The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 4community news Celebrates 93rd birt By May Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Donald of here and her father, Joseph Guest of Brucelea Haven, Walkerton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloomfield of Eden Grove on Friday to celebrate Mr. Guest's 93rd birthday. We send congratulations. Mrs. Charlie Murray from the Holyraood Women's In- situte and Mrs. Glen Hal- denby from Silver Lake W.I. attended the Rural Seminar for vital people to bring back new ideas and ways of interesting other women in the neighbourhood to be In- stitute members. Mrs. John Barr, Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Barr of here, Margaret Bushell of Goder- ich and Donald Barr of Waterloo were dinner guests on Sunday Last with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell visited at Bracebridge with Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nielson and Matthew. Agnes Hodgins visited on Thursday afternoon with Ed- na and May Boyle. Norma Coutts of Wingham spent this week at the same home. The Women's Institute card party was held at the Township hall at Holyrood on Wednesday evening last, when a nice social time was enjoyed. Prize winners were, highest scores, Mrs. Alex Percy and David Elliott; lucky prizes, Mrs. Weir Eck- enswiller and Ellwood El- liott. LeAnne Haldenby was home from Western Univer- sity, London for a study week. Visitors during the week with Arthur Haldenby were the Reverend and Mrs. Allan Haldenby of New Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiteside of Toronto and Harry Wall of Lucknow, Slo-pitch team plans bake sale *item pmt 2 Books of the Bible. The child- ren's story was about St. David of Wales. The Wednesday evening Discussion Group continues during Lent. This week's topic is music. Nile Ladies Slow Pitch is having a Garage: and Bake Sale on March 3 in Nile Church basement, donations are welcome. Dungannon U.C.W. The Dungannon U.C.W. held their February meeting at the home of Helen Dawson with 13 ladies present. Gloria Pearson was in charge of the devotional which included readings, Prayer Brings Goodness, and May the Christ Who Walks on Wounded Feet. The roll call was answered by, What we do about the February Blues. The ladies will attend the World Day of Prayer on March 4 at Christ Church, Port Albert. Jean Errington has pieced and tied a quilt from pieces donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kay of Dungannon. This quilt is on display at Cora Sherwood's story and is for sale. Plans were discus- sed concerning catering to two weddings. Nora Saund- ers reported an interesting and informative day at Sea - forth Presbyterial. Elsie Irvin gave a humor- ous reading entitled, Friends. The meeting closed with the repeating of the benediction followed by a delicious lunch and a social time. Dungannon 4-11 Angela Glenn read the 4-H report of last week. The roll call was, Does your family keep food customs from their ancestor's country of origin? The members made Breaded Pork Chops with Cherry Sauce and Vegetable and Macaroni Casserole and Plum Dumpling. The girls sampled Eastern European food. Now In Stock A SHIPMENT OF FIBRE THERM [Blow In] Cellulose Insulation CLEAN, AND EASY TO INSTALL VERY ECONOMICAL FIRE RETARDANT NON-TOXIC CMHC APPROVAL Insulate Now For Year Round Comfort A BLOWER IS AVAILABLE FOR INSTALLATION HENDERSON carL'. BUILDING CENTRE JOHN W. HENDERSON LTD. LUCKNOW OUT BUSINESS HOURS MON. TO FR1. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SAT. 8 a.m. TO NOON Lowbrow Sentinel, Wedeesd* , March 2, 1983-1? 4 The railhead played an Important role in Lucknow's early history as depicted in this number from the Lucknow Figure Skating Club's carnival, "The Homecoming" presented at the Lucknow Arena Saturday evening. From the left are the junior skaters Scott Rantoul, Steven Rantoul, Erie McDougall, Jennifer Porter, Kent Rieman, Heather Alton and Erie Andrew. [Sentinel Stuff Photo -> LICEO THE TRE Jc, Phone 357 1630 for 24 hour movie LAST TWO DAYS FOR THIS COPS AND ROB ACTION PACKED THRILLER WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCS tad and 3rd • In oro atlon PLAYING FRIDAY to THURSDAY, MARCH 4th to' 10th SNOWTIMES: FRIDAY sad SATURDAY , at l and 9 p..m. SUNDAY to THURSDAY at $ p.m. ONLY BE SURE NOT TO MISS THIS HILARIOUS COMEDY RICHARD PRYOR jAC1 IE GLEASON NOMINATED 101 S ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING PAUL NEWMAN FOR BEST ACTOR BEST PICTURE BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST SCREW PLAY COMING TO THE LYCEUM FRIDAY, MARCH 11th THE VERDICT �► *ccoi►aaa»>Itat 4 + 1\ 11141 1.11 kw I .1111,.1111 1] 1111 h:'.'.. ul 111"1111111111.1\1".111\ 1111•'.1411 1N' ..11111.11 111 1 i+ t.,11 Ih1 11111.1 11nt1 11:1v1n: rltl 111 .1!I 1>n h.1111 1`1Nu1 Prices in effect till March 5, 1983 Ground$14 BULK 90 Beef 10 LB. BAG BEEF Sides Si 55 LB. • LB $139 $189 LB. • Patties 10 LB. BAG $14 90 Front • QUARTERS 10 LB, $ 90 Hind g Sausa a BAG • FRESH FARMERS QUARTERS KILLING: TUES. - PIGS THURS, BEEF - LAMBS Button's Meat Market LUCKNOW 528-3009