of 12:30 p.m Nuffield 44165 tractor; Ford 8 N tractor -- with loader and chains; Massey Per. Boson 3.14 plow; Massey Ferguson 010 baler; Case 4 bar rake; hay condition. er; hay smoker; Massey Ferguson 7 ft., 3 pt111 mower; George White 12 ft trail cultivator; disc; chain harrow; 5 section diamond harrow with stretcher; New Holland #350 mit mill; 20 ft. of 4 In. grain auger; wagon with rack; John Deere Manure spreader; George White 36 ft. bale elevator on wheels; Owatonna #250, 10 ft. swather; scales; sleigh; fanning mill; 3 farrowing crates; 1000 bales hay; straw; quantity barley and corn mixed; wagon load small items; household effects include antiques. For In. formation phone 528.6543 TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RiNTOUL Auctioneer —10,11 AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery and Household items will be held for BILL MacPHERSON 2 corners east of Lucknow then 3 miles south of 86 highway MONDAY, APRIL 4 at l l a.m. PULL LIST WILL FOLLOW NEXT WEEK Auctioneer BRIAN RINTOUL —11 HARR1EVIEW LIVESTOCK Sales, 30 4-H calves, steers, few heifers, Angus, Here- ford, Simmental, Maine, Hwy, 27 south battle, Man- ager Cyril Cook. 705-737- 2747. Saturday, April 9 at 1 p.m. —011 — %Nifty 1111•11I, 1fiiihb 114616 214 Personal %eolith Wir4 wr., ii ➢B wra 6 itiP IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family, Al -Anon cyan help families and Mends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 88I-3113, Goderich S24- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.—4Stfnx PREGI1ANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1e066. 357-2392, AS7-1769 or London 432-'9179 collect. —9tfar HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3x655. —40tf+ar 22, Lost end found FOUND - large amount of rash on village sidewalk. Owner may claim by identify- ing date, street, denomina- tion, Please apply in writing t~o Box "S", S", coo The Luck - new Sentinel, Box 400, Lurknow, NOG 2140 —11 FOUND - brace and bit in West ,Wawanosh township. Owner may claim by identi- fying and paying fbr this ad. Contact Joe. L. Miller, St. Augstine Road, Lucknow, —11,12x .iii, Wail Will. fill!. — — — 24. Business oppor, Milli gag& eGOA Giarb BE YOUR AREAS FIRST REPRESENTATIVE with a new opportunity offering ex- tretneik high financial re- wards Minimum investment of under 5500.00. Call collect today. Twin County Pure Water 1-519-363-2189. No Sunda ti Calls. —010 MEN s CLOTHIER needed, community of 25,000. Wide open enarkeet, several excel- lent locations available. Con- tact: Norm Leigh, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Box 1098, Station II, Port Erie, Ontario, L2A 5N9. 416,8'71- 3803. —011 DOES YOUR ORGANIZA- TION need to raise funds? Sell spices or fresh fudge. We supply all forms and information. Call Mr. Taylor (416) 167-2341 or write 75 South Kingsway, Toronto M6S 3T4. —011 TEN UNIT MOTEL with full kitchens. Rent by day, week or month, plus three bed- room house, For more infor- mation nformation write Box 1281, Kin- cardine, Ontario, NOG 200. —011 CLABBIFINa ADS WORK! lnI,Isa /S 11cI o►► Sale 4 Grant H. McDonald Huron Township Thursday, March 24, 10;30 A , M, Jacklin Farms Tuesday, March 29, 1,30 P.Ae iI"o" I,iio'It,I,O% I'!it iii E dificirr www lii� litilio�wr (or t.ouilikif. Willi Mill& liiib Mae, %MM..ilio — law. Vii* 1644. 31. Curds of banks Om& ilii!* 16466 44066 Willie ambo REAVIE the family of the late Etymer Raeavie wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and fiends for their thoughtfulness during our recent bereavement, for donations, flowers, cards and baking. Special thanks to those who remembered Ely - mer over the pat months with cards, letters, phone calls and visits. Your kind- ness was deeply appreciated. the l eavie Family, Bessie and Ray, Marion and non, Stuart and Deanna —11 MO1tRISON Diane and Sarah sincerely thank all those who sent cards, gifts, flowers and vis- ited while they were in the hospital and since returning home. —11x VISSER We would like to thank our family and friends for their cards, gifts and visits while we were in hospital; also to express special thanks to Lucknow Medical Centre staff and alt staff on obstet- rics Roxanne and James Visser —11 CAMPBELL Mrs. Katherine Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mac - Innes wish to !express their thanks for the flowers, cards, charitable donations and gifts of food received at the time of our sister's passing. We appreciate the kindness shown to our sister Etta through the years she was a patient at Wingham and District Hospital. A special thanks to the staff and the Lucknow Doctors, Rev. Mr. Nugent for his appropriate words of comfort, the Mac- Kentie and McCreath Fun- eral Home for their kindness, the ladies of the Presbyterian Church who served lunch after the service. All these kindnesses are much apprec- iated, WILi INS We would like to thank all those who sent cards, called or came to visit during our stay in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Currin and all o,b, staff, Your care and attention was greatly appreciated, Janet and Adam —11 QOM SUM mai9 gam Waal MEM 441061 01.0 &Wiiil Mai 32, Coming events ANNUAL SALVATION ARMY SALE At the Hall on Edward Street, Wingham, March 19, 1983, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. —10,11 ST. PATRICKS LEGION DANCE Saturday, March 19 Lucknow Legion Tiffln's Orchestra Smorgasbord Tickets available at the door —10,11ar AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their regular meet- ing on Tuesday, March 22, 8:30 p.m. in the Community Centre. Pall Pair price lists will be revised. —I1 Lactate* Sentinel, Wednesday, Marro 1e6, 1983—Page 17 32. Coming events till® — S6rl"c all& Willi r i',r — Yi'iM& Mille %Main DESSERT EIMIRE In Brookside School, Wed- nesday, March 23, 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Dungan- non Women's Institute. All welcome. —11 FAMILY MN With a musieat concert feat- uring The Crippled bucks, Richard Knechtet and Jim Medd and the Pleasure Par, Sunday, March 27 at 2:30 p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Adults S4, children, St .50. Call 523-9300. —11,12 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE 400 HEAD Lucknow Community Sale 1VIONbAY, MAY 2 at 1;30 pan, Phone Robert !McIntosh 395-5230 or 520.9912 —11-17 HOCKEY GAME Tithe annual hockey game between Hotyrood Butechers vs CKN)t Tryhards, Satur- day, March 19, 8 p.m. Lucknow Arena. Door Prins. Draw to be made for hind quarter of beef. '`1983 Tam- my will be in attendance: Sponsored by the Bluewater Shrine Club. —11 dill& Wilts eat,. Como --IMO> 132. Coming events Wiwi, Wilt %lift Wilde Wig*. *Alb d,llib, `iiD 1im4m mWb CARD PARTY On Wednesday, latch 23, at Brookside Public School, 8 p.m. Proceeds for the Arth- ritis Society. Sponsored by West Huron Junior Farmers. Euchre and crokinole being played. Everyone welcome. —11,12 ANNUAL MEETING 0f 'town and Country Home- makers, Wednesday, April 6, 1983, 6 p.m. for 7 p.m. dinner, at Blyth Community Centre. Wickets 37.50 avail- able front Terrance Trites, 357-1557. Speaker: Blaine Baillie, Activation Consult- ant Ministry of Health, —11 DAY TRIP To see a bright and lively musical, "Singin' and bane- in' Tonight", at the Centre in the Square, Kitchener, on Wednesday, April 20. Book early! Holiday World, 357,- 2701. —11,12ar likilbik iiri maswiw %iirittntr Attention • Farmers sivar- m Will Wall ----:3— A, For sale 2000 BALES OF HAY, 90% alfalfa. Phone 529-7449. —10,11 500 RALES FIRST CUT hay. Call 395-2806. —11x LARGE QUANTITY of 1st and 2nd rut hay; 1000 bales of barley straw. Phone 529- 7126. —9-12 - ^t.-.6. .6,, Aft,. ATTENTION L ARME1(S For your seed require- ments of fiat;, Cnnola and soyabean seed from Little Rock Farms, Ripley or for grass seed and seed grain see Harold Courtney, 395- 2972, Bob Thompson, Thompson Feed Supply, 395-5955 or Jim Seott 395.5959. --11,12 MAI MINA .hlii4 Mai •Na• D. Livestock Milli [`i. GGZii 5 REGISTERED Alpine goats to freshen soon, 1 registered Alpine buck, all with papers; 6 grade nannies, all fresh and good milkers. Milking Parlour and 2 Surge units and Surge pumps, Phone 357-3268. —11 (Iia! Noma (06*6 643®1 67WMaaags 64063 E. Farm services 6:0141 6ilAl &MITA H3irA UNITED CO.OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market in Ontarlu and Market Information eeall MIRE FORAN On Tuesdays or groups of 5 or more on Thursdays NOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct from the West U,C.O. Livestock Shipper R. R. 2, Lucknow Home 528.5903 Yard 528.3119 Stocker Yard 528.2 ► 1 �a f m�3 ffa" fw3ci f�:i4 f:m� f6:r 6�.aVilla Milli E. Farm services 1� GA. fila, lifer f-� imam fimm — &Jai WWII BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R, R. 3, Hnlyrood, phone 395-5390 CUSTOM CULTIVATING Large unit with buster bar. Negotiable rates. PHONE 395.2914 —10,11 BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Peed- ers, Convey -n -teed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers WESTEEL-Bosco - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., i4uik Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses R & L - Complete Nog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -MANGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Peed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre-Pun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Almo.t LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. N. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395.5286 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? •