The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 15sports • The Lucknow Atoms played one of their strongest games of the season but luck wasn't with them and they lost the opener against Brussels in their WOAA semi-final series 3 - 2. Lucknow travels to Brussels tonight for the second game in the series. Shown challenging a Brussels player for the puck are from the left, Rod Crich, Brad Murray and Russell Sutton [behind]. [Sentinel Stab' Photo] Bantam B team has busy schedule By Tom Ewer A home and home exhibi- tion series with Listowel over the weekend found the Ban- tam Bs playing four games in the past seven nights. On Tuesday, February 22, in Ripley, Lucknow skated away with a 5 - 2 win. The game was typical, dose checking and penalty free, as is the case when these two teams meet. Lucknow's strong performance was a direct result of their improv- ed forechecking and passing. Darin Lindsay led the way with a well earned hat trick while Steve Huffman and John Faber contributed one goal apiece. On Friday, February 25. Listowel travelled to Luck - now and went home with a last minute victory. The local team seemed to have the overall edge in play until moments of undisciplin- ed play and succession of six Lucknow penalties in the third period proved to be the advantage Listowel needed. The teams exchanged goals back and forth with Listowel going ahead 6 - 5 in the final minute. Robbie Beirnes was pulled from the goal for an extra attacker but Lucknow failed to come with the equalizer. On Saturday, February 26 in Listowel Arena the teams played basically the same style of wide open game.", Plenty of scoring opportun- ities were created by both teams. After taking an early two goal lead on goals by John Vandervelde and Richard Askes, Lucknow again fell victim to penalties which Listowel quickly capitalized on. The score at the end of two periods was Listowel 6 and Lucknow 4. Darin Lind- say scored twice. ELECTRONIC BINGO Every Thursday Night of 7:30 p.m. Early Bird at 7:15 p.m. 20 REGULAR GAMES 2 SPECIALS WINNER TAKE ALL SHARE THE WEALTH NIGHT OWL DOOR PRIZES This week's JACKPOT $Soo 00 • on 50 numbers Consolation - '200.00 WIN EXTRA BY BEING OUR KING OR QUEEN FOR THE NIGHT of the KINCARDINE LEGION HALL 219 LAMBTON ST. PHONE 396-2312 396-9942 In the third period Wayne Burgsma cut the lead to 6 - 5 before Jeff Burgsma tied the score 6 - 6 late in the game. Again Lucknow played well enough to win as they did in Friday's contest, but Listow- el played a tough, physical brand of hockey and never seemed to quit regardless of the game situation. In Monday's game with Wingham, Lucknow fell be- hind quickly and were trail- ing 5 - 2 at the end of two periods. Darin Lindsay and Todd Park were the scorers. In the third period Lindsay narrowed the score to 5 - 3 on a nice stick handling effort. The rest of the way Lucknow applied tremendous pressure but were held off by a hot Wingham goaltender. A tough one to lose! The Bs have two league games and a tournament remaining over the next three weeks. Dates A vailable Lucknow 8 District Community Centre SATURDAY, MARCH 5 Wayne Rhody FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Allan Drennan and Susan Niven OPEN DATES AVAILABLE MARCH - 1rlday 4 Saturday 12 Friday 16 Saturday 19 APRIL Friday 22 Friday 29 CALL THiS NUMBER BETWEEN 9r00 a.m. AND 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 ATTENTION AREA FARMERS We pay 620.00 to 550.00 per hundred weight for old cows and recently lnjurad or sick sows, cows, steers and heifers. Must be alive and drug free. Any delay could be costly. For immediate pickup with, our winch equipped vehicle Call Collect 24HOURSADAY- 6 DAYS A WEEK [51914824951 or [519) 482-7815 Clayton Riley TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meet.ng of The Liouor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the MARSLAND CENTRE THIRD FLOOR 20 ERB STREET WEST WATERLOO ONTARIO on THURSDAY MARCH loth 1983 at the hour 019 30 o clock in the forenoon at which tome the Board will hear applications. in accordance with the Regula- tions Sub -section 23(1) under The Liquor Licence Act to in- crease the capacity of licensed Premises in respect of the tole lowing licenced establishment Royal Canadian Legion. Br 309 263 Inglis Street Lucknow, Ontario Additional Club (Lounge) Facilities Licensee: Royal Canadian Legion,, Br. 309 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resi- dent in the municipality and who wishes to make represen• tation relative to the applica- tion shall make their submis soon to the Board in writing prior to the date of the'•heanng. or in person at the time and place of the hearing (Copies of wrIten submissions will be for- warded to the applicants Liouor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boule‘,ard East TORONTO Ontario M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RFLATIONS THF I IQUOR L ICENC E ACT PIONEER R SEED CORN PERFORMANCE YOU CAN COUNT ON 3950 Planted on more acres in Canada than any other hybrid. 3950 Is a consist- ent dependable hybrid easily out yielding compe- titors of similar maturity. Yields bast at high plant populations. 3925 A leader hybrid with tre- mendous seedling vigour. 3926 Is an excellent yield- ing hybrid offering fast drydown and excellent standability. Your Pioneer Sales Representative is: Bruce Raynard 528-3502 PIONEER, BRAND SEED CORN Pioneer Is a brand name numtrara identity vanenes ' Pep laterad tradema4 licensed to P,oneer rt. Bred Limited Chatham Ontario Lowbrow Steel, Wedneaday, March 2, 1983—Page 15 PEAL ES -a -E & E LT3 528-2031 Lucknow HOG FARM - 100 acteas, farrow to finish, stable cleaner and lagoon, S135,000. 237 ACRES, cash crap Cahn, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 106 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage avallable. 100 ACRES- dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tie up. cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE - Klntoss farm, house and barn, 590,000. TWO LUCKNO W HOMES - good repair, quiet location, priced to sell. WHITECHURCH - brick building, could be 3 apart- ments, 2 baths. Combination ori 'and wood furnace. Reduced to sell. ST. HELENS - 3 bedroom home with large living room and fireplace on good lot. Price reduced. HURON TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, 91 workable, well drained, beef barn, good shed and house. FRASER MacKINNON DAVID MacKINNON Res. 395-2880 395-2483 BARRY McDONAGR 528-3821 THE WiNONAM SALES ARENA The Winglrnm Sales Arena "Tire place to go for Gra* Savings" BULK BAKING GOODS, BULK COOKIES, BULK CANDY Raisins, currants, green and red cherries, dates, coconut, baling gum drops, butterscotch and chocolate chips, etc. Bulk spies, pie BWngs, bulk honey, soup filler. All types of peanuts and candy, assorted bulk SPECIAL TNLS WEEK If your planning a wedding, throwing a party or enjoy home baking this bulk place 1s for your DISCOUNT GROCERY ITEMS Canned goods - sardines, salmon, corn beef, luncheon meat, ketchup, spaghetti, ABC wash detergent, kitchen catchers, garbage bags, tea, corn flakes, te. SPECIAL T WEEK EXTRA DISCOUNTS IF PURCHASED IN CASE LOTS CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Rubber boots, safety work shoes, jogging shoes, work clothing - coveralls, pants, shims, socks, KIDS COVERALLS, BLUE JEANS by leading designers for men, ladles and children. We also have a fine selection of NEW . AND USED FURNTItRE, ANTIQUES, CARPETS AND NO WAX FLOORING, NEW AND USED GUNS, ETC. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357.1730 680 Josephine Street, north end of Wingham on Hwy. 4 OPEN MON.-SAT. 9-6 P.M. FRI. NiTES TILL 9 P.M. CHEQUES, ViSA, MASTER CARD ACCEPTED FREE ARKING THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA r--