The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 2news Meads and relatives called at PI a crest Manor Nursing Hsuse on Saturday, Eebrnrry 26 From 2.4 p.m. to wish Mn. Elisabeth Ferguson best wishes en her 90th birthday. A decorated birthdsty cake and pink candles centred the ten table. At one end of the table was a beaatlf d pink and white rose anangentent. The small tea tables were decorated with white and pink estimations. Mrs. Ferguson's nieces and Meads served. Brookside Broadcast By Nancy Bunter and Christina Fairish On February 18 Brookside girls played their first game of Intramural Ringette. Scor- ing for Smitty's Smackers were Christina Parrish and Sheri Smyth, Scoring for Donna's Dynamites were Heather Ohm and Heather Storey. A few people in the school received good writing awards recently. The winners last week were Kevin Battler, Cathy Selent, Heather Stor- ey, Jeff Storey, Karen Bak- ker, Jeff Taylor, and Jodi Weaver. Some people receiv- ed improved Writing awards • James Menary, Terry Liv- ingston, Julie Pentland, Marty Rivett'; Jason Camer- on, Deanna Greene, Karen Binder, Penny Holmes and Richard Sinclair. The junior girls hockey team from Brookside played against Ripley in Ripley. Brookside won 4 - 0. Scoring goals were Nancy Hunter with a hat trick (3) and Christina Farrish scoring the opening goal. Laurie Pent- land got her first shut out ever. Congratulations, girls) Mrs, Tebbutt's grade 3 and 4 and Mrs, Carroll's class ent to CKNX on Mon- day morning. They had a tour of the radio and T,V, studios. The children enjoy- ed seeing themselves on closed circuit T.V, Friday, February 25 was a Professional Development day. The teachers had an agenda of meetings, presen- tations and lesson planning time, Some students went skat- ing on Thursday afternoon from 2.00 - 3.00 p.m. at Lucknow Arena. The library assistants are selling badges in order to raise money for the library. Visit grandparents By Marie Park Jackie and Jodi Pearson of Goderich spent the weekend with their grandparents, Nels and Gloria Pearson. Betty and Fred Stirling, Darlene and Harold of Tham- esville visited on the week- end with Betty's mother, Mrs. Robert Irvin. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mac- Donald of Ottawa Jsited on the weekend with his moth- er, Lil MacDpnald. On Satur- day evening, Bill and Cora Caesar of Goderich also visited. On Tuesday of last week Lil's brother-in-law, Albert McLinchey of Ottawa, visited with her. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas and Jennifer of Bolton visited over the weekend with Hazel Webster. Ken and Sandra Davidson. Scot, Laura and Matthew of Port Lambton, spent the weekend with Jim and Marg- aret Errington. Audrey Dale Of Seaforth visited on Sun- day. Mr. arrd Mrs. Harry Tides - well and Olive Baxter of Goderich visited on Monday with Mrs. Tom Park. Dungannon United Church Rev. Roberts preached an interesting sermon the story of how Jesus drove the evil spirits from the man posses- sed and sent them into a herd of swine. The choir sang, Four Turn to page 4d !mow Seng, Wim, Mani' 2, l963--Pa*e 2 Church board sets anniversary date *Bell Hammett The Official Board of Trin- ity -St, Helens pastoral charge met at Calvin United church, St, Helens on Sun- day evening. Rev. Scott was chairman for the meeting and Rev. Roberts, supervis- ing minister, was present, The church holidays in 1983 will be July 3 and 10 and August 28 and September 4. Trinity anniversary will be May IS, The Trinity U.C.W. have been preparing for the World Day of Prayer program, which they will host in Lulcknow this Friday. Phil and Gerry McCann, Michael, Patrick and Brian spent the weekend in London with Phil's parents, Joe and Uva McCann, who were ceie- brating their SOth wedding anniversary. They all attend- ed a special Mass on Satur- day morning for the couple and on Sunday they had an open house for their many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCann have four sons, Gerald of London, Charles of Lambeth, John of Delaware and Phil of Luck - now. Don and Sherry Alton, Jim Nelson and Allan and Marg- aret Hackett attended from this area. Bernard and Brenda Campbell, Michael, Alicia, and Sara and his mother, Winnie Campbell visited with Billy and Billyanna Campbell of Galt on Sunday and attended the baptism of her great granddaughter, Belinda Ardis Campbell. On Saturday, Winnie helped lit- tle Sara Campbell celebrate her second birthday at, a party at Bernard and Bren- da's home. Freda Broome spent the weekend at her home here. Freda is a patient at Wing - ham and District Hospital and we all send get well wishes to you, Freda. Suzanne Andrew spent a week visiting with her sister, Jane Needham of Vancouver, B.C. They had lunch one day with their cousin, Barbara and her husband, Vern Saar, of Vancouver Island, They also enjoyed a visit with Mary Anne Alton, of Van- couver. Congratulations to the Fig- ure Skaters from this com- munity, who took part in the carnival on Saturday night, Rev. Albert Cook and Mrs. Cook of Burk's Falls visited recently with Larry and Katy Hackett, Stuart and Jacque- line. Trinity 44111 By Brenda Hackett The second meeting of the Trinity 4-H group was held on February 19 at Mrs, Hazel Hackett's home. The meet- ing opened with eight girls answering the roll call, Have you ever eaten any German or Mennonite desserts? De- scribe. The recipes for the meet- ing were prepared and they discussed the home assign- ment naming the spices and herbs and their form, The members and leaders took turns reading about food customs of Germany, Neth - Turn to page 9• Alt Prices Reduced on Colour T. V. 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