The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-02-09, Page 11langside news imielomos Sesabsel, Wednesday, 1183.--lhage 11 Former Langside resident celebrates 98th birthday By Milan Young Congratulations to Alex MacKenzie who celebrated his 98th birthday on Wed- nesday, January 26. A party was held for him at the Copeland Lodge, Wingham, where he now resides. Alex MacKenzie fanned in the Langside area for many years. Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Young and other relatives in the loss of Edna's brother, John Reid of Hensall, who passed away on January 27 in his 63rd year at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. The funeral was held on January 30, Lillian Young and William called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin of Whitechurch last Sunday. Mrs. Tiffin had been a patient in Wingham hos- pital for nearly four weeks and returned home on Fri- day. We wish her continued improvement. An Induction Service was held at the Teeswater Pres- byterian Church Sunday ev- ening, January 30 at 8 o'clock for Rev. Shaw of Sarnia who will now be the minister for Teeswater and Kinlough Presbyterian Chur- ches. Rev. Shaw spent the last two years at Atrikokan near Thunder Bay. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Springer and Russell were Mr, and Mrs. Hobbit theatrical fantasy comes to Blyth The visually stunning Theatre Sans Fils stage ad- aption of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien will fill the stage at Blyth Memorial Hall with colour and fantasy on Thursday, Match 3. Theatre Sans Fils means theatre without strings and the famous Montreal puppet company for adults uses the black light principal and huge puppets manipulated by black -garbed handlers to creat visual effects one thinks of more as part of tele- vision and movies than the stage. The effects allow Tolk- ien's fantasy world to come to life. Bilbo the hobbit was creat- ed by Tolkien in 1937 and in the production takes the audience along on a fabulous adventure in which he be- comes a hero, very much inspite of himself, Like any self respecting hobbit, he would prefer to stay at home in his comfortable hobbit hole, day .dreaming and smoking his pipe. He never in his life dreamed he would get involved in such an amazing adventure. The production features 48 puppets, ranging in size from four to 12 feet high and in style from the most realistic of characters to the most imaginary of beings who haunt the land of the hobbits. The Press of Atlantic City said: "To describe the dram- atic spectacle of The Hobbit in words is nearly impos- sible. Only someone who has seen the intensity of the puppets' battles and the glowing ferociousness of the monsters can truly appre- ciate the effect it has on the audience -- especially an audience attuned to the screen effects of Star Wars," Tickets for The Hobbit, part of the Blyth Centre for the Arts theatre series, are now available from the box office by mail or telephone (on Tuesdays and Wednes- days) at 523-9300 or from the Blyth Saga at 523-4331. BURN WOOD -COAL -OIL DUALPSK SERIES: Hot Water (aOPSIG) Packaged Boilers IC! • Burns Wood, Coal or Oil • Built to the ASMF Boiler Code • Compact • large Grate Area For Rated Output • Proven Design • Automatic Switch Over Between Solid Fuel and Oil • Hand Fired 3.5 BHP 1125,000 BTU/hr output) • larger Sites Available • Also Available r s Solid Fuel Only Units DUAL-AIRE: Combin': tion Forced Warm Air Furnace WA 1 • Burns Wood, Coal, Oil • Automatic Switch Over Between Solid Fuel and Oil • Compact • Unique, Energy Efficient Tubular Heat Exchanger • Rugged Construction • 23 Year Proven Performance • Site : 150,000 BTU/hr output • larger Sites Available • Also Available As Solid Fuel Only Units P.O. Box 70 156 Main St. S. Seaforth. Ont. NOK IWO Tel: 519 527 0600 Telex: 069 55305 QUALIFIES FOR $800.00 GOVERNMENT REBATE INVENTORY REDUCTION REBATE! Make your best deal with your installer, pay for your furnace or boiler by March 31, 1983 and we will send you a cheque. $100.00 DA150, $200.00 DA 250, $200.00 DUK 3.5 Elwyn Dukeshire and Todd of Burlington and visitors the weekend before were Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Coulson and daughter, Janice. Chad Thomas celebrated his seventh birthday on Fri- day after school with a birth- day party when seven little friends rode home with him on the school bus. His grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Thomas of Cambridge were also present. Lillian Young and William visited last Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Lucknow. Congratulations to Curtis Moore and Debbie Horton who won a gold medal1.in the Pairs Novice Dance/at the Canadian Skating Champion- ships in Montreal. Curtis is a grandson of Mrs. Ed Wight - man who was formerly Jean Young of Langside. Word was recently receiv- ed here of the deaths of Ewart Taylor of Regina and Percy Taylor of Shaunavon, Saskatchewan within a few weeks of each other in Janu- ary. The Taylor family lived at Langside when young and attended Langside school. Their sister, Edith was the wife of Graham G. Moffat. They lived in Teeswater for several years. Jean Young and Lillian Young motored to Toronto on Thursday where Jean attend- ed a Home Care meeting and )tire to page 15• WOT No YEARLY MEMBERSHIP FEE: IT'S FREE Our Prices Are Lower Than Most Others. All Our Customers Are Members. It's Free. NO CARDS. NO UP FRONT MONEY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * WEDNESDAY ONLY * * 2FOR1 DAY ADVANCE RESERVATIONS WELCOME Our Prices Are Membership Prices Your Membership Is Free 3 . 50 • 2 VIDEO MOVIES I* r Video Movie Rentals And Soles r •rt.«1.4to 40•�s�iir 'r ;« r sir;;;, ••'*•, • .»:.0:: T�•1.•H •'' MOVIES MONDAY TUESDAY WED. THURSDAY FRIDAY FRI./MON. SAT./MON. 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