The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-09, Page 9community news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1983—Page 9 Dungannon family attends skating show By Marie Park Doug and Sharon Baltzer, Kathy and Kevin visited on the weekend at Elora with Sharon's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin, Crystal and Shelly. The two girls were participants in the skating carnival, Broadway Lochalsh couples home By 1(ae Webster Ross and Jean MacKenzie and George and Betty Mon- crief have been away south for a couple of weeks holi- days in Jamaica. George and Betty Mon- crief had their son, Dr. Rus- sell Moncrief of Aylmer call on them on the weekend. Russell was up this way playing in a hockey tourna- ment and Betty's sister, Marj Young of Goderich spent the weekend with them. Jim Webster of Waterloo spent the weekend with his parents, Wellington and Kae Webster. On Saturday after- noon he spent a while in Goderich with Norma Young and in the evening visited with Charles and Mayme Wilkins. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles of Kincardine were Mr. at?d Mrs. John McCharles and Ryan of Petrolia, and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Milne of London. The community would like to congratulate Elizabeth Wilkins, daughter of Charles and Mayme Wilkins, on being the winner in the speaking contest of the Leg- ion 0a-tch in Lucknow. Liz goes to speak in Clinton on aturday. A number .from this area attended the farm show in London this week, includird Ken Elphick and Jirr,- Lac. orge MacDonald Trinity woman back home By dell Hackett Isabel and Jim Hunter visited with their daughter, Wanda and Jack Miller of Tottenham for the weekend. We are glad to report that Freda Broome was able to return home from Wingham and District Hospital last week. The Trinity Youth Group met at the manse on Sunday evening with Dr. J. C. McKim as the guest speaker. He spoke about alcohol and driving, followed by a discus- sion. The summary evening for "More Sense than Dollars" was held at F. E. Madill Secondary School last Thurs- day evening. Betty Ritchie and Anne Andrew, the lead- ers, and Suzanne Andrew and Isabel Hunter attended. Mary Eadie, from the Beef Information Centre, showed two demonstrations and a film was shown. Manfred Dierolf has re- turned to his home here following a three week holi- day in Germany with his parents. Jessie Kirkland spent last week at Milton with Ken and Kath Kirkland. Jennifer and Christine and their new baby boy. Andrew. Some of the Trinity U.C.W. are quilting this week and some arc helping lo tie a quilt. We extend sympathy to Dor), Alton and family on the death ( r her father, Mr. Ballagh.if of Wingham. last +eck.er and Roddy and Russell Mac- Donald. Helen Simpson of Welland is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simp- son of Kintail from college for a study week. Dorothy 'D.A.) MacLen- nan has returned to her home now after spending much of the winter with her daughter, Peggy Hefferman in London. On the weekend Finlay and ! Aargie MacDonald had Kathy Robson and son, Ryan and Margie's aunt, Mrs. Sadie Blue visit with them. Margie returned to Detroit with them for a visit. Finlay MacDonald has a few trees tapped this spring but the sap is not running too good. 1 Dates Available Lucknow & District Community Centre FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Allan Direnan and Sltliven OPEN DATES AVAILABLE MARCH Saturday 12 Friday 18 Saturday 18 Saturday 26 APRIL Friday 22 Friday 29 C THIS NUMBER i ► ETWEEN 9100 a. AND 6100 p.m. NLY 528-3532 on ice, held in the Elora arena. Company recently with Jack and Marion Smith and Lloyd have been Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius lnthout, Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ayotte, Zurich and Mrs. Helen Castrenis of London, on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Byers of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Byers of Stratford on Saturday. On Sunday visitors with Bill and Marie Park, Patti, Todd and Brad were Robert and Marilyn Schultz, Terry and Tina of Holmesville and Tom and Michelle Park of Goderich, A large crowd attended the Stag and Doe held on Sat- urday night at the Agricul- ture Hall for Allan Drennan and Sue Nivin. Mrs. Lee Shetler returned home on Saturday following a week's holiday at Petawa- wa with her daughter, Jo- anne Mahar, Major Mahar •••C • • • l,i3-h .3.11 1 • • TM(: SOudRE unmoor T 524 7211 • • • • • • • • • • •• • • and children, Cathy and Mike. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wilfred (Marion) Aust- in and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. John Fel- lows in Goderich on Thurs- day, March 3. The Nile ladies Slo-pitch team held a very successful garage and bake sale on Saturday. The proceeds will go towards expenses incur- red. On Wednesday evening the Dungannon and area seniors held their general meeting and bi-weekly euch- re at Brookside school. There were 15 tables of cards in play. High men's score was held by Frank Pentland. Beck Culbert, playing as a man, had low score. There were two tie results in the women. High lady's tie score was a draw between Donna Powell and Illa Pollock (won); low tie score was between Delores Culbert and Jean Broughton (winner). •••••••••••••• 3RD WEEK • SEE WHY SO • • MANY PEOPLE • I HAVE ENJOYED THiS • SHOW. FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9:15 • NEW HOURS SUN.-THURS. 7:30 • • •• NOMINA 1co A1pCNOTOINIPI II • INCLUDING: BEST PICTURE • • BEST DIRECTOR • • Sydney Pollock • BEST ACTOR •• Dustin Hoffman •• DUSTIN Iii ' 1 ' AAN • TOTASIO • • _ • • RE -OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH • • 0 •• •• MUSTANG DRIVE-IN GODERICH 4 PREMIER THEATRES r .s. oretti TREAT 14, r: Phone 3571630 tor 24 hour movie LAST TWO DAYS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 911i and 10th RICHARD PRYOR Li owl jACKIE GLEASON • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • information PLAYING FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, MARCH 11.17 ';� SHOWTIMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 and 9:15 p.m. ,)^1 SUNDAY TO THURSDAY AT d p.m. ONLY NOMINATED FOR 5 ACADEMY AWARDS including BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR — PAUL NEWMAN Frank Galvin has one last chance to do something right. STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH lath COMING SOON! DUSTIN HOFFMAN oots;e \I i \ 1 \ \11 \()\ ABMT ACCOIMMMIIIIMT 111 \R1 c l l It \� I \I h\\\ it I l l\ 1111 \1PI►II 1 \I11(1i) 0!("(7>' -• t, 1 Locally Owned and Operated Travel Agency s —i/aNIROCI( TOURS With Worldways Canada 1983 ABC Charters to Britain & Europe London from 489.00 Manchester from 509.00 Prestwick from 549.00 Belfast from 549.00 Senior Citizens Save $50 Per Couple ALSO ASK ABOUT • Quality Escorted Coach Tours of England & Scotland or Ireland • Ry -Drive and Go As You Please Auto Tours • Car Rentals • Hotels & Weekend Specials • Guest House & inns, Irish Cottage & Form House Accommodation TRY ONE OR TRY BOTH! THE CHOICE IS YOURS & THE PLEASURE IS OURS! Wingham Travel Ltd. Call 357-1020 Out 0f Town Call Collect Music /Mart MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 67 WELLINGTON ST., LONDON 434-8345 SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO'S MOST DIVERSIFIED MUSIC STORE MUSIC MART HAS: LARGE STOCK OF GUITARS, DRUMS, KEYBOARDS, P.A. SYSTEMS, RECORDING EQUIPMENT, BANDLIGHTING & OUTBOARD EFFECTS & RENTALS. MUSIC MART FEATURES - YAMAHA & PEAVEY MUSIC MART HAS: MORE WAYS TO BUY THAN ANY OTHER MUSIC STORE IN THE AREA *RENT TO BUY •LEASE PLANS •CASH & CARRY PRICES •WARRANTY PRICES, etc. MUSIC MART HAS: THE BEST PRODUCT AT COMPETITIVE PRICES IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO MUSIC MART CAN SHIP RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR. 1_ THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO AN EXTRA DISCOUNT ON ANY PURCHASE. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO. ELECTRONIC BINGO Every Thursday Night at 7:30 p.m. Early Bird at 7:15 p.m. 20 REGULAR GAMES 2 SPECIALS WINNER TAKE ALL SHARE THE WEALTH NIGHT OWL DOOR PRIZES This week's JACKPOT $8 2 5 00 • on 51 numbers Consolation - `200.00 WiN EXTRA BY BEING OUR KiNG OR QUEEN FOR THE NIGHT at the KINCARDINE LEGION HALL 219 LAMOTON ST. PHONE 396-2372 396-9942