The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-09, Page 141 ay - 400 18. Services available 19. Notice to credi'tol s GET -OFF -OIL Install - Electric Heating Ceiling Paddle Fans Room to Room Fans Electric Dryer Heat-reclaimers BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor 23 Years Electrical Heating Experience • Appliances • 357-2450 Wingham FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING Old and New Floors Free Estimates Call PAUL RINTOUL CONSTRUCTION 3574172 —10,11,12 INCOME TAX SERVICE Farm, business and personal returns prepared at reason- able rates. Keith Metzger, R. N 3, Lueknow, 395-5482. —10-16 RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Sent. Swim. Lamb Sy appolntn.nt Mon. and Fri. 395-2905 or '395-2979 evenings 20. Public notices DUE TO CANCELLATION of Poker Rally, St. Helens Snowmobile Club will retain all pryizes until 1984. If not satisfactory with donors, please notify secretary, Ross Errington, 528-2184. ---10x HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO! New home study course. Fast, Easy, method. Guaranteed. For FREE infor- mation, write Studio CO228 Russell & Associates, 10060 - 102 Ave., Ft. St. John, B.C. V1.1 2E2 . —09 21. Personal IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.—4Stfnx PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-9179 collect. —9tfar HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tfar HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of WALTER CHARLES COLLINS, late of' the Town- ship of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, All person having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased who died on or about February 11, 1983 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before April 4, 1983, their names and hill particu- lars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 23rd day of February, 1983. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON Barristers Ripley, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. —9,10,11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of RENA ELIZABETH MENARY Late of the Village of Luck - now, in the County of Bruce, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about January 5th, 1983, must be filed with the undersigned personal re- presentative on or before March 23rd, 1983; thereafter the undersigned will distri- bute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned then has notice. Dated March 7th, 1983. Ha ,1, . lifford Menary, Ex- ecutor, ` c/o GEORGE J. BR t•, Y, Barrister and Sol- icitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0. --10,11,12ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of CATHERINE GEORGINA EMERSON late of the Vil- lage of Ripley in the County of Bruce, Widow. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased who died on or about December 9, 4982 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before April 4, 1983, their names and full particulars of their clainf. . Immediately after the said date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 23rd day of February, 1983. la CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON Barristers Ripley, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. —9,10,11 ar 23. Miscellaneous ivIACRAME AND PAPER TOLE - Free catalogue. Complete selection of Mac- rame and paper tole sup- plies. Write: Macrame Hut, 2393 Ness Avenue, Winni- peg, Manitoba R3J 1A5. 24. Business oppor. BE YOUR AREAS FiRST REPRESENTATIVE with a new opportunity offering ex- tremely high financial re - wards. Minimum investment of under $500.00. Call collect today. Twin County Pure Water, 1-519-363-2189. No Sunday Calls. —010 ® %me.-= CSGEM MIMS MM.®® 31. Cards of thanks -=-===DZ. =SI.IMMO - 31. Cards of thanks Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1983—Page 14 114.6t. VS101.21 129116619 CEO.. 61.619 6:1:2160 OSE91:2 t9:65M 32. Coming events Mae IILLAN I would like to thank every- one who sent cards, visited and sent flowers while 1 was in the hospital. Sadie MacMillan —10 MacMILLAN The family of the late Archie MacMillan would like to thank all the friends and relatives for kindness shown during Archie's illness and his death. Everything was much' appreciated. —10 PURVES Thank you to all my friends and neighbours for the cards, phone calls, visits, baking and other treats at the time of my fall. Thank you Drs. Corrin and McKim and the staff in emergency at the hospital, also to the nurses on the second floor for their care for Alex. Special thanks to Miss Isobel Miller and Mrs. Celia Aitchison for getting Alex to hospital. Special thanks also to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Philips, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolt and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffat for their help at the house. It � will always be remembered. Kitty Purves McDONALD - SLOETJES We would like to thank the friends and relatives who so kindly sent cards and flow- ers. Many thanks to the people who brought and served lunch at the church and to Rev. Nugent and Rev. Henshaw. We will always remember the love and deep understanding and thought- fulness of so many people who shared our sorrow. Doreen and Lorne McDonald and family Bert and Jackie Sloetjes and fancily —10 McDONALD - SLOETJES Many thanks to George Dy - mer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins, Mrs. Colin Howse, Dr. McKim and the tele- phone repairman for your help and kindness. SLOETJES We wish to express our thanks to all that helped us in our sorrow in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Henry and Leanne Elizabeth Sloetjes BALLAGH The family of the late Arthur Ballagh would like to express our sincere thanks to rela- tives, neighbours and friends for their thoughtfulness dur- ing our recent bereavement, for donations to the Heart and Cancer Funds, flowers and cards, also for baking sent to our home. Your kindness was deeply apprec- iated. The Ballagh Family KEiTH The family of the late Fred Keith wish to express their sincere thanks to the man- agement and staff of the Bray Lodge for their many acts of kindness. Also thanks to the Wingham Hospital, the MacKenzie and Mc- Creath Funeral Home, Rev. Warren McDougall for his kind words, and the ladies of the Presbyterian Church for their lovely lunch. —10x McPHERSON Sincere thanks for telephone calls, cards and visits while I was in the hospital. ' Ross McPherson McDONALD - SLOETJES We would like to thank all the people that sent dona- tions to the Leanne Elizabeth Foundation. God Bless you all. Henry, Bert, Jackie Sloetjes Lorne and Doreen McDonald —10 32. Coming events RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Ripley and District Lions Club, 8 p.m. Huron Town- ship Hall, Ripley, Tuesday, March 15. One pot of gold; 10 regular games, 515:00; 4 corners on 5 calls, $25.00; purple ball, $25.00; one novelty special, $35.00; snowball, $75.00; one share the wealth; jackpot, S300.00 on 54 calls; consolation, S40.00. Door prizes. —10ar CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day, March 16, 1983 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC —10ar ANNUAL SALVATION ARMY SALE At the Hall on Edward Street, Wingham, March 19, 1983, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. —10,11 BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT PROGRAM (fromerly breastfeeding clinic) at 1:30 Wednesday, March 16 at the Clinic Building, on Catherine Street, Wingham. For further information call 357-3408. —10x ST. PATRICKS LEGION DANCE Saturday, March 19 Lucknow Legion Tiffin's Orchestra Smorgasbord Tickets available at the door —10,11ar GROWING ROSES Royal Botanical Gardens pro- gram on Growing Roses at Lucknow Legion on Wednes- day, March 9 at 2 p.m. Sponsored by Lucknow Lib- rary in conjunction with Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety with the assistance of the Georgian Bay Regional Lib- rary System and Outreach Ontario, a program of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture and the Royal Bot- anical Gardens. —10 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY COUNTY OF BRUCE Dinner and annual meeting, Friday, March 11, 1983, at 6:30 p.m. at Knight's of Columbus Hall on #9 High- way, south of Walkerton. Entertainment provided. All welcome to attend. —10 COLLECTOR PLATE SHOW Free admission. Second an- nual collector plate show by Smith's Jewellers. Caledonia and Cayuga, Sunday, March 13, 12 noon till 5 p.ni, at Sharples' Florist, No. 6 Highway, Mount Hope. —010 • CPR COURSE March 16 and 17, evenings at 6:30 p.m. sharp, at the Wingham Hospital. For fur- ther info call 357-3210 or 357-3142 after 6 p.m. —10 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION At Lucknow and District Christian School, March 16, 1983, 9:30 a.m. sharp to 10:30 a.m. Children will be participating in a -"mini- kindergarten class". —9,10 =ma. =mom asano ...130118 cseucm a.m. =moo utext. 32. Coming events IRISH NITS St. Mary's C.W.L. is holding their annual Irish Nite, Fri- day, March 11, 8 p.m. at the Lucknow Legion Hail. Pro- gram to be followed by cards and lunch. Admission $2.00. BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS Will present an all -Canadian concert in Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, March 13, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets at $4.00 and $1.50 are available at the Box Office (523-9300) and the Blyth Saga (523- 4331). —9,10 Attention Farmers A. For sale E. Farm services 2000 BALES OF HAY, 90% alfalfa. Phone 529-7449. —10,11 ONE THOUSAND bales of first cut hay. Phone 524- 4696. —10 1500 BALES OF STRAW for sale. Phone 395-5105. —9,10 LARGE QUANTITY of 1st and 2nd cut hay; 1000 bales of barley straw. Phone 529- 7126. —9-12 D. Livestock 5 COWS due end of March. Phone 395-2470 after 6 p.m. —9ar 2 GRADE HOLSTEIN heif- ers, due March - April. Phone Edward Hofstee, 395- 5868. —10x omebody is a looking for your bargain... offer it toda CUSTOM CULTIVATING Large unit with buster bar. Negotiable rates. PHONE 395-2914 —10,11 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395.5390. M'ONAGH PEAL F',I,',1E 44 1 `,1l4tLTU 528-2031 Lucknow HOG FARM - 100 acres, farrow to finish, stable cleaner and lagoon, $135,000. 237 ACRES, cash crop farm, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 186 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage available. 100 ACRES- dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tie up. cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE - Kinloss farm, house and barn, $90,000. TWO LUCKNOW HOMES - good repair, quiet location, priced to sell WHiTECHURCH - brick building, could be 3 apart- ments, 2 baths. Combination oll and wood furnace. Reduced to sell. ST. HELENS - 3 bedroom home with Targe living room and fireplace on good lot. Price reduced. HURON TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, 91 workable, well drained, beef barn, good shed and house. FRASER MacKINNON DAVID MacKiNNON Res. 395-2880 395-2483 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 UNITED CO.OPERATIVES , OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market in Ontario and Market information call MIKE FORAN On Tuesdays or groups of 5 or more on Thursdays NOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct from the West U.C.O. Livestock Shipper R. R. 2, Lucknow Home 528-5903 Yard 528-3119 Stocker Yard 528-2544 M'ONAGH PEAL F',I,',1E 44 1 `,1l4tLTU 528-2031 Lucknow HOG FARM - 100 acres, farrow to finish, stable cleaner and lagoon, $135,000. 237 ACRES, cash crop farm, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 186 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage available. 100 ACRES- dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tie up. cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE - Kinloss farm, house and barn, $90,000. TWO LUCKNOW HOMES - good repair, quiet location, priced to sell WHiTECHURCH - brick building, could be 3 apart- ments, 2 baths. Combination oll and wood furnace. Reduced to sell. ST. HELENS - 3 bedroom home with Targe living room and fireplace on good lot. Price reduced. HURON TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, 91 workable, well drained, beef barn, good shed and house. FRASER MacKINNON DAVID MacKiNNON Res. 395-2880 395-2483 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821