The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 12AS. a community news Leeknow naive Skating Club preaented their annual ehtb earnlvat, Saturday evening at the Leeknow Arena. This year's theme, "The llwrrneeand ne" to Idek of larnnbarte depleted L m w'a earl* settlers. The Pioneers Ina number patented by the elementary skater, tin the lett, `Watt awn and Rebel ► Dartphht and the maim** and ienwelrla alae presented by the elementary Motet, bent the lett, Penny folnrea and Andrew dnhnatann. I'Mentlnel Stall' Photo' Ripley Central students study Canada's Inuit Repliers Uwe), Weber, Vi to Plawright Grade 3 and 4 concluded their studies of. the Canadian Inuit people by invitim the Grade 2 and 3 class to their ppto�rtable where they showed the many various Items they made about the Inuit, Some pupils had used soap to make carvings of annuals and dog sled,#, There were many sleds made from toothpicks and popsicle sticks, Some pupils used cloth or paper with popsicle sticks to make kayaks and houses. Some children displa.� Eskimo dolls they tad brought. Altogether, thieve mete more than 35 items displayed. Science Pair On `I'hors, Iced. 24, l ipley- Huron Central School held its Science Pair. The following were the winners: `Cutritr to page 16' tm % vrnw Sevit1met, Wv ea y, March 2, 1010- -No 12 Heritage Harbingers bold Valentine party 1l l*a Wlllldina The Heritage Harbingers held their Valentine's bay Party at the home of tonna Arnold on thursdav, Ieb- wary 1 ,, at ".b'0 p.m. The food was Raid out buffet style and all but two members \Vere present, with guests. the menu consisted of Antipasto brought by Liz Wilkins; .lainaicAn Meat Pat- ties prepared by Gayle Mac- Kenzie and Mavtne Wilkins; Cabbage Salad brought by Jan Gibson; Irish Soda Bread made by Christine Simpson; Cheeses brought by Christ- ina R=arrish; Strawberry Milk- shakes made by Heidi !ill- anere; +Greekstyhe Apple pie made by Charlene plphick; Peach t(uchen prepat ed by Janet Wilkins and Ginger- bread made by donna Arnold were for dessert. Atter this fantastic and filling meal, the games were conducted by Gayle Mac- RCenzie and Heidi illmrore. They were: Guess Candy Hearts in Jar, Number of Items in Purse, and Spin the getup Charades. The fun Was all wrapped up with Heidi Pillmon giving her speech on "Thenars" . the final meeting was scheduled for the following Saturday and the party end- ed with thanks going to Donna Arnold for the use of her house. The final meeting of the 1ieritage Harbingers` 4-11 Club was held at the home of Mayne Wilkins on C;ebruary 19. The roll call, Name a new food or spice that you learned pro like during the project, was answered. The members discussed the skit for Achievement bay and Gayle MacKenzie, Janet Wilkins, Heidi Villmore and Liz Wi4k- ins were chosen too draft the skit. The members played R c,u- lett Review and ‘xere remind- ed that the books are to be handed in at the wort meet- ing on March 23. CONGRATULATIONS to Dougios Tiffln O. 14 -it L UCKNO W SCO-OPiERA LIVE tor his regent win of a 4 -qday trip for two to Las Vegas. The trip was awarded to Doug for gaining more than 50 new home heating customers over this winter season. Spm Thanks goes out to Doug's customers and he looks forward to serving you in the future, Doug leaves for his trip April 13, 1 WI, Lucknow Coop laknow 5294953 • v:444444 - h --.., '1/4 1 ' \\\ i. A At, ':,,''''.:kt' ,,,,.,„,„ ,1/4„1:14 ir ititilitrtit kk .1h: it,t4 k1/4., 4,4, 1 +'i�iy'�itl ....„4 ,1/4,.), t,Ftt.t ' .bb•.b' Oititii h'.••bh ISM .:.:..:.: ,444444 E H RS BULK FOOD SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE IN STORES AS SHOWN MARCH 2 THRU MARCH S elftlimsimmwirommimmiummemosimmilmiTh PS4 TORTILLA CHIPS 1.71.. SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: liskawmiemnimeamwamdwaraiN SPE_C.1 A6 TEA BISCUIT MIX 1.74Kg. 71°. zehrs fine rrt, chefs... of floe ids Emu. AL ONION SALT 2�Y K9. !8°.b E SPECIAL BLANCHED PEANUTS 2.iS'Ng 99°.b. ZEHRS NO. 8 HIGHWAY GODERICH, ONTARIO 61