The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-01-19, Page 15Weems WOW. WSW, Were. WW2. W.Va. WSW. <SW, Wawa Wawa 31. Cards of thanks Wen. erawae Wear. Marlas IWeas Ifewe. Water. VW.. wear. 32 COMM %) events CRANSTON would like to thank my Laa k now Doctors and manses Ora 2nd floor of Winghana Hospital for the excellent caste I 1,eceived while in hos- pital. I woaald also like to thank all my friends, neigh- bours and relatives who helped out at home while was away and since I've torte Isolate.. Ivan Cranston IGILBER' Thanks to tire laa,ckn w and District Pirie Department for protecting the house and silo amidst the burning ban, A special thinks to passim* driver Laverne Herbaria for waking us asp and all others for their support during and after the fire. Brad and Marty Gilbert and family —3 GRAHAM/THOMPSON Grace Graham and Dorothy Thompson of Brateelea Hav- en, Walkerton, wish to sin- eerely thank all these who have been so kind.in remem- bering them with rands, let- ters, girls and visits during this past year. —3 25. To give away PUPS TO GIVE AWAY Help Brad and Adrian find a home for Grub's springer spaniel puppies, To give away to a gond home, please phone 528-3547, or 528-2104. —2tf 32. Coming events —2,3ar January LEGION DANCE Saturday, January 22 Lucknow Legion Stddon Bros. Orchestra Smorgasbord ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY MEETING Huronia Branch of the Ont- ario Humane Society an- nounce the next general meeting to be held January 26 at the OMAE, 20 King Street, Clinton at 8 p.m. Agenda - election of 1983 officers and applications for agent will be discussed. —3 LEGION MEETING All members of the Lucknow Legion, Branch 309 are re- quested to attend the regular meeting on Tuesday, Janu- ary 25 at 8:00 p.m. —3ar ANNUAL MEETING Dungannon Agricultural Soc- iety will hold their annual meeting, Tuesday, January 25, at the Agricultural Hall. Pot luck supper at 7 p.m. Guest speaker. —3 HEREFORD SHOW Winter Class Hereford show and sale. Show 10 a.m., sale 1 p.m., Thursday, January 27th, 1983 at the Canada Farm Show, CNE grounds, Toronto. Contact: Craig Lym- burner, R. R. 1, Caistor Centre, Ontario, LOR WO. Phone (416) 957-3695. —03 MARCH OF DIMS CANVASS Will be from January 19th to 31st in Lucknow, Dungannon and rural areas. Remember: WE CAN'T HELP WITH- OUT YOUR HELP! —3,4x HOSPITAL A) DAIRY MEETING Auxiliary to Wiangham and Distria Hospital requests all members to attend a meeting on Monday, January 24, at 2 parrs. at the Clinic Buildaarag. Guest speaker, Mr. Joists de Baer, Dior of Purchasing. -3 BUSS ASSOCIATION MEETING Lucknow Business Associa- tion will meet at the Mayfair Raestaura.nt Thursday, Jane - sty 27, 2 p.m, Please try to attend - dise ssing Jamboree —3,4ar Attention Farmers C. anted. SMALL CALVES, prefer Holstein and beet Ron Brooks, 395-5071, —3,4x E. Farm serve KEEP YOUR CA"1TLE free of like, For prompt and ef ie- ient service William E, Cronin, Mildmay, 367.5303, —Itt' BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Hntyrond, phone 395-53+90. We pay immediate top priers for your POOR - DOING, UNTHRIFTY, CRIPPLED OR RECENT- LY INJURED *CAT LE FREE OF DRUGS Cali early as bruises are one of your biggest loss- es. -JOHN ANSEMS- Collect Q74480 Brussels Also Pickup Sat. & Sun- days. BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unioaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey- n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers EARMATiC - Blender Ham- mer Mills,- Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses B & L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Ambertey R. R. N 1, Kincardine Phone 395.5286 CEASSIFIED AOS _ If, PAY Orr' ! . ti Wee. VW.. Warge. aware eralew. mew. warra. Wu.. Caw, warm E. Ferro serves 'caw+ BIB` B® ®mm t = VOW. W t 1 Articles tor sale UNITEII► CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stock yards 'Monts For the strongest market In Ontario and Market information call MIKE FORAN rOn Tuesdays or groups of 5 or more on Thursday's NOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct from the West U.C.O. Livestock Shipper R. R. 2, LIIICIINOW Florae M-5903 Yard 5284119 Stocker Yard 52.2544 NEW VCR Movie Rental Club. WA membership fee entitles you to all movie tapes for 1'2 mular rental rice. Plus every Moro., s. and Wed. Tape rentals only $3.99 and VCR Rsent#ls $5 .t9 d Members only. WEEKEND PACKAGE (Open 9 any three movies ar- ty $13.50 or VCR rental with any three movies only $23.45. ATARI Con iter Game ren- tals $5.95 per day, plus $2.95 per eartrie, per day . Make your TV room an ARCADE'. Call West End Stereo, 51 The Square, Goderich, 524- 9.3441.-3 THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA The Winqham Sales Arena 650 Josephine Street, north end of Wtngbam on Hwy, 4 MS WEEK THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA IS FEATURING Large Liquidation Sole of Table and Clop` Sets. For2Big Days Only Fridoy•Jewry 21 and Sates, January 22. Thousands of dollars worth of solid wood table and chair sets will be offered at great savings, Also a Otte selection of chrome suites and numerous outer pieces of furniture will be on sale, E.G. Mtn. Sugg. Retail Price for Table 414 Choirs x1/49. Our Pry $349. E.G. Chrome Sure Table & 4 Miro Sugg. Retail Price $229. Our Price $99. While atttendtng this 2 day sale be sure to take advantage of our low low pre on bulk coolies, bulk baking goods. Hundreds of items to choose from, N1 Chl efttan red potatoes sold hi SO Ib, bags. Winter clothing and footwear, blue jeans for men, ladies and children. Carpet and no was flooring, used furniture and antiques, new and used guns, ammunition, scopes, traps, hockey sticks, etc. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357.1730 THE PLACE TO GO FOR BiG SAVINGS! Open Monday to Saturday, 9.6 p.m. Fri. nites till 9 p.m. VISA & MASTER CARD ACCEPTED•FREE PARKING THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA How Does Your Sentinel Label Read? Private Land Forests... A Pubk Resource The Ministry of Natural Resources has prepared a discussion paper on private land forests to serve as a basis for a review and revision of orbiting policies and programs. Ail those interested to private land forests, especially landowners, are invited to review the discussion paper. attend a special public meeting, and/or submit written comments to the Ministry. All public Input is welcomed during this time of policy and program revise. Locations and dates of public meetings that will serve residents of the Wingham District ares tel January 26, 1983 (8100 p.m.) )b) January 27, 1983 (6100 p.m.) Ontario Hydro Building 1075 Wellington Road Sarah London, Ontarts Hanover Coliseum 269 7th Avenue Hanover, Ontario Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the discussion paper or other details may contact Marvin Smith, Ministry of Natural Resourced, R. R. N 5, Wingbam, Ontario NOG 2W0 [telephone (519) 357.3131 or 1.800-265-30031. Ministry of Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister Natural W. T. Foster Resources Deputy Minister Ontario lmelcnow Sentinel, Wedteaulay, 3anun 19, 1983—Page 1S Ripley news Four beef farmers in this area were named m the Wingfaam radio resorts last weekend for sh►ping top bots of animals. On Saturday Bruce McCall reporting from the Brussels Sales bare mentioned Dave Eadie and Grant McDonald. In the Sun- day noon report From Toron- to John Elliott and Roy Elliott were named. On Tuesday last week Melissa Middelkamp delivered an account of the December Vesper Service held before Christmas. Every member of the C.G.I.T. was involved and. Shirley Harris played for the` singing of the hymns. Lunch was served afterwards and the girls received com- pliments for which they say "Thanks to All". The money raised goes for C.G.I.T. pur- l. Jean MacDonald of the Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Staff in Lucknow visited last weekend with her sister Noreen MacDonald at their Malcolm Street home in Ripley. The snow tall this past week has been conducive to such pleasurable outdoor ac- tivities as skiing, stmowmobil- ing, tobogganing, snow plow- ing and snow shovelling - what people miss by going youth. John Gamble, president of the Ripley Agricultural Society reminds all the com- mitter in charge of the dif- ferent classes to have the reports ready for the annual meeting next Monday even- ing January 24 and that the meeting is to start at eight. The opening meeting of the Reid's Corners 411 Club was recently held there. It was reported by secretary Barb Scott. After the introduction of members they decided to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Farrell. Then RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Reef, Swine. Lomb ry appointment Mon. and tri. 395.7905 Or 395-3979 evenings they answered the roll call by naming the country of origin of their ancestors. Mrs. Ludwig, a leader, read a section on "Native People and Early Settlers". The leaders divided the club members into four grosaps. Each group then prepared a food - Pumpkin Soup, Scotch or Anglesery Eggs, Irish Soda Bread, and Maple Bak- ed Apples. nye election sof Of- ficers resulted in Barb Scott being elected president and rimer up 1eah Coulbeck be - mg named vice-president. The meeting closed with the members sampling the food which they had just made. The Ripley Boy Scouts held a bottle collection last Saturday. "' RIPLEY BOWLING Bowled on Jan. 14 - Chris Danby -207, Frank Colwell - 213, Bill Tranter-229-229, Theresa Williams -211-244- (637), Shirley Kirkconnetl- 231-244-(G29 ), Lila Tranter- 203, Barry Kirkconne11--203- 219 , Mary Williams -219, Ar- chie Williams -338-(1683), Joan Hartwiek-205- ( ), Willard Williams -209, Linda Dyer -249, Glenn Young -254, Ruby Colwell -212-262-246- (720), Bob Love -203, Barb Smith -232, Kathy Gallant - 227 -2'x+6-200-(703 ), Vern Norman -202, Terry Hunt -217- 202-(615) Tutt to page lb* FREErill FILM SPECIALS Side of Beef 1.39 ib, Hinds 1.63 tb. Front 1.19 ib. Whole or Hall Pills 1.09 1b. Med. Ground Reef or Homemade Sausage 1e lbs. or more 1.49 Ib. Prit*t Include tutting, wrapping & quirk 1r .ting, grecs weight RIPLEY ABATTOIR Ph. 3954905 303-2919 evenings RIPLEY,ONT. The Mon To See Is I NTEE a ,�a.a T 11 3 BEDROOM home, Campbell Strait, Lucknow, modern kitchen, spacious living and dining areas with 2 baths, Ideal family home. Vendor would consider renting. DUNGANNON three bedroom home; kitchen, living - room and dining room; electric heating; everything on one level; approximately ton seers old. Wool retirement home. ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 100 acres cash crop 05 workable. 160 ACRES, Kinloss Twp., 140 workable, 4 bedroom home, beef barn, 2 silos, fell possession, check this farm for value. 176 ACRES, Ashfield Twp., choice cash crop land. FIELD STONE four bedroom home, on approximately 30 acres with 20 workable, large barn and stream, Huron Township. BLAIRS GROVE, large lot, mature trans, servlceid with excellent road and hydro. Member of the Grey Bruce Real Estate Board If you are Interested In buying a home, agricultural land x or selling your property, we will be pleased to assist I I you. Warren & Terry Zinn k:P=14E 52A-7350 R. R. M 2, LUCKNOW t >t? K=a4 l K f