The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-01-19, Page 4whitechurch news Lockman Sesame, Why, Jusamy 19, 1983—P.ge 4 Boonstras visit friends in Whitechurch By Vaa fit s. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Boon- stra, Juanita and Ruth Ann of Wingham were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ualdrri ks and Juanita and Ruth Ann were callers on Mr_ and Mrs. Victor Emer- son. On Tuesday Russel Proctor returned to Livonia, Michi- gan after spending a few days with Fred Tiffin and relatives here. Owing to Mrs. Jamieson being al on Monday, Faye !wain accompanied her moth- er, Mrs_ to work at Wingham Motel, This community extends their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bevin 'lin, Stephen and Dean on the passing last week of their grandmother, Ethel Stewart of Winngharn. Gertrude Tiffin of Wing - ham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. Symon de Boer of Lucknow spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer. On Friday evening the Youth Group were at the bowling alley in Wingham. Wingham Pro Life The Wingham and area Voice for Life held its mon- thly meeting in Wingham►, Monday„ Jataiary ItO. Chairman John Vanden- Essem opened the meeting pvith prayer. The secretary, Wanda Damsma read the minutes of the last meeting. Richard Campeau gave the treasur- er's report. The Kincardine, Walkerton and Goderich Voice for Life groups have Wined Wingham's group sponsoring T.Y. advertise- ments. The response to these ads has been good. All who are dedicated to respecting human life, should become informed, and also pass on that we are a caring society and will treat everyone with respect and dignity. Trinity UCWnweis Trinity U.C.W. held their first meeting in the New Year on January 13 at the home of Mrs. Alex Hackett. with 17 members attending. Mrs. Ken Alton called the meeting to order by reading a poem, There Is Wisdom. Mrs- Mur- ray Irvin introduced the de- votions, New Year Wishes, and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Greg Blake read the scrip- ture from Psalms and gave the meditation, A Wise Bit of Counsel. Following a hymn, Mrs. Irvin led in prayer. Mrs. Chester Hackett con- ducted the Bible Study from St. Luke, and followed with a questionnaire. Mrs. Ken M - ton led in prayer and Mrs. Blake Alton played a piano solo. The guest speaker was Mrs. Janet Reid. Public Health Nurse, who spoke on, The Rights of Children. The business followed, then the meeting closed with all sing - ,ng. The Lord's My Shep- herd. and prayer. A social hour followed. Announce births ALTON - Mr. and Mrs. Brian Alton are proud parents of a 7 lb. 10 oz. baby boy, born December 25, 1982, at Wing - ham and District Hospital. A wee brother for Eugene and Michael. Proud grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Beninger and Mrs. Mad - line Alton, all of Wingham. PENNINGTON - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pennington. R. 1, Wroxeter are pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter, Angela Marie, 7 lbs. 9 oz., at Wingham and Locals Sandra Henry of Lucknow is the first girl to be named to the Safetay Awareness Team at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham. The team will be competing in Clinton on January 18. Mr. and Mrs. George Col- lins of Wingham, Dean and Kerry Stanley of Ripley and Kerry's friend, Jody, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley on Saturday. Reverend Ken Sweigard and son. Gerrard of Grand Prairie, Alberta visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley. District Hospital on January 6, 1983. A wee sister for Deanna and Andy. Proud grandparents are Evert and Kathleen Pennington, Tees - water. NICHOLSON - Mr. and Mrs. Rae Nicholson of R. 1. Lucknow are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their first child. a son, Curtis Bryan, 5 lbs. 11 oz., at Wingham and District Hos- pital on January 7, 1983. Proud grandparents are Dor- is Mewhinney, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nich- olson, Lucknow. HACKETT - Aaron and Mary (nee Coiling) of Lucknow, wish to announce the birth of their son, Jamie Douglas, born on January 9, 1983 in St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, weighing 3 ib. 4 oz. Brother for Jodi. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett, R. 3 Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coiling, R. 4. Ripley. MORRISON - Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morrison of Colling- wood wish to announce the arrival of their son, Scott Samual, on January 11. 1983. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morrison, of R. R. 1 Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. William Sharp of Collingwood. Mrs. Don Ross and Mrs_ BID Pardon on Monday at- tended the Maitland Ptsby- terial meeting at Si- Andrews Church, Wingham. Ken Sinnamon, Wingham and Hugh Sinnanion were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs_ E. W. Beecroft and Karen. Agnes Farrier returned home on Tuesday from a visit with Olive Gillespie, Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Da and family, La Salle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter El- liott and Karen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart and family of Lambeth, Mr_ and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw and fainly, London and Mr_ and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery and Leslie of Brussels. This community extends their sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs_ Dan Tiffin of Wingham in the passing of her mother, Ethel Stewart of Wiinghana, to Mr. and Mrs_ Douglas Tiffin and family, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Tiffin and family, Joyce Tiffin and Barry Tiffin and Charles St. Pierre of Toronto in the passing of FOR THE BRIDE .Ili ber ATTENDANTS Get die Begone of CUSTOM TAILORING Call Kim At 529-7311 Mso: Maternity Wear CAiildren's Wear, Special Occasion >1 and Casual Wear J their grandmother. The fun- eral was held on Sunday with burial in Wingham Cemet- ery. This community has re- ceivedquite an accumulation of snow and the snowrnobil- ers are enjoying it, as well as the young fry with their sleighs and gliders and hock- ey sticks. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Wingham were Cora Yeo, Southampton; Joyce Tiffin, Barry Tiffin and Charles St. Pierre, all of Toronto. All Tntn to page 11• 1 I 1 1 1 ATION RAE WE PAY Sao .GO TO `St) CPO PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD COWS AND RStENW,T WIJURRICI OR SICK SOWS. COWS , STEERS R HEIFERS_ must et ALIVE i OSUG MEL ANY MAT could be ODSIILY. FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP Wail OUR WINCH COMP rio VEHICLE ColIsct 24 N01lPS A DAT i OATS A wEa (511)412 -tin, or (S11)412-7115 aortae Riley NOrffel BUSINESS Fogs / ■ RUBBER STAMPS ■ PRINTING ■ MAGNETIC SIGNS • ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES PENS • CALENDARS • TRUCK DOOR SIGNS • CAPS 1 MATCHES • KEY TAGS • BOTTLE OPENERS • ETC. 1 i LARRY COWAN, LUCKNOW 528-2730 Montalvo 63 cm (26") Color TV with remote control C57 102 c� Cablemaster" — converterless reception of cable channels D Random and Scan Channel Selection D Acculok" Ouartz Tuning o Tone Control o Deiicratt Cabinet Corsair 48 cm (20") Color TV C58-171 o "Cableguard" helps prevent inter- ference o One -Button Color o Power Guard component protection o Walnut vinyl on durable metal cabinet Voyageur 33 cm (14") Color TV C55-121 ❑ Compact & light ❑ One Button Color ❑ Concealed carrying handle ❑ Walnut woodgrain ❑ Dipole & UHF loop antenna included See them at: Greer T. V. & Electric Locknow Phone 528-3112