The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 7Whitechurch news Warsaw Seetiael, Wednesday, MIMI 2, lile3—Page a Whitechurch woman sights first spring robin Valetta Emerson Even the birds are enjoy- ing this weather as when Mrs. Alice Moore on Tues- day last was nearing the rest- aurant she heard a robin singing and she stopped and could see it in the tree nearby. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Frank, Jamie and Robbie of Tees - water were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson. Mr, and Mrs. Kirk Bee- croft, Angela, Jennifer and Janice of Exeter visited Sunday with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen. Other visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon and Brad- ley of Brodhagen and Ken Sinnamon of Wingham and Hugh Sinnamon of White- church. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glover of Sarnia were Sunday visit- ors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan. On Wednesday evening representatives of a store from Hanover were at Mrs. Wallace Milligan's and set up a display of ready made large size dresses. There was a group of around 35 present to try on these dresses. On Wednesday Pat Don- nelly, Angela and Jill of Toronto visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin were in London at Victoria Hospital on Sunday to visit with his mother, Viola Irwin. Bantams lose series By George Gibson The Bantams would like to thank the large number of fans who turned out for their series with Teeswater. Un- fortunately, the team was not able to extend the series, as Teeswater skated to a 4 - 2 win and the W.O.A.A. championship. The game opened quickly with good end to end action but Teeswater players were able to finish plays to prod- uce goals. Midway in the first, Teeswater took a 1 - 0 lead and late in the first, made it 2 - 0 before Lucknow got on track. Early in the second, Chris Collyer broke the egg on a play from Scott Hackett and Donnie Murray. Less than two minutes later, Dan Gil- christ scored from Chris Irwin to tie the score at 2 - 2. However, this was the best the locals could do, as a series of penalties kept the team off balance at critical stages for the rest of the game. Teeswater completed their scoring with two power play goals in the second period. Although the final frame was exciting hockey and, Lucknow players had good scoring chances, Lady Luck was not with them. Our con- gratulations to the Teeswater team. We wish you good luck in the O.M.H.A. play downs. Ripley District students discuss school closing BY JOE NUGENT A group of R.D.S. students eonrerned about the talk of R.D.S. closing met last Fri- day to discuss the situation and prepared a presentation for the -committee's meeting. Students at this meeting feel that KDSS is overcrowd- ed as is and could not handle an extra hundred Ripley students. Many felt that their schooling would lose the personal touch that they are used to, RDS is an important part of the community and Ripley wouldn't be the same without it. Last Thursday RDS was visited by Constable Don who showed a film and spoke to the students about van- dalism. The grade 11 and 12 i ttys. Ed. classes ended their curl- ing lessons with a fun spiel last Friday. Top scorers were 011ie Liddle and Leah Coulbeck. In 13IA curling, the Ripley boys team defeated Sacred Heart 7-5 in their first game. In their next games, the boys lost to Kincardine and then to Chesley. Suspended from hockey... *from page 6 not allowed to play in a lesser league outside his designated area even with a release. ?) if a boy is suspended for something beyond his control, he is not allowed to associate with his former team mates in any form of organized hockey associated with the O.M.H.A. - be it practice or visiting in the dressing room. The boys want ice time, but cannot get it. P.S. The Head of any minor hockey association should be someone with the boys' interests at heart and should not be able to hide behind the cover of a rule book. He should keep in the forefront of his mind that he is dealing with kids and not adults and that the development of hockey players as good sports is pertinent. EVERY SITUATION SHOULD BE JUDGED ON iTS OWN MERITS. Len Blacklock Jim Moore R. E. "Bob" Stock. A birthday party to cele- brate Timmy Falconer's, Norma Falconer's and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin's birthdays was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Man Falconer, Timmy, Tony and Amy, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Cassie Mowbray. To celebrate birthdays Mr, and Mrs. Orland Irwin, Don- ald and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet, Kimberley and Don Nichol- son of Blyth were Sunday =evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton, Lynn and Anne of Ashfield. Cathy Purdon of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar - Leisure Life... Designed to promote and enhance tourism in Southwestern, Ontario. Bring tourists to your door by joining the magazine tourists won't want to be without. chis Purdon and on the return trip she was accom- panied by Mr. Rod Lamb, student preacher and other visitors returning to Toronto. On Sunday, February 27, Jack Whytock had charge of the service at the United Church and on Sunday, March 6, Rev. Gordon Pickell of Goderich will be in charge of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Millan of Sarnia and her mother, Isobel Tiffin of Luck - now, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scholtz of Wingham visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Du- charme of Goderich visited on Tuesday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. An error was made in last week's news when it was stated - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul had visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bradley Speiran and Susan of Brus- sels. It shoid have been Sara, instead of Susan. We hope this error caused no conflc- sion for anyone, Gertrude Tiffin of Wing - ham arrived home on Friday night from Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Ted McClen- a'ghan of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mildred Me- Clenaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsvitle visited a few days last week with Mrs. Mary McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs, Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rin- toul attended the skating carnival at Lucknow on Sat- urday night. In the beginners class Kevin Rintoul and Stuart Rintoul were dressed as cowboys and Susan Bie- man was dressed as a cowgirl. Steven and Scott Rintoul were dressed as rail- road men and Blair Bieman as a pioneer. They were all very entertaining in their skating and lovely outfits. White churreb 441 The third meeting of Whitechurch 4-H club was held at Mrs. Walter Elliott's on February 5, Six answered the roll call, A food custom which our family used from their coun- try of origin. Mrs, Elliott demonstrated Turn to page 9 Tourism sa illion $ do stry 1 n Soath western Ontario Consider Leisure Life Is a travel guide in magazine form. It's purpose: to provide a comprehensive guide to the leisure activities...the good !Ile of Southwestern On• tarso. It will provide our visitors with interesting features about our area, holiday highlights, maps, community guides, special events, and other desired information. Leisure Life will have a total circulation of 40,000. Leisure Life is the product of a long established publishing company, staffed by people with a keen interest in complementing and con• tributing to tourism in South- western Ontario. Don't play hide and seek with people who come here willing to spend money and have fun. With Leisure Life you can join the geographic area of which you are a part. adding to the drawing power of your region. If you want tourism dollars, we can help you. Leisure Life's Spring Summer issue will reach tourists from May to September, from Stratford in the east, to Lake Huron in the west, to Georgian Bay in the north, to Lake Erie in the South and all points and major centres In between. We're distributing our magazines in the right places, too • hotels and motels, tourist information centres, cam pgrounds and resorts, restaurants, stores and shops, US/Canadian border crossing, Canadian and American Automobile Clubs and Travel Agencies • wherever travellers and day trippers frequent. Call Now To Reserve Space (519) 528.2822 EISIJRE IIFE Published by SIGNAL STAR PUBLISHING LTD Goderich, Ontario