The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 13Lucknow Sentinel, Wed/nodal., 14tar 2, 14 1- -Page 13 1 Articles for sale INVITATIONS Four different catalogues of personalized wedding and anniversary invitations, av- ailable for overnight viewing. Call Marilyn Murray, Mon- day to Friday, anter 4 p.m. at 528-3635.-L4tfar TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -4Otf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -7tfeow IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact lvirs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7tfeow 100 FT. OF PORTABLE sheep, hay and grain feeder; Philips drenching gun; paint stencils; 2 sheep dogs. Phone 395-3597. --8,9 FRESH. MAPLE SYRUP now available. Robinson Maple Products. 529-7857. We will deliver. -8-13 h.p. JET PUMP in excel- lent xcellent condition. Phone 392- 6587. -9x POOL SALE Manufacturers clearance on above and in - ground pools. Many models at fantastic savings. SHOP DIRECT, Call collect 416- 522-1414. -09 JEEP PARTS. New, used. All Jeeps 1942 to 1982. Gigantic stock, low prices, quick service. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby B.C. V5C 2K7. Phone 604- 294-2623. -09 MUST SELL WINTER Works Program. Our company bought a lot of steel at a really good price. We sold a lot and have a few buildings left. If you want to save $1,500 to $2,000 give us a call today. You may choose from different sizes, huge doors availahle. First come, first served. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800-268-4942. -09 FREE COUNTRY KITCHEN Farm Catalogue, incubators, brooding, feeding, watering, processing, gardening imple- ments. How-to book section. Write Berry -Hill Limited. 75 Burwell Street, St. Thomas, Ontario NSP 325. -09 BROWN WHiTE BABY CHICKS; special meat, hea- vy breed cockerels (White Rock); 3 -week-old capons, Small orders our specialty. Bonnie'.s Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario. N3B 27,6 (519) 669-2561 -09 SATELLITE 1 ELE-:VISION receiving equipment by Channel Master. In Home demonstrations available. Jarvis T.V.. [-eesv;ater, 392. 6616. --9.12,15,I8 RECONDITIONED Simplic- ity spin washer, 5150.00; new Gibson heavy duty washer, small chip on top, 5565.00. Greer T.V. & Elec- tric, 528-3112. -gar 1. Articles for sale 12. Help wanted 17. Auction Sales SOLID WOOD Canadian made dining room suite, table and four chairs, table expands to 8 ft. with exten- sion. Must sell. Phone 395- 5224. -9 16666 11666. 6666 ins, 6666 61166 MI6. 6166 16166 4, Articles wanted 6166 6666 6116 Wilt ii616 6166 1616 Willie 6161•• CASH FOR OLD wooden duck decoys. Call 1-416-562- 7086 or write W. Schlotnbs, R. # 1, Jordan, Ontario LOR 150. -09 66166 6666 666-6666 66166 6666 - S. tsars, trucks tor sale 6666 6166 61661 Whii6 111106 6116•-• Win - 1974 FORD Grand Torino Brougham, asking 51,000.00. Phone 395-5397. -9 1977 GMC 'A ton, safety checked, 350 automatic, power steering, power brak- es; sliding rear window, 16" tit -es, 6 ply, wooden floor in box, 53,500.00. Phone 529- 7890. -9nx Need a second car for those "running around" duties? 61166 6166 611166. 6616 ��_ 7. Real estate for sae 1166. 61116 66116 6116. -1666- 1161166 1111116 11666 ERNEST S. MARTIN REAL ESTATE AMBERLEY Approximately 1300 serve including hug operation. Dove Fervid 439.2600 6794727 ... 9. Accom. to rent ONE BEDROOM apartnrci,t, heated, good parking. Phone 528-2113. -7tf it HOUSE AND BARN near Kinlough, available Febru- ary 1. Phone 529-7350. -9 ONE AND TWObedroom apartments in Lucknow, Glenhaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after .six p. m. -Ulf ONE BEDROOM apartment, Main Street, Lucknovt , $150.00 mongh. Phone 528- 3821. -9,10ar For Rent 150 acres, all ploughed: tiled who re needed; 4 miles north of Kinloss. Phone 395.3320 11. Room and board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE Private rooms, meals, 24 hour supervision, etc. For serior citizens and retirees. Dorothy Fattish, R. # 3, Lucknow, 395-5283. -3tf WOULD YOU LIKE to earn fifty to one hundred dollars per week displaying and sel- ling top quality fashion jew- ellery on the home party system. Car is essential. For more information please write Van*ssa Creations, 220 Bayview Drive, X11 -C Barrie, Ontario L4N 4Y8. -09 FULL TIME, responsible babysitter for two preschool children in my home in Ash- field Township. References required. Apply in writing including phone number to Box "D", c/o The Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. -8 NEED A JOB? Don't com- plain . about a lack of work or money. do something about it. If you are 18 or over, call 519-986-2673. -9x BECOME A Professional Transport Driver. Call us aw. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Thunder Bay 807-623-8686 Ottawa 613-523-3489 Toronto 416-621-8579 London 519- 432-1726 Cambridge 519- 648-2519. -09 TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS 7e Requires a responsible person to count the dogs in the Township, issue dog licences and tags, and to collect the required Bees. Applications to be in the Clerk's office at Holy - rood by 12 p.m. noon on March 7, 1983. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Kinloss Holyrood, Ontario NOG 280 �--8 gar tt�r-'--�t�-x 14. Employment Wanted 18 YEAR OLD MALE looking for full or part time work. Phone 528-5353. -9 18. Services available t.. "•\ • 6 1...'d.IP" 0a. -16. a•. -.66.• •-6•-.. w. REG BRINDLEY i PLASTERING & STUCCO : CONTRACTOR (drvwaHI i r? 26 Years Experience R. # 6, GODERiCH 529-7472 1 CUSTOM WELDING, port- able and in -shop. Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. St. Helens Mfg., 528-6945. -3tf RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering A vet, Swine. Lamb ny appointment Bron. and Fri. 395-29050r 395-2979 evenings PRODU-CTiON SALE ot POLLED HEREFORD CATTLE tor BRIAN RINTOUL 519-357-2349 Sale to be held at Car- ' son's Sales Arena 1 Mile East et Listowel on RiithwaY March at 1 r00 p.m. SELLING: 32 cows which are bred to Dormak 238 Banner 7L grandson et Justtamere Banner 4 bred heifers bred to Verlou pacesetter 12N Cows and heifers are due In April anrd May 20 1982 heifer calves 10 1982 bull calves THIS IS A FREE LISTED HERD Also Selling: 2 donkeys used tor halter breaking 3 vr. old gelding and a 4 yr. old Jenny PLAN TO ATTEND CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer and Sales Manager: DAVID CARSON R, R. 3, Listowel 519-291-2049 -9 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment sale, Norwich, Ontario Fri- day, March 11, 1983, 10 a.m. (sales conducted second Fri- day each month). Apprrox- imately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. -09 WANTED CONSIGN'4ENTS for our Spring Auction at Orval McLean Auction Cen- tre, Lindsay. Tractors, farm machinery, tools, camping equipment, trucks, cars, also quality furniture, antiques. To consign call Barn 705-324- 2783. -09 18. Services available GET -OFF -OIL Install - Electric Heating Ceiling Paddle Fans Room to Room Fang, Electric Dryer Heat-reclaimers BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor 23 Years Electrical Heating Experience • Appliances • 357-2450 Wingham 18. Services available 18. Services available DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley.-9tfar- AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Baliagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 LUCKNOW TAXI Owner/Operator James Sterner Delivery Service; reasonable rates; local and long distance trips; filly insured. 528-3116 -50tfar INCOME TAX RETURNS Personal, Farm, Business Georgian College Tax Course Simple Returns, 515.00 JANE CERE, 528-6945 -8tf 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of DAVID LORNE FARRISH, late of the Village of Luck - now, in the County of Bruce, Retired, and Province of Ontario, Deceased: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the late DAVID LORNE FARRISH are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solic- itor, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, on or before the 8th day of March, 1983. and that after such date the' Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 8th day of February, 1983. MR. JOHN T. GOODALL Solicitor for the Estate of DAVID LORNE FARRISH -7,8,9ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate •f WALTER CHARLES COLLINS, late of the Town- ship of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, All person having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased who died on or about February 11, 1983 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before April 4, 198.1. their names and full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will he dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received, Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 23rd day of February. 1983. CRAWFORD, MiLL, DAVIES & ELSTON Barristers Ripley, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. -9,10,11 PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION, Wendy Gerster. 392-8119. -et` HAS THE HIGH COST OF MACHINERY REPAIRS GOT YOU DOWN??? Re- pairs to all makes, models of farm and industrial equip- ment, specializing in repairs to International Harvcstor equipment. Experienced, certified fa -m equipment me- chanic. Reasonable rates. Contact 3. A. Culbert, 529- 7469. --8,9 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the estate of CATHERINE GEORGINA EMERSON late of the Vil- lage of Ripley in the County of Bruce, Widow. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased who died on or about December 9, 1982 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before April 4, 1983, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the saki date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 23rd day of February, 1983. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAViES & ELSTON Barristers Ripley, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. -9,10,11 ar 20. Public notices LOREE'S LADIES WEAR Lucknow will be closed for holidays, March 2 - 12 inclusive. Reopening Monday, March 14. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. -8,9ar OVERNIGHT STEAMBOAT Vacationing - Canada's new- est replica steamship - the elegant Canadian Empress. Calm water cruising on the mighty St. Lawrence River through the heart of the most beautiful scenery in Central Canada. 3 to 7 day cruises available. Contact your travel professional or DIAL -A - BROCHURE toll free 1-800- 267-0960. -09 HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PiANO! New home study course. Fast. 'Easy, method. Guaranteed. For FREE infor- mation, write Studio CO228 Russell & Associates, 10060 - 102 Ave., Ft. St John, B.C. VIJ 2E2. -09 SKATING CANCELLED. Figure skating lessons will he cancelled Saturday, March 5 because the ice is rented to the Lucknow Flea Hockey Tournament. Skating will resume its regular schedule Thur'"day, March 10. -9