The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-01-19, Page 131 kinlough news Liark ow Sentinel. Why, Ivanain,19, I' 3 --fir 13 Kinlough Anglican Church Women hold annualpot-luck supper py may aloe The Kinloough AI%gtkan Church Women held their annual pot luck dinner on January 13 at the home of Mrs. Roy Collins. After the delicious meal, May Boyle played a number of hymns until the meeting was ready to start. The host- ess presided for the meeting and Mrs. David Hatdenby gave the thought for the New Year. Appreciation was expres- sed to Mrs. Jack Cott for ttofitnlg up alt the table linen after the Christmas supper and also to Mrs. Roy t bilins. Mrs. Delbert ttedl ey and Mrs. Eric Thacker who pre- pared the 1483 programs. Whey are quite nicely done and the three Collins young folks helped to arrange thent into booklet type programs. May Bayle told the story of a loving physician, Let us do goad wherever we have the opportunity. The secretary's report of the December meeting was unavailable as the secretary, Mrs. Ronald Thacker is still a patient in Kincardine Hospital..A carol was signed for her and ail hope she soon feels better. Mrs. Midford % ali gave the etosing prayer from the Living Message and court- esiesf were expressed to the hostess. Ssdnl News Mr. and Mrs. Mac Conley and family entertained their parents, neighbours and friends at a smorgasbord dinner last Sunday at their home coaicessiont 10. Sympathy is extended to Mr. aiwt Mrs. Brian Thomp- son and Brett in the sudden death of their baby, Jason on F.:da‘ . Also sr mpahty to Mr. and Mrs. Dor Bushell tBetty- Ana's parents) and Jason's grandparents. It was a private funeral on Sunday afternoon at the MacKenzie LUCKNOW INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDING (as of Jan, 17i83) , W L T 1 Lucknow Chiefs 14 2 2 30 Kintail hers 10 5 3 23 Holyrood Butchers 7 8 1 15 Port Albert Pirates 6 11 1 13 Ripley Rooters 2 13 1 5 RECENT GAMES: Kintail 3, Holyrood 2; Lacknow 8, Port Albert 1; Port Albert 5, Ripley 4; Kintail 6, Ripley 4; Luciano: IS. Holyrood 5; Port alert 1, Kintail 1; Holyrood Port Albert 1; Lucknow 10, 'Ripley 3. and McCreath Funeral Home, Kincardine. The Women's Institute held their card parte and social evening on Wednes- day a: the hall at Holyrood. Six talo"es were in play and high prizes wcast to Janet Lane and Bob Johnston_ Luck% prizes went to Ron Ro ti and David Elliott. Mrs_ Ronald Thacker re- urned home on Saturday from Kincardine and District Hospital_ Visitors with Mr. and Mrs_ Tom McDonakI were Mr_ and Mrs. Sett Thompson, °Aoss; Mr. and Mrs_ Clare Bushell. Kingarf; Mr_ and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and boys. South Line, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald of here _ Mr . and Mrs. Stewart Lane entertained neighbours and friends wTe)coming Mr. and Mrs. Van Rooy and Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald. both of concession 12. The Van `[toot's are on the former Graham home wit of the village and the MacDonalds on the former Don Dore house. concession 12. Mrs_ Tom McDonald spent a few day's with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Dunedin Bushell, w lisle Edburt was a patient in Kincardine Hospital. Outlaws plan broombull tournament The Lucknow Outlaws played a good defensive game against Glammis Fly- ers on Sunday. It wasn't until the second period that Glant- mis managed to get the ball past the Lucknow goalie, followed by two more. Lucknow started their scoring late in the game, with Lloyd Morrison scoring, assisted by Dave Collins and Dave scored again with three seconds lett in the game. Ken Mewhinney assisted on Dave's goal. leaving the sore 3 - 2. Special mention this week to Mike McDonagh for his goal tending ability. The Outlaws host their second broomball tourna- ment this weekend, starting Friday night at 700 p.m. in the Lucknow • Arena. The Outlaws play their first game at 8.20 against Carttsrite Crusaders. The tournament includes both men's and ladies` teams and runs all weekend. Final games ate Men's ,A championship 1.00 p.m. Sun day; Men's B championship 2.20 p.m. Sunday and Lad- ies' championship 1.40 p.m. Sunday. ZEHRS BULK FOO,D 1 SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE IN STORES AS SHOWN SPECIAL � ASS TD VARIETIES BULK COOKIES 2.18 /Kg. IIlb SPECIAL BULK RASPBERRY JAM 111 /Kg 890 .b Mag. �AVAILAeL o�Il _IN: SPECIAL CALIFORNIA THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS 3.Z8 /Kg. L41b SPECIAL BULK GARLIC SPREAD 3.28 ,«9 L4L. zehrs fine man tats... of fine /'Dads JAN. 19 TIME THRU JAN 25 SPECIAL DRIED BANANA CHIPS 3.51 K9 ,� Ib SPECIAL BULK PARBOILED RICE 1.Y0 rN9. sio lb SPECIAL INSTANT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 3.95 /K9. L71b SPECIAL GROUND BLACK PEPPER 6.59 'Kg. 2.99 �b• 1 ZEHRSNO. 8 HIGHWAY GODERICH, ONTARIO