The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 5community news Lucknew Sentinel, Wednesday , March 2, 1983 --Page S Si. Helens woman attends funeral By Kathryn 'NM Isobel Miller returned home from Chicago flowing a Memorial service ttor her cousin, Florence Stewart. Miss Stewart passed away on February 19, 1983, Helen Todd was unable to attend the service due to illness. M. and Mrs. George Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Todd returned home from the Good Roads Con- vention in Toronto on Wed- nesday. A few crows have been spotted in the area. The warm Avather leads you to believe that spring is already here. Early Sunday morning Bill Shetler spotted a fire in the milk truck at Don Taylor's. The fire department was called to assist in putting out the blaze. Extensive damage was done to the cab of the truck. Fortunately the sparks did not fry to the frame building nearby. The vehicle was towed away latter in the day. intended for last week A dinner party was held to honour Brad Aitchison on his birthday on Sunday, Febru- ary 20. His fancily and friends helped him celebrate. Purple Grove folk visit in Wiarton Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Thompson, Mary Stewart of Purple Grove visited in Wiarton on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gulliver. Gladys Arnold visited in Hanover on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Aikens were dinner guests with Harvie and Wilda Thompson. Katherine Collins had as her dinner guests on Monday evening Jim and Isabel Brook, Rossie Willetts, Howard and Marj. Thomp- son, Marj, Reid and Marg McGonegal, Nancy King, Stephanie, Anneeta and Jennifer of Teeswater visited with Har- vie and Wilda Thompson on Friday. Gladys Arnold and Isabel Brook visited on Friday with Donalda MacDonald of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Thompson spent the weekend in Torontovisiting with Wray and Linda Thompson, Roy and Doris McGregor and t ieo and Joan Richard, Oshawa. Catherine Scott spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Watke, Angela and Bruce at Hanover. Howard and Marjorie Thompson spent the weekend out at the farm with their son Bert. Purple Grove W.I. meeting will be held Wednes- day evening at 8 o'clock in the Purple Grove Communi- ty Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lochhead and Shauna visited on Friday with Mrs. Kay Collins. Get well wishes go to Margaret Robertson and William Robert Lowry, who are patients in University Hospital London. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton and Tammy, Mrs. Geo King visited in Wiarton on Satur- day with Mrs. Stuart Couch, Mr. Elgin Hepburn and Mr. and Mrs. Howard King. bowling Y.B.C. Bowling High scorers: Lisa Mac- Donald 109, 243; Tracy Liv- ingston 145, 423; Scott Allen 170, 457; Tim Becker 169, 466. Standings: Allis Chambers 5, 1231/2; Massey Fergusons 10. 172; Fords 6, 1571/2; Internationals 9, 146. Ladies 8:00 O'clock Crocus 5, 80; Snow Drops 21/2, 541/2; Iris 2: 71; Hya- cinths 4, 69; Tulips 41/2, 771/2; Daffodils 3, 68. Congratulations go to the Crocus for being this years season champs. Captain Shirley Allan. Team mem- bers Joanne Searle, June Bremner, Marilyn Moffat, Anne McDonald, Marjorie Sackrider, Rose Broome, Marie Ualdenby. Ladies high single. Wilma Elliott 229, Ladies high triple, Anne MLDonald 560. Town and Country Joan Robinson had high single for the ladies with 172. The high double was Anna Johnstone with 304. Len MacDonald howled high for the men with single of 233 and double of 382. Team standings: Greens 57, Oranges 55, Yellows 52, Reds 45, Blues 44, Violets 32. Men's Bowling High single, Clarence Greer 277. High triple, Clarence Greer 641. Games over 225: Clarence Greer 277, Ray Cranston 265, Eric Taylor 251, George Stanley 249, Gerry Ross 241. Standings: Oldsmobiles 3, 74; Fords 2, 861/2; Mustangs 5, 102; Dodges 5, 781/2; Pontiacs 2, S0; Buicks 4, 71. Lucknow - Dungannon Men's high single, Bill Stewart 254. Men's high triple, Bill Stewart 747. Ladies high single, Jackie McNay 238. Ladies high triple, Linda Stanley 547. Standings: Chipmunks 10, 181: Gophers 4, 158; Squir- rels 9, 192; Kangaroos 8, 187: Tigers 14, 182. Ladies 6130 P.M. Kay Crawford bowled the high single with a 305. Kay Crawford bowled the high triple with a 663. Games of 200 and over: Marion MacKinnon 215, Kay Crawford 305. Jean Phillips 248, Lisa Cunningham 206, Mary Lou Ravnard 231, Grace Elliott 200. Blanche Hamilton 234. 1 cam points and stand- ings: Bears 2. 921/2; Lions 5. 92; Elephants 2, 83; Tigers 5, 82: Giraffes 5, 791/2: Mon- keys 2. 75. Tammy and Deon Doupe Millarton spent the weekend with. Morley and Deanna Scott, Sandra Forster and Fran Farrell enjoyed a bus trip to Hamilton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrell and Ada Farrell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colwell at Kinloss. .,;easy.;: • ::.::: ) f4,�": Winners in the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 309, Lucknow public speaking contest held Friday night at the Lucknow [legion Hall are from the left, Wendy Mlltenburg, third, junior division, Kingsbridge Community School; Heather Steer, first, junior division, Lucknow Central Public School; Bonnie Henderson, third, senior division, Brookside Public School; Ken Strong, second, junior division, Brookside Public School; Cindy Strummers, second, senior division, Lucknow central Public School and Heidi Fillmore, first, senior division, Brookside Public School, CSentinel Stall Photo) Saar 'r'" -..' A.. - y -- w C GREAT NEWS OUR FARM PROGRESS '83 SPECIAL EDITION 1s coming MARCH 16th This special publication will appear in Lucknow, Wingham, Clinton, Kincardine and ©od•rich areas. Don't waft - give Tom Thompson a caltat 624-8331, or Pat Livingston at 628-2822 - Today. Deadline for advertising Is March 10, 1083. LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCK NOW 428-2832 a gifts a&