The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 621P0N --LSM► Sendai*, Wednesday, Decembei 20, 1978 us•orif • It's Christmas again and time to say how march it means to have the friendship and good will of folks like you. Accept our sincere thanks and warm wishes fora • ,t) Raida G. & E. SALES & SERVICE ELDON MANN • GERALD PRIESTAP May your holidays be wrapped in happiness, engineered for fun and merriment! Expresslng our sincere appreciation for your patronago. MONTGOMERY MOTORS White Gift Sunday at Dungannon BY MARY BERE SOCIAL NEWS • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Curran and family joined other relatives at the home of Linda's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Glousher in Goderich on Sunday for their Christmas gathering. Miss Vicki Beattie of Goder- ich spent part of the weekend with Curran's. Miss Anne, Richardson of London spent the weekend with Sharon and Dave Daw- son and family. Mr. Parkie Wiggins was taken to Wingham Hospital --oi Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. A' Irwin (nee Mary Alton) and boys of Sarnia spent last weekend with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Alton, 10th concession of Ashfield and with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maize on 4th concession. They brought their snow- mobiles and found them use- ful when they got stuck on a lonely sideroad. On Sunday Mrs. Mary Bere held Christmas for her family which has grown to 19., members, with, all present from Toronto, Inglewood, London, Goderich and local- ly. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH The annual White Gift service was held at the United Church on Sunday morning. Sunday School superintendent, Bob McNeil, conducted the first part of the service which included an anthem by the choir, "On a day when men were count- ed"; a choral number by Mrs. Diane Park's primary class'; a joint reading by Bob McNeil- and Wayne Snyder with several members of the Sunday School acting out the parts being read about; to show how the Festival of Lights is observed in differ- ent parts of the world. The children came forward with their White Gifts and any loose offering would be add- ed to their contribution to go to the local Family Services. The session was asked to meet briefly at the close of the service and the Willing Workers invited young and old to the church basement for a time of refreshment and fellowship. The Sunday School's "Birthday Party for Jesus" will be held on Thursday evening in the Sunday School room. A meeting of boys interest- ed in Tyro will be held on Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 27th. Choir practice will be held on Thursday evening and a full attendance is hoped for to 'prepare for Christmas Sunday. On Christmas Eve the film strip, "The Other Wise Man" will be shown in the Sunday . School • room and there will be singing of carols. Everyone is welcome. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH The entire church group met Friday evening in ' the Agricultural Hall for a Christmas Fellowship Sup- per. After the meal Peter Martin led the group in singing Christmas carols. This was followed . by a presentation of slides by Gordon and Ruth Johnston concerning their work with M.C.C. for .. three years in. Jamaica. The Children's Bible Club was held Saturday afternoon at Peter Martin's. The boys worked on a plywood project_ while the girls finished up ood wishes, gratitude... stem right from our hearts and go out to you. ,y' ,f:041 5/^'v ` HANDICRAF1 and FIPOWER SHOP WIngham • - ` `i • • rag dolls which they have been making. A Christmas film strip called, "God's Christmas Gift", was shown, and another chapter of the continuous missionary story "Hayat" was gold by Mrs. Lawrence. On Sunday evening a community Christmas "sing" •was held in the church. The choir from Luck - now Christian Reformed Church was present and sang several numbers. Two mixed quartettes and an octette rendered some beautiful sel- ections. The evening dosed with a light lunch served in the basement of -the church." DUNGANNON U.C.W. The Dungannon U.C.W. held their pot luck dinner on December 12 at 12.30 in the church basement with an attendance of 16 ladies and 1 child: A devotional meeting was conducted by Mrs. Tinie Log- tenberg, Mrs. Amy Wiggins, Mrs. Jean Errington. Mrs.. Debbie Culbert was pianist for the singing of a Christ- mas carol. Roll call was answered with a -report on each member's adopted friend. s. Mrs. Amy Wiggins took the chair for the business part of the meeting which included secretary's report, treasurer's report, corres- pondence. It was decided to give a donation to M & S, also to Board of Stewards. Mrs. Donna Alton gave a report on the many interest- ing activities planned by the program committee during 1978. Mrs. Elsie Irvin report- ed on cards sent during the past year. The motion of the music committee to buy 50 copies of the new hymn books was approved and decision taken to purchase same. Mrs. Jean Errington gave the nominat- ing report which was accept- ed as read. Rev. C. G. Westhaver installed the new slate •of officers as follows: past president, Mrs. Tinie Log- tenberg; president, Mrs. Amy Wiggins; vice presid- ent, Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver; secretary, Mrs. 'ince Logten- berg; assistant sec., Mrs. Jean Errington; treasurer, Mrs. Helen Dawson; commu- nications co-ordinator, Mrs. Mary Bere; cards and in memoriam sec., Mrs. Elsie Irvin; pianist, nominating committee, Mrs. Tinie Logtenberg and Mrs. Bessie McNee; representa- tive to official board, Mrs. Olive Blake; stewardship and finance committee, Mrs. Helen Dawson, and Mrs. Olive Blake; Christian devel- opment, Mrs. Amy Wiggins;-- Mrs. Donna Alton and Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver; leader- ship development, Mrs: Dor- othy Pentland, Mrs. Emily Drennan; World Outreach, Mrs. Marjorie Pentland, Miss Beth McConnell; church 'and society, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Gloria Pear. son, Mrs. Donna Young. The meeting closed with a favourite Christmas song. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST BY JANICE POLLOCK AND MANDY MILLER Brookside School was host to the Free Basketball Throw finals on the 12th of Decem- ber. Jeff Fillmore received a trophy fora coming in first with 11 baskets out of ✓✓15 throws. The students hat came in first from surround- ing schools are to be congrat- ulated also. The Students' Council pro- vided for the film, "Snowball Express" to be shown to the students • on "December 13.` This Walt Disney Production was liked by all. The Brookside Junior Choir sang at the Pinecrest Nursing. Home in Lucknow on Friday to the great enjoy- ment of the residents. This group of children from Grad- es One to Four were trained by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Worsell during Electives per- iods on Friday afternoons flit- the orthe last few weeks. The last electives periods. for this term were held on Friday. On December 13 the senior boys played hockey with the score being Butchers 2 - Flames 1. - The annual Christmas Concert is being held ,,on Tuesday, December ' 19th. The concert dress rehearsal will -be held on Monday, December 18. A number of • residents from the Bluewater Centre, Goderich, will be present for the rehearsal. The Students' Council is sponsoring two puppet plays, "Winnie the Pooh and "The Little Prince" on Wed- nesday, December 20. This is a 'professional group ' from Toronto. Parents are invited to attend. Students' Council is charging a.,nominal fee per person to help defray some of the costs. It is now the time of . year when . Goderich and Wing - ham High Schools present their program to the Grade '8 students. The usual proced- ure is as follows: 1) guidance personnel meet with the students and explain :school courses and procedures. 2) the High Schools hold infor- mation nights for students and parents. 3) the Grade 8 students make their Grade 9 course selections usually in • January. Mr. Scaman, from Goderich District will be at Brookside on Wednesday, December 20 in the morning. Parents are welcome to come to his presentation. Skating has been arranged for all pupils on Friday, December 22 for an hour. A number of teachers will remain at . the school to look after any children who are unable to go skating. Classes resume after the Christmas break on Wednes- day, January 3. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.