The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-02-09, Page 13kinlough news Leekwew Seadit el, Wedivettdsky, lAthrirat 1910—P,e 13 Holyrood institute learn to spin and dye wool 8.1P May 80* Mrs. Lorne Eadie was hostess and presided for the February Holyrood W.I. meeting at her home on Thursday \-afternoon, She conducted a song title musi- oat contest. welcome neighbour to Olivet Illy gine McGuire Mr, and Kirs. Ron Mc- Guire, Chris and Scott were supper guests on Sunday evening with M. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and Rob. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van - Sickle and family spent the weekend in Cambridge visit- ing theft families and friends, We welcome Allan Young to our community. He has purchased the mobile home of Mr, and Mrs. Ron Mc- Guire. Dorothy Engel, Janice Murray and Jean Guy of Seaforth spent Thursday ev- ening ' with Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGuire and Rob and also visited Mr, and Mrs. Walter Black, Mrs, Waiter Black visited recently with Mrs, Catherine Reihi of Goderich, Lochalsh lady hosts party By Kae Webster Ruth MacKenzie held a Tupperware party on Friday when she entertained a num- ber of her friends and neighbours. Julie and Michael Mac- Donald, son and daughter of George and Andrea MacDon- ald, spent most of last weekend at the home of Jim MacKenzie with their friends, Mary Ellen, Greg - gory and Keith MacKenzie, while their parents were in Detroit. On Thursday, February 3, Charles and Mayme Wilkins were with Mayme's mother, Stella Irwin of Kinloss to help her celebrate her 82nd birth- day. George and Andrea Mac- Donald were in Detroit on the weekend visiting relatives, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles in Kincardine were Mr, and Mrs, H. D. McTavish of London. Wellington, Kae and Cecil Webster were recent visitors with Mrs. Wynn Gammie of Luck now. Charles and Mayme Wilk- ens visited the other evening with Wellington, Kae and Cecil Webster, Donna Zimmerman of Lon- don visited on the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott con- vened the meeting and intro- duced Mrs. Cecil Sutton, who shaved her hobby, work- ing with wool and natural fibres. She had a table fill of hand knitted sweaters, to- ques, tams and mitts. Mrs. Sutton had washed, dyed and spun the wool for all of the above, She had many skeins of woo to show and explain- ed coarser fibres are best for wall samplers or craft work and Alpaco is a hair fibre which makes a tine yarn suitable for sweaters. Camel down is the inner coat of the camel and very soft. Mohair is Worn the goat family. Flax is made into a linen material, Cashmere blends well with silk, Devon is long wool and wool and linen hair fibre. Virgin wool is the first shear- ing from a youni sheep. Wilma makes up her own dye colours h- wi natural field, garden and roadside weeds and flowers, onion skins, rhubarb leaves and ragweed. All require cream of .tartar with them. Milk- weed pod needs copper sulphate. It was a joy to see with what ease Mrs, Sutton operated the spinning wheel as she explained all about it. She invited all the ladies to her home on March 14 to see natural wool being dyed. Books were available to see what could be used in dyeing and also how to work with wool, It was all most inter- esting, Mrs. Charlie Murray pres- ented Wilma with a gift followed by a round of ap- plause. The roll call, a dairy prod- uct 1 use most, was answered by all present. The secretary - treasurer, Mrs. William MacPherson, read the cor- respondence, the financial statement and the minutes of the last meeting. Miss May Boyle gave the motto, Industry keeps the heart whole, the body heal- thy, and the purse MI. Mrs, Frank Maulden gave a Valentine reading and Mrs, Charlie Murray road a joke from the Reader's Digest. A donation of S2S was made to the Huron County Centre for the Homebound at Wingham. It was reported that the institute's card parties have been quite suoeesstul even- ings. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott thanked the hostess and all who made such an interest- ing afternoon. The pianist and public re- lations officer, Miss Edna Boyle, who has been ill with a virus for the past month, was unable to attend and get well wishes were expressed. We send get well wishes to Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, who entered university Hospital on Sunday for major surgery. Marotta Hodgins of here is at Niagara Falls For the winter and will stay with Ken and the girls, lam. Shelley and .Julie, while their moth- er, Doreen is in London convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and Mr. and Mrs. William MacPherson were dinner guests on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson of Culross. Gertrude Walsh of Kincar- dine visited Tuesday with Mrs. John Ran-. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff John- ston enjoyed their Florida holiday and are glad to be home again, Rev. Philip Ruch's mother, Eloise Ruch, is a patient in McMaster Hospital, Hamil- ton. Ann Ruch has been with her the past two weeks. We send get well wishes. � A NEW way of DRESSING R A M A T 1 c KOREI torte's Desert Knits id LUCKNOW S U looking great .. . looking fashionable .. . wearing your favorites LADIES' WEAR NOTICE: LOFIEE'S WILL BE CLOSEtw1 MONDAY & TUESDA Y, FEBRUARY 14TH & 15TH OPEN WEDNESDAY 10 A. M. 528-3533